Trust Trust trust
It has been 24 hours since I returned to Yokohama. Miyazaki, it was fun! ! I met a lot of interesting and wonderful people, ate a lot of delicious food, and made me happy. And when I was thinking about returning to my normal life on the way home, my fear and anxiety began to quietly fade. Can I continue? Will you be able to hold events and prepare for the implementation of new projects while supporting important children during concerts? Can you keep going down without giving up? The more you think, the more you think you cannot do it. I remembered the message that I heard on Sunday. Trust God. Trust the person who gave you the promise. I might fail. It ’s also quite probable. In some cases, it may hurt or trip over important people ... Still, I will cover and help such things, and trust in God who loves me without giving up. Take that step. You are guided by that step. God will live with trust in you. What is it?