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Cheap Yeezy Shoes Replica

Looks Like Yeezy 700: Adidas Streetball

2019.07.25 10:28

In the past two years, Dad Shoes/Sneakers have become popular, but Yeezy 700 is not. The high price of 700 makes many players who can't afford it.

Recently, a new shoe is similar to Yeezy 700 was exposed, which is Adidas Streetball. It does not only look amazing but also equipped with the latest Lightstrike technology. Its price is less than half of Yeezy 700. 

Except for its appearance look like Yeezy 700, its streetball heritage is the main reason why it is such popular. Streetball is belong to the 1990s classic streetball series, but it is perfect to cater to the current retro aesthetic trend and very popular with young people.