APU Beppaper

ディズニー会を開催♫ ~Vol1~

2019.12.28 13:00


 こんにちは〜!! 寒さが苦手なしゅんすけです…。 


みんなは暑い派?寒い派? 暑い派の方。共に頑張って乗り越えましょう。(泣) 

さてっ!今回の企画は…。 以前しゅんすけが開いたディズニー会についてだよ〜!!

 Hello~!  I'm not good at cold weather… It's okay if it is hot. I'm not good at the cold. Is everyone hot? Is it cold? If you are hot people. Let's do our best together. (Crying) Alright! This project is ... Disney party that Shinsuke opened before⭐️ 



 First, why was the Disney Party held? At a certain Beppaper meeting ...  

みずき   「Beppaperで何か企画できたらいいね〜」 

しゅんすけ 「そうですね〜」

 みずき   「そういえば、しほやんとしゅんすけ、ディズニー好きだよね?」

 しゅんすけ 「そうですね〜。ディズニー会…?」 

しほやん  「あ。ディズニー会とかやってみたら面白くない?」 

しゅんすけ 「やりましょうか!!」 と言った経緯で、開催したよ〜! 

 Mizuki "I hope I can do something with Beppaper"

 Shunsuke "Yes!" 

Mizuki "Speaking of which, Shihoyan and Shunsuke love Disney, right?" 

Shunsuke "Yeah. Disney party ...?" 

Shihoyanpo "Ah, isn't it fun to try a Disney party?"

 Shunsuke "Let's do it !!" 

It was held in the background that said ~!  



 However, even myself, "If you love Disney at APU, you might be a great success ..." 

I was able to hold it safely! 






 This Disney party was ... a great success! Already, love for Disney was overflowing ...

 From the 1st to the 4th year, we were surprised to see them gather widely! 

The things we liked each other were completely different, and only new discoveries! 

Thank you for the people who gathered. 






ま…まさかこんなにもディズニー好きを感じられるとは…!! 幸せが溢れて治りきらなかった…。

 After everyone gathered, I introduced myself lightly first!

 "I like Ariel!" 

"I like the Disney atmosphere!" 

"I like Mickey too much ..." 

Already, from my self-introduction, the feeling of "I love Disney!"

Well ... no way you can feel like Disney!! Happiness overflowed and did not heal ... (Lol) 

その後は、ピーターパン観賞! この映画は、音楽がすごく綺麗!

子供から大人まで楽しめる映画だよ〜 ⭐️




 After that, watch Peter Pan! In this movie, the music is so beautiful! 

It's a movie that kids and adults can enjoy ~ 

A fantasy story has drawn at Neverland, the second star from the right! 

If I start talking, it probably won't end ... I'll do it here (crying)

 Everyone who participated saw them seriously shook their bodies to the music ... they seemed happy.



そこで、同い年のAPU生が声をかけてくれたよ! そして、ディズニー会が実現しました⭐️



本当に感謝です! 何かイベントをやってみたい人、ぜひ!お話ししてみてね〜 

 And this time, I'm going to introduce GUILD who provided the place ~ 

I was eager to have a day party, but there was no place ... 

So, an APU student from the same year called out! And the Disney party has come true. 

As you can see, GUILD is an old private house that provides a place for those who want to do something. This project could not be completed without GUILD. I really appreciate it! Anyone who wants to do some event! Please talk to him.  










 But this time was after class, so it was held late, so I guess there was little opportunity for everyone to talk. But even for a few hours, it was a time when everyone liked it. In addition, we plan to hold the second Disney Party in mid-January!

 Next time is about 18: 30-21: 30, so I'm thinking about taking a long time to share my plough! 

By all means! Please come! It's an event that makes you smile naturally! 

Anyone from 1st to 4th year can participate! If you have the time, please don't be shy! Follow us on Instagram as we will be sending out lots of information! Let's get excited! 

Instagram(しゅんすけ )  s_shunstagram

Instagram (Beppaper)    beppapper_apu

Facebook  (Beppaper)  Beppaper APU