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2019 SEEDS Conference Speakerのご紹介

2019.09.30 01:12

SEEDS Conference 2019 、今年も素晴らしいご登壇者の皆様をお招きいたします。




開催場所:臨済宗円覚寺派 三聖山慧然寺 (前・寒光寺)

2019年 SEEDS Conference 登壇者の皆様
Speakers for SEEDS Conference 2019

ー 50音順 -




Associate Professor of Department of Biomaterial Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Visiting Professor,VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Igarashi Kiyohiko is an Associate Professor of Department of Biomaterial Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences in the University of Tokyo. He was born in Yamaguchi in 1971, and move to Tokyo, Ishikawa, Osaka and Tokyo again before finishing junior high school. He received Ph. D. degree in 1999 from Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences in the University of Tokyo. During his student age, he focused on the enzymes from microbes converting biomass. He stayed in Georgia University (USA) during student age, and in Uppsala University (Sweden) After receiving Ph. D. He won many awards including JSPS Award (2016). He also carries Guinness World Records® in enzyme research.


知能ロボット学者 Roboticist, Professor of Osaka University


Hiroshi Ishiguro was born in Shiga in 1967. He received a D. Eng. in systems engineering from Osaka University, Japan in 1991. He is currently Professor of Department of Systems Innovation in Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University (2009-) and Distinguished Professor of Osaka University (2017-). He is also visiting Director (2014-) (group leader: 2002-2013) of Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute and an ATR fellow. His research interests include sensor networks, interactive robotics, and android science. He now is elected as head of Future Oriented Thinking in 2019.


本郷飛行機株式会社 代表取締役 Hongo Aerospace Inc. CEO


Kenya Kaneda was born in Hyogo in 1987. He was very interested in airplanes that fly freely like a bird in the sky. During his school years, he studied mainly about airplanes. In 2005, he dropped out even he got a seat in Osaka University, School of Engineering. Instead, he entered University of Tokyo, Department of aeronautics and astronautics and graduated. After graduation, he received master’s degree at the same school in 2012. As well as his studies, he was interested in entrepreneurships and he built some startups. He is currently staying in the same school to get phD and doing research for drones. In 2014, he succeeded on developing “world’s first smallest autonomous flying robots (drones)” that weights only 60g. He has experience in marketing and developer for READYFOR, executives for Pluto, and now he built Hongo Aerospace Inc. He is also responsible there as an executive. He is aiming to create better world with the drones and technology.


音楽家 Musician

1985年生まれ。ギタリスト、マルチプレイヤー、作曲家として活動する傍ら、編曲家として「STUDIO-KOHKI」、音楽プロデューサーとして「Yassassin Label」を主宰。幼少期から音楽制作を始め作曲・演奏・録音を一人でこなすワンマン・ユニットとして2000年、15歳でデビュー。以降 Sony Musicよりリリースを重ね、資生堂、キヤノン、EDWIN、TOYOTAなどのCM音楽制作も手掛ける。フリーランスとなった2004年、故郷長野の土蔵を改築した「STUDIO-KOHKI」に拠点を移す。2011年にはドイツ・ベルリンへ渡り作曲活動に没頭、精力的なライヴ活動を行う。帰国後は自身のユニット「バロッQぱんくす」の活動の他、NHK連続テレビ小説『ごちそうさん』主題歌「雨のち晴レルヤ」の共作者としても知られる佐藤和哉(篠笛)をはじめ、数多くのアーティストをプロデュース。2016年、「SEEDS Conference」のコンセプトを音で表現した公式CD作品「SEEDS CONFERENCE in MUSIC」を手掛ける。また近年、スタジオに併設の古民家をイベントスペース「Lute HOUSE1929」としてリノベーションし、宮内庁楽師・山田文彦氏率いる雅楽グループ「日本伝統舞台芸術」らを招いた文化活動にも力を入れている。

KOHKI was born in 1985. He is known as a guitar and multiple instrumental player and composer. Besides being a player, he also owns Studio-Kohki as Orchestrator and Yassassin Label as producer. He has been learning and producing music since he was a child. He composed, play and record by himself and his debut was when he as 15 years old. His works are highly evaluated, and he worked on some commercial music for Shiseido, Canon, Edwin, Toyota etc… He became freelance in 2004 and moved his base to his home town, Nagano. In 2011, he went to Germany, Berlin to learn music even more and proactively held lives and concerts. After he came home to Japan, he produces his own unit BaroQPunks, and besides that, he produces Shinobue (Japanese transverse bamboo flute) player Kazuya Sato and other famous artists. In 2016, we gladly announce his creation of concept music for SEEDS Conference. He also renovated the traditional house to event space and name it “Lute HOUSE1929” and started to concentrate on more traditional music inviting Gagaku (Japanese traditional court music) player, Mr. Fumihiko Yamada. His passion for the music continues.


魚飼い Fish culturist


Senoo Shigeharu, born in 1957 in Kurashiki is a fish culturist, currently serving as a professor in Kindai University (Japan) and Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Malaysia). He obtained his BSc from Kindai University, MSc from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, and PhD from Kagosima University in aquaculture. His lifetime motto is ‘to produce fish excellently and to produce people who can produce fish excellently’. He has been working dedicatedly in teaching, research and development of aquaculture production in several countries including Japan, Zambia, Nepal, Malaysia, Singapore, China, and Indonesia for 38 years. In 1979, he was involved in the world first successful in artificial seed production of Bluefin tuna under the late Professor Dr. Harada Teruo, which marked as the starting point of his many successful stories in aquaculture worldwide. He is the man behind world first artificial seed production of many important aquaculture species such as a gobies, carps, catfishes, groupers, and hybrid groupers. Many of his scientific and technical publications can be found in both Japanese and English. His passion for aquaculture has motivated him to currently work on the seed production of the endangered species of eels and Napoleon wrasse. He also wishes to expand his enthusiasm in reviving the fishery resources of Bisanseto Sea in his hometown. 


刀匠 Swordsmith Master

1948年北海道生まれ。北海道教育大学で美術を専攻。大学4年時に休学し東京に出る。その時、北海道では見ることの出来なかった本物の作品を、美術館、博物館などで、ジャンルを問わず見る。その中で、特に日本刀の美しさに感動し、大学卒業後に刀鍛冶の道に入る。人間国宝・宮入行平氏のもとを訪ね、その一番弟子、高橋次平氏に弟子入り。1981年に千葉で独立。日本刀は「機能性」「美術性」「精神性」が美しいトライアングルを描く芸術品の頂点。刀の歴史は2000年と古く、特に鎌倉時代の作品が日本刀の最高とされる。江戸時代末の刀鍛冶、水心子正秀が鎌倉刀を作ろうと言い出してから現代まで200年間、その800年前の技術を再現するのが刀鍛冶の目標であり、仕事になる。現代で言うベンチャーであり、イノベーションと感じている。刀=生命力の象徴であり、常に新しいものでなければならないとの考えから、常に最先端の技術から理論を学び、美術的かつ科学的なアプローチを試みている。1999年にロンドンで個展を開催。2006年には高松宮記念賞を受賞、2009年 無鑑査に認定。(日本美術刀剣保存協会主催のコンクールで、特賞を複数回以上受賞し認定される現代刀匠の最高位)2015年には千葉県指定無形文化財に認定。

Tsuguyasu Matsuda was born in 1948 in Hokkaido. He majored in Art in Hokkaido University of Education. He took a break when he was senior year and decided to explore Tokyo. He saw many real art pieces in Tokyo that could not be experienced in Hokkaido and he inspired himself with those art pieces especially the Japanese sword. The Japanese sword he saw in Tokyo was the trigger to change his life. From the experience, he chose to be Swordsmith after graduation. He visited Mr. Yukihira Miyairi who was living national treasure, and joined Mr. Miyairi’s first disciple as disciple. In 1981, he started his own business in Chiba. Japanese sword is the top of art pieces that is built on top of the three functions; functionality, Artistic, and Spirituality. It has over 2,000 years of history and the sword made during Kampakura era was considered as the best of the best. It has been over 200 years since Masahide Suishinsi, the Swordsmith back to Edo era, said he wanted to create sword back in Kamakura era. Swordsmith’s job or goal is to revive the techniques from 800 years ago. It reflects the current venture or innovation spirits. Japanese Swords equals the symbol of vitality of all. He has been always trying to learn new cutting edge techniques or theories to put into creating new swords. He believes creating new swords requires the those new scientific approaches. In 1999, he had his solo exhibition in London. In 2006, he received Praemium Imperiale (World Culture Prize in Memory of His Imperial Highness Prince Takamatsu) award, also in 2009, he was recognized as exemption of examination (this is only given to top of the swordsmith that received many awards). In 2015, his sword was selected as intangible cultural property.


ヴァイオリニスト Violinist

1996年東京都文京区生まれ。父の転勤により、札幌、名古屋、横浜を経て現在逗子市在住。母の勧めにより6歳よりヴァイオリンを始める。湘南学園中学校を1年生で中退、公立中学校に編入。この頃、ヴァイオリンの道を志す。その後、音楽教育専門課程に進学せず、神奈川県立神奈川総合高校 国際文化コースに進学。卒業後、桐朋学園大学音楽学部へ進学。オペラやドイツリートに傾倒し、詩集や声楽曲に親しむ学生生活を送る。これまでに佐々木歩氏、恵藤久美子氏に師事。第59回鎌倉市学生音楽コンクール高校の部第3位。第20回日本演奏家コンクール第2位。桐朋オーケストラアカデミー研修課程を経て、徳永二男氏のもと、更なる研鑽を積む。現在は、「studio MAWO」にて、アンサンブルのワークショップを行っている。

Taro Mohara was born in Tokyo in 1996. He moved many times for his father’s business and he lived in Sapporo, Nagoya and Yokohama. Now he settled in Zushi. His mother recommended playing violin when he was 6 years old and that was the start from exploring new world for him. For his school life, he entered Shonan Gakuen junior high school, but dropped out and transferred to public junior high school. That was when, he decided to be a violinist. However his passion is on music, he did not go to musical school but moved on to public high school’s international cultural course. After his graduation, he continued his education to Toho Gakuen School of Music, Music major. He was into Opera and German local music called Lied, and his life was full of poetry and vocal music pieces. He learned from Ms. Ayumu Sasaki and Ms. Kumiko Eto when he was in school. His passions and his motivations continued and he showed his success in musical contests. He has won 3rd place in 59th Kamakura City Student Music Contest, 2nd place in 20th Japan Musical Instruments Performer Contest. After he completed Toho Orchestra Academy. He earned more experience through upper level courses and he brushed up his skills learning from Mr. Tsugio Tokunaga, the greatest violinist in Japan. Learning from Mr. Tokunaga’s experience; being a concertmaster for big orchestras and gaming musics, as well as being on TV programs, gave him a great value as a violinist.



Associate Professor, Synthetic Biology Division, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo


Yachie Nozomu was born in Ishikawa in 1981. He has been appointed at the University of Tokyo as an Associate Professor starting July 2014. He has also been appointed at Keio University starting June 2014. Yachie received bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degrees at Keio University in 2005, 2007 and 2009, respectively. He then undertook a postdoctoral fellowship in Dr. Fritz Roth's lab at Harvard Medical School and moved with Dr. Roth to University of Toronto, where he received Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship from NSERC, Canada (Ranked 8th place). Yachie is also a recipient of JSPS fellowships DC1 (Selection Year 2006), PD (slid from DC1) and Research Abroad (Selection Year 2009) awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and a PRESTO Researchership awarded by Japan Science and Technology Agency (2014-2018). He is a husband and a father of two kids. Combining technologies in Genetics, Synthetic Biology and Computational Biology, Yachie lab is developing new experiments and technologies to measure dynamics of molecules and cells and to unveil new biological phenomena.