Me and Songs

En: The best ever reaction to BAND-MAID!

2019.12.11 07:45

In recent years, more & more "reaction videos / channels" have popped up on YouTube and it used to be nothing other than trouble to me.

Sometimes they cut in between what you're actually looking for on YT's search result page.

It drastically changed, however, once I became a fan of Japanese female hard rock band, BAND-MAID.

Because of the band's unique concept and appearance, I really wanted to know reactions from outside Japan. 

This is how my reaction video hunting started.

Mr. Rock N Roll

Just two weeks ago, I found one reaction video to my favorite tune "Dice" by chance.

The channel producer, Mr. Rock N Roll seems to be reacting to songs recommended by his audience and that's how he ended up BAND-MAID too.

Just WATCH his reaction. It's so hilarious & he is over-excited, indeed.

But this is exactly how I reacted to the band's MVs when I first found their songs a year ago.

Energy goes beyond

At around 2:00, he said he is a huge fan of the band called Motorocker which also sings in non-English language. 

"Language doesn't matter, what matters is what I'm hearing"

This was really powerful to me. Why?

Because that's exactly the way we Japanese have long appreciated so many great acts singing in English from Stones, Pistols, Bowie, Madonna, Guns, Metallica, U2 to Gaga...for 60 f@cking long years!! 

I don't say we have never checked or thought about the meaning of lyrics, some Japanese always do.

But what decisively attracts us has always been some cool photos, guitar riffs & stage appearance etc, which all go beyond the meaning of lyrics. 

So his gut reaction to BAND-MAID's "Dice" reminded me of how I had felt in my very first listening to "Welcome to the jungle" by Guns N' Roses.

Meaning of Jungle's lyrics? I DON'T KNOW, even today. 

Thank you Mr. Rock N Roller, it was really great to see your emotion exploded!