気になるあの人に突撃! Part4 KOREAN WEEK
クォーターブレイクはどうだった?風邪ひいてないかな? 今回は、10月にあったコリアンウィークについての記事だよ! コリアンウィークの副代表さんである川上眞紀子さんにインタビューしてきたよ〜
Hi!! I'm going to Beppu Station 4 times a week, so I'm going to open up on the bus. How was your quarter break? Hope you didn’t catch a cold! This article is about Korean Week which was held in October! I interviewed Makiko Kawakami, Deputy Representative of Korean Week.

みんなは、APUに入っているからもちろん知ってる!よね…? でも、Beppaperは、ウィークの素晴らしさを多くの人に知って欲しいなって思ってる! その方達へ向けての情報発信が一つの理由です!
There are three reasons why this interview was held! The first one is we want people in Beppu and other people to know about Korean Week! You guys already know about it if you are in APU! Obviously, you do, right…? But we want many more people to know how wonderful it is! So that is one of the reasons which to share the information for those people!
みんな、ウェーブ・グランドショーを観に行ったと思うんだけど、その他でも成功のために多くの協力があったんだ!! 読むと、これからのウィークの見方が変わる…!! またコリアンウィークが、なぜ完成できたのかという仕組みがわかるよ!!
The second one is about the secret of Korean Week! I think everyone went to see the Wave Grand Show. There’s been not only the performers’ efforts but also a lot of other cooperation and efforts to make the show successful! Reading this article would change your point of view for Weeks…! You can also see why Korean Week has been successful.
ブログを通して、実際にどういう仕事なのか。何が得られるのか。情報を得られる! いま読めている君はすっっごくラッキー!!
The third one is that we wanted to get information from people who actually have been working as a part of the Korean week organization! You can get information like what kind of work is actually done or what you can earn from doing all the work if you participate in the Korean week’s organization. You are now lucky to read this article!
So we are sharing the information! Hope you’ll have fun!

First, "What is a Week ...?"
一週間かけてその国の文化や特徴を発信していくイベントだよ〜! それぞれの国で違った催しを開いていて、毎回楽しいことばかり!! 学食でも、その国の料理が食べられるし、伝統的な衣装を体験することもできる! 最終日の金曜日に行われるグランドショーでは、学生の多くが参加して盛大にフィナーレを迎える! 今回は、その韓国編だよ〜
It's an event that shares the culture and characteristics of one country in a week! There are different events in each country, and it’s always fun! You can eat local food at the cafeteria and experience traditional costumes at school! Many students participate in the grand show on Friday and have a grand finale! This time is the Korean edition ~
"What kind of organization does one Week have?"
“Korean Week has the representative/deputy representative, and the Operation Management Department / Public Relations Department / Public Relations Planning Department / Sponsor Department / Event Planning Department / Wave Grand Show Team come below them. Publicity planning is in charge of all the design, SNS publicity, pamphlet making, Sponsors department gets money from companies, planning to what kind of things to do in front of the fountain is the job for event department, people in Wave group prepare for dance performances at the wave, Grand show department is in charge of a performance that closes the week. "
運営管理部 物・予算の管理
広報部 SNSの広報作業
広報企画 パンフレットやデザインの作成
スポンサー 企業さんからお金をいただく
イベント 主に噴水前でイベント行う!!
ウェーブ ウェーブでパフォーマンス!
グランドショーチーム ウィークのクライマックスとして公演する!
Management of administrative: departments and budget
Public relations department: SNS publication work
Create public relations: planning brochures and designs
Offering: money from sponsor companies
Event department: mainly plan events which will be taken place in front of the fountain!
Performance at wave department: do the performance at the wave!
Grand Show Team: in charge of doing a performance as a grand finale!
たくさんの部署があって、聞いている自分もびっくりした!! この中に多くの人たちが協力して作業をして完成できてる!すごい…。
There were so many departments! I was surprised! Many people have worked together to complete the project! Wow ...
But it is the representative and vice representative who have the most responsibilities.
What is the most important thing they do to keep all the organization working?
“We try to see the entire team and how they are doing. Now we think we have the skill to care about everyone and see the whole vision thorough it. We also acquire time management and schedule management skills as well since there are quite a lot of things to be done. And the goal was to motivate everyone in the team. I was conscious of the role of the leader, and how everyone could do their best without quitting.”
これから代表を目指してる人!何かのリーダーとして頑張りたい人! ウィークのリーダーとして活動すると、このような能力が得られます。 ぜひ!!挑戦してみては…??
People who want to become representatives or want to work hard as a leader! You can get these skills if you could actually get the position. Why don’t you give it a try?
And here are the last two things we would like to share. I'll introduce them to everyone ~
“Week is not something that can be done easily. It is possible because we have all the sponsoring companies, teachers and other people who are working together. I hope this fact could change the impression of the week.”
"Of course, it's very important to make the week successful. But it’s okay to make mistakes in the process. You can always learn something from making mistakes. From that, you can find your goals and things that you can improve."
これは観にきてくれるみんなとウィークに参加したい人たちに向けて、代表からのメッセージだよ〜!! まとめてみると…。
These words are for everyone including the audience and for those who want to participate in the week ~! In summary ...
・ウィークは簡単には行えない。企業さんの助けや裏方さんの助けから成功できる。 観にきてくれる人は、そのことを知って欲しい。
・ Week is not an easy thing. You can only succeed with the help from the companies and the back work.
We want everyone who comes to see us know about that.
・ For people who participate in the week, we want you to have a positive way of thinking, not to think about making mistakes and learn from it.
これからウィークに参加する人、観にいきたいと思ってくれた人! 大体のウィークの概要は掴めたかな? でも、観にいくより、その国の文化に自分から染まりにいくのが一番!! ウィークはその助けとしても存在すると思うんだ! 参加者としていくのではなく、その文化について染まりにいく!という意識でいくとウィークが今より56倍楽しくなる!!
For people who are going to participate in the week or who want to go see it! Did you get an overview of what the week is? But it's best to actually go and see the culture of the country, rather than going to see the multi-cultural week! I think that’s one of the reasons why those weeks exist, which to encourage people to go to countries! I'm not going to be a participant; I'm going to get dyed about that culture! If you go with that consciousness The week is 56 times more fun!
次のウィークが楽しみだね〜!! APU生には実際に参加して思い切り楽しんで欲しい! しゅんすけも国の文化に思い切り浸りたいと思います…。 ではまた!
I'm looking forward to the next multi-cultural week! Also, I really want APU students to participate in one of those multi-cultural weeks and enjoy themselves! I want to immerse myself in the national culture ... see you!
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