Let's Try !!

2019.09.24 05:49

Can you believe it ? Summer is over. It was so hot for so long, but it is finally done. We can now enjoy some cooler weather ... and ... rugby !! Rugby World Cup 2019 !!

Are you excited ? Do you plan to watch any matches ? A year ago I didn't care at all. I certainly wasn't planning to watch any games. Yet, after this first weekend of competition I have watched 2 full games and parts of 3 other matches.

I am hooked !!

Of course one big reason is that Japan is hosting the event. There has been lots of news for years as the rugby people and the host cities got ready. I learned a little about the Japanese team, but I know NOTHING about the Canadian team, haha.

Rugby players are huge !! One of their legs is bigger than my body. Many have NO necks. I love ice hockey so I am used to players with no teeth, but hockey players ALL have necks. Rugby players ? Not so much. Just a head on top of big shoulders, on top of bigger chests, on top of huge legs. Hockey players look big because they wear a lot of big equipment and stand on ice skates. Rugby players don't wear equipment. That's crazy ! They are so big, move so fast, and hit so hard. It is a wonder there are not more injuries.

As I said, I am not a big rugby fan. I do not know the game well and I really don't understand all the rules. I looked up "rugby rules" on the Internet and I learned they are not called, "rules." They are called "The Laws of Rugby." The LAWS !! That's cool, haha.

It is interesting that in American football when they score it is called a touchdown, but the ball shouldn't touch the ground until after the referee signals a score. In rugby when they score the ball must touch the ground, but it is not a touchdown, it's a "try." They scored. They did it, but it is still a try. I like that. Of course, a try is still a score, a reason to celebrate .... but that small word, "try" seems to say, "Hey, it isn't over yet. One is good, but keep trying for more."

That thinking is very useful in life. It is good to set goals, to have goals, but when you reach a goal, don't stop. Celebrate, yes. But, don't stop. Try for more. Reach for more.

If you are studying English it is good to have a purpose. Maybe it is for a trip, or for a test, or something for work. As you improve and reach your goal, don't stop. Keep trying for another goal, another level.

Let's try !!

Enjoy the cool weather. Enjoy the Rugby World Cup.