Ameba Ownd


HEROS' Cafe Vol.68  【初~中級者向け】【しっかり】英会話カフェを開催しました。 Organized a language exchange event

2019.11.23 12:02

I had the language exchange volume 68.

It's getting colder day by day, and it was raining cold that day but 2 people participated in the exchange. I had a female Filipino student, who has been in Tokyo for two months, and the owner of Cafe Anmar, where this meetup was held, joined in this meetup, and we were very happy talking to each other.

HEROS' Cafe vol.68 ゆったり英会話カフェを開催しました。



The female student takes Kanji test every day. She is not good at it. However, don't worry about it, lady. All of Japanese children take it during elementary, junior and high school and we take 12 years to learn about 3,000 characters. It's almost impossible that you are going to finish them only in 2 years.


Anyway, I asked her what is the difference between Japan and Philippines.


Does watching a movie cost only 400 yen in Philippines?

It's 1,800 yen in Japan which is so expensive. We shared there are some discount days such as on LADY'S DAY and weekdays whereby some theaters give a discount of 1,000 yen. 



She said there is no winter in Philippines and she have never seen snow before. I hope she enjoy the coming winter in Japan. 


She has built a larger Japanese vocabulary than 2 months ago. It shows that she is making an effort. The owner of the cafe Anmar also speaks English really well. They inspired me this time.  


そしてCafe Anmarの店長さんの英語が堪能すぎて、自分ももっと頑張らないと、と刺激をもらえた会でもありました。

Thank you all for coming this time. I'm going to have another one on 8th December. Make sure you come the next time. 


Thank you for reading and correcting my post. 

You've got to be in it to win it. So get out there and make it happen! 

Have a good day.