APU Beppaper


2019.07.31 13:00



Hello! APU finished final exams and summer vacation has started! 🌻

Now, Spring semester finished, we wrote our thoughts about Beppaper from starting the activities until now!






hi, this is mizuki’s turn,

it passed almost 9 months since we restarted Beppaper. i could do this because of rising number of our articles.

i really enjoyed for interviewing to interesting people and writing articles by our words. there are a lot of things that i want to do as beppaper!

i want to share our articles for many people so we will continue our work during summer vacation too!! please check us☺








Hi! It’s me, Risa!

So before jumping into the summer break, why don’t we look back this half past month!?

This semester has started with the big announcement which Shiho was gonna join us! Since now we got three of us, I feel we finally found our own way to make everything work. And we could revive the “what are you listening to” , which we believe is a pretty big achievement for this semester. Another thing is that I think we did quite great is that we hit right way to express ourselves as the blog which help people connect by introducing other people through our blog.

Especially interview for “what are you listening to”, I found it is fascinating that I can be kind of connected just for a moment by simply asking people walking on the campus with the question “what are you listening?”. People I might never have any chances to talk to if I just stay my comfort zone. For me, it was a special and unique experience!

I’m so excited for what will happen next!

Stay with us during the summer as well🏊♂






Hi! It’s Shiho!

I spent only 2 months as a member of Beppaper. The activities of Beppaper are new things for me!

After I entered to APU, spend every day with classes and assignments without circles. But, I was spoken by my love 2 people and after started Beppaper, my life changed!

Beppaper is very fun for me because I realized that there is a person like this in Beppu, they are doing like this in APU. And every time I find and know new things, it’s stimulating and they makes my thought flexible.

I hope that people who read Beppaper will be able to connect to people and hope that people can enjoy new discoveries throughout the connection with people!



We do our best from now on too, so thank you for your supports!

And, in order to get somebody to know Beppaper more, we are planning to post things that happened in summer break and what kind of people are writing, on Instagram every week! Please check what APU students are doing!