Bug Criminal Case: Pacific Bay full hack tool info Crime Scene Investigation Game how to generate
Criminal Case: Pacific Bay hack generator author Pretty Simple
review: Game is really fun what would make the game more enjoyable is if they took away the additional investigation part it takes almost all of your energy just to complete one star !!! And the Lab results take too long your waiting hours before you can move on in the game . You should be able to get a pet not complete every scene to buy a pet . You should be able to save your energy it’s not fair when you have a full bar of energy and you level up and you don’t get to use that extra energy and you should be able to carry over stars to the next investigation except you half to go back and use them for energy or coins . If they would fix that in the game I would give them five stars ⭐️ thought about quitting the game because of the additional investigation part & not being able to store energy that you don’t use when you level up !! Other than that this game is awesome !!!
4,7 / 5
publish Date: 2017-02-15
Pretty Simple
subtitle: Crime Scene Investigation Game
genres: Puzzle
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