
2019.11.13 00:56




 そのあと教会近くのお寿司屋さんで親族食事会。思い出話をしたり、これからの楽しみを語り合ったりしながら楽しく過ごしました。私は一つ下の妹と小さいころよく一緒に遊びました。そしてかなり喧嘩もしました。私は姉という主張があり、妹は私を友達と思ってる。そのすれ違い?というか主張の違いで「決闘」をしました。木の積み木を投げ合って。流血沙汰だったんです😵姉はそれをみていたけれどもあまりの 殺気に止めることなどできなかったそうで、、、。いやあ、、、大した怪我じゃなくてよかったよね。笑いながら語り合えるのは、今仲良しだからなので、本当にあ感謝です。これからも家族と仲良くしたいなと思いました。つづく。とか言って別エピソードですが(笑い)

Google translation

Are you calm down in busy days? I will update my blog after a long time. Huh. I was really fluttering. I'm gonna clean it when I get home today. I'm confessing to an unbelievable side.

 There were various things. Last week, yesterday and yesterday. Huh.

 This Sunday was an important niece infant blessing ceremony. He was blessed. That's why the name of Inaho no Ho is included in the name. While I was blessed, I slept with a good boy ☺️

 After that, a family dinner at a sushi restaurant near the church. I had a good time talking about memories and talking about the future. I used to play with my younger sister when I was little. And I had quite a fight. I have an insistence on my sister and my sister considers me a friend. Is that passing? Rather, I made a “duel” with different claims. Throwing blocks of wood. She was a bloody Saya. My sister looked at it, but she could n’t stop it. Hey ... I'm glad it's not a big injury. I'm really grateful because I'm a good friend who can laugh and talk. I wanted to keep friends with my family. to be continued. (Laughs)