(nintendo) online Shakes and Fidget hack bluestacks payment discount

2019.11.10 07:49

🎥 Shakes and Fidget cheats author Playa Games GmbH


Size 213266432 B


genre Adventure

score 363 votes

Critique So I started my son playing when he was like 7 or so

Purchase 35 Mushrooms

language English

Both fox mount and lucky coins was/are part of the game everyone has/had access to. gold frame only a few who actually buys and has 1,000 shrooms and is just a cosmetic buyable which has nothing to do with the gaming aspect of the game.

The fun Shakes & Fidget browser game. Your browser does not support WebGL. The fun Shakes & Fidget browser game. CANCEL.

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Shakes and Fidget is a fun fantasy RPG satire and an award-winning roleplaying game at the same time.