Lahui Mauna Kea Japan

〜 ハワイ 広がる抗議デモ 背景になにが?

2019.08.27 14:51

Japanese National Broadcast NHK news on Mauna

Our team member Kiyomi Mitamura translated whole script to English. 


【Spreading Protest Demonstration in Hawaii, what's behind it ?】

〜 ハワイ 広がる抗議デモ 背景になにが?〜


Hawaii, it’s a major tourist destination for Japanese. Some of you might have been visited for summer vacation. In the capital Honolulu and the other places, large protest demonstrations are held almost every day. The demonstrators claim to protect Maunakea where is a sacred mountain for Native Hawaiians. Bruno Mars, a Singer from Hawaii, and Leonard DiCaprio have expressed to stand together. The protection movement is spreading rapidly. What's happening in Hawaii?




Maunakea is the highest mountain in Hawaii Island, the biggest island of Hawaii. 

On the 4205 meters high top of the mountain, there are 13 telescopes which had been built by various countries. 

It is said that it's one of the most suitable location for astronomical observation because there are many clear day and few atmospheric fluctuation. It's a popular tourist spot of Hawaii where many people come for astronomical observation.



However, the Maunakea access road has been closed for more than 1 month.People are blocking the road to prevent the new telescope construction. More than 30 people had been arrested and the governor of Hawaii had declared a state of emergency. 


The problem is TMT, a new next generation telescope.

Last month (July), the construction was supposed to start.

One of the reason why they build such a mammoth 30 meters telescope which is far more big than the existing telescopes, is for searching the “Second Earth”.

They say they are going to search if there is oxygen or water on the planets outside the solar system.

This international joint project sponsored by five countries including Japan and USA, had been forwarded for 15 years. 

The construction cost would be 180 billion yen.



Tomonori Usuda, the TMT Project Manager of Japan National Astronomical Observatory, says 

“We might be able to find out if the life come into being outside the earth, then it would help us to solve the mystery how the life come into being on the earth.”

The local government also boosted the project positively, because they expect a big ripple effect to the local economy by the TMT construction.

The Mayor of Hawaii island, Harry Kim hope that,

“If we could make TMT project forward, it would be a big chance of economic development for Hawaii.”



It’s Native Hawaiians who are taking the initiative to protest the TMT construction.

One of the leader, Kumu Kekuhi Kealy Kanakaole, 52 years old, says Maunakea is the most important sacred place for Native Hawaiians who respect Nature.

What Kumu Kekuhi and the protectors do is daily traditional protocol at the venue of protect demonstration.

She says they are united with nature by dancing and praying.

Maunakea, it is gods, ancestors and themselves for Native Hawaiians.

They are angry at their sacred mountain being developed against their will. 



There are already many telescopes on the Maunakea.

Native Hawaiians had been stared the summit facilities with mixed feelings until now. Why this movement against TMT is rising now?

There is a change of the consciousness of young generations behind it.

The young people who respect the Native Hawaiian Culture are increasing.

There was a time when Hawaiian language was banned before, however the Hawaiian schools are increasing in these 30 years.

Once it was few people who speaks Hawaiian language, now it’s exceeding 10 thousand.


As the native culture takes roots among young people, their will to protect Maunakea are raising.

The young generations spread their action in SNS.

Then the protection movement were spread at once.

A popular musician from Hawaii and the celebrities who have influence to young people had taken part in the demonstrations, and are expressing to support the movement one after another.


Due to the spread of the movement, the TMT construction was postponed last month.

Those who concern the project are puzzled by this change of the plan just before the start of construction.

Because they had explained the importance of TMT at local school and community, so they had confidence they got the understanding for the project.



TMT project manager, Usuda Tomonori says, 

"We had been feeling we had made a good relationship with local community... honestly, I'm very disappointed that such a big protest movement has occurred now..."

Protection movement is still continuing now.

Protectors require abandonment of the project not postponement.

TMT construction for development of science and respects for native cultures, 

is it possible to coexist together?

The way to reach a solution continues.

Translation : Kiyomi Mitamura, 

【Lahui Mauna Kea Japan】