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Ryu ga Gotoku Online, Yakuza Wiki, FANDOM. Ryu ga Gotoku Online (龍が如く ONLINE, lit. "Like A Dragon ONLINE. also known as Yakuza Online, is a free-to-play collectible card game spin-off of the Yakuza series. It was released in Japan for Android, iOS, and PC on November 21, 2018. The game follows a new series protagonist Ichiban Kasuga. 龍が如く ONLINE (Ryu ga gotoku ONLINE! v1.3.0. #龍が如くONLINE - Twitter Search. The latest Tweets on #龍が如くONLINE. Read what people are saying and join the conversation. 24.08.2019 FREE MOD 龍が如く ONLINE 1.10.0 - High State Shared [Tested] ウチの姫さまがいちばんカワイイ ひっぱりアクションRPG (My Princess Is The Cutest.
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