Hello~ and Happy new year!
What did you do at the moment of changing year? In japan, usually staying at home and watching TV is common but I saw that some APU students was going somewhere and did countdown.
We will share about new year holidays in next article so please look forward to it!
The first article of 2020 of beppaper is of interview for the first time in two months. This is written by Mizuki.
This time, we interviewed to Aya Murata, who is APS 2nd year student and one of my (mizuki) friend, about what thought is and what the start of her dance stage performance 「」in 19th January is.
(「」is the name of this performance stage! We will talk about it later.)
And I will write how she expressed during interview with words in bold so please imagine about her with those words.

Firstly, I will explain about what she is doing for her dance performance.
She wants to tell about “the power of put one step forward” for audience from this stage through dance which she likes.
Dancer’s characters are made by dancer’s actual character and dairy life. So, we can feel realistic through their dance.
There are 4 dancers including Aya and other 7 members who are participating for making this stage.
She contacted to those members who she knew already and made this team. The reason why she is doing with few members is that she wants to believe their power and energy so that they are working this few months together.
Although they all have classes and busy with many other things, they tried to find a time and do rehearsal.
As I said, 「」is the name of this stage. When we make this「」form with our hands, it can mean that seeing through finder or taking picture. Because of this, they represent for “focusing people’s life” or “seeing the performance through this filter”.
A university student, that’s why she might be able to challenge.
She was moved by explaining the emotion by dancing of the stage which she watched when she was child and this is the origin to make a stage.
She thought that what she wants to do is limited. Moreover, a university student, that’s why she might be able to challenge.
Her friend’s word made the trigger that she might be able to make my impression by myself!
「Why don’t you do that?」from her friend made her encouraged.
Aya often goes to hot spring with her friend who is living in same building. At that time, she talked about what she wants to do and was said「why don’t you do that?」from her friend. Then it was the trigger to try to challenge.
Not only this friend, other friends and their supports help her challenge.
It was hard to put into words because the images of the stage were inside her brain.
But, since Hiru (who is creating the stage together and very close friend!) wrote the story by including what Aya wants to tell, the stage was made concretely more and more.
I thought if I could take a step to achieve what I want to do, then I probably could be more open and enjoy doing what I want to do.
This is what Aya talked about herself during the interview. I (Mizuki) found she had a strong passion about making all the plays. A word from someone which support what you want to do could make you feel less difficult to achieve it when you are struggling. She wants her plays to be that “word” to help those who are trying to do what they want to do.
It’s her first time to create something from scratch and also being a leader at the same time. I asked Aya for a message to you.
I am the leader for this play, but this is not something I created all by myself, I got all supports from many people, so I want you to know that all of us are putting efforts to make this successful. I hope everyone could take a step as I did to achieve what I wanted to do. If you know things that you love and be more open about it, then you can enjoy doing it and you will have more options or opportunities to do it.
I don’t want you to be afraid about doing things that you love.
As a friend of hers, I feel that “do what you want to do and not being afraid of doing it” is exactly what Aya is doing. I know creating something new from scratch requires a lot of time and effort, but you gain more through the process.
I get motivated seeing her doing what she wants to do. If you are interested in her play or Aya, go talk to her!
舞台の詳細: 2020年1月19日日曜日 別府コミュニティーセンター 開場13時20分
Details for her play: 2020/01/19 (Sunday) at Beppu community center opens at 13:20