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aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It ! ~pupils with heart~

『The CELTIC SAINTS』より抜粋① ~Introduction~

2020.01.24 06:59




 "The three principal endeavours of a Bard:

  One is to learn and collect sciences.

  The second is to teach.

  And the third is to make peace and to put an end to all injury;

  for to do contrary to these things

  is not ususal or becoming a Bard."


 Although they are highly respected in the Christian tradition, technically the Celtic saints are not saints in the Catholic meaning of the word. Catholic saints are pious men and women recognized as exceptional by popes, and canonized with the epithet sanctus or "holy". The Celtic saints were never made so by Roman popes, but by popular veneration. Holy men and women have always played an important role in Celtic society, from pre-Christian Celts alike, religion was never distinct from the acticvities of everyday life. The old Celtic paganism was essentially mature-venerating and polytheistic, recognizing goddesses as well as gods. These could, and did, appear anywhere and everywhere in nature, as trees, animals or within natural forces and processes. Then, the Druids understood the course of nature as a manifestation of the will of the gods and goddesses. They venerated both local and general deities, which they saw  as dwelling in natural sanctuaries, especially in ensouled places in the landscape. So their main places of worship were on holy hills, by springs, rivers, lakes, trees, and in certain woods. Pagan Celtic spirituality asserted the cyclic mature of existence, and envisaged an immediate continuity realms. Recorded Druidic teachings speak of an integrated relationship between humans and nature. Traditional Celtic culture is integrated with nature, expressed through the multiple possibilities of life itself. Most of this customary lore is preserved in Celtic folk tradition.











 The Celtic Christian church did not view things very differently. According to the Welsh bard, the Reverend J. Williams ab Ithel, "The Bards believed that all things were tending to perfection; when, therefore, they embraced Christianity, they must on their own principles have viewed it as a stage in advance of their former creed." There was a genuine continuity and not a complete break that marked the transition from pagan to Christian. Of course, all of nature now was seen as the handiwork of God rather than something infused with divine power in its own right. But in Celtic Christianity, as before, it was still understood that there is an unseen world interpenetrating the visible world. Only the interpretation had changed. Everything exists on several simultaneous levels: human consciousness interprets them as the physical, the spritual, and the symbolic, that are all various aspects of God's creation.


 Celtic tradition recognizes perhaps thousandss of individual saints. Some, such as St.Brigid and St.Patrick, are of internatinal fame, others, like St.David and St.Columba, are national figures, while the majority are local and less well known. Attached to the vast majority are stories, legends, and fables which range from more or less factual accounts of the saint's life to events with a mythological dimension. The function of these stories, in socio-religious terms, is independent of the truth or falsity that we may ascribe to them. Their place in Celtic Christian culture is effective, whether or not the saints existed historically as individual human beings, and whether their legends are symbolic or factual. In this book, I do not intend to pass judgment upon the scientific objective reality of the saints and their acts, nor upon the truth or validity of the theologies that they imply. The very fact that their stories have been handed on from generation to generation for up to 1,500 years is evidence enough that they are valuable.


 Until recent times, many Celtic saints were worshiped in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Brittany in the same manner as their pagan forerunners whom they supplanted. In the medieval era these traditions were prevalent, but wherever Protestantism was successful, they were eliimated. At Llanderfel in Merionethshire, Wales, the image of the god or saint called Darvel Gadarn was reported in 1538 to be something "in which the people have so greate confidence, hope and trust, that they come dayly a pilgrimage unto hym, some with kyne, other with oxen and horses." In an attempt to stop local reverence for this saint, his image was taken to London and publicly burned at Smithfield in the same year. In 1589, John Andterd reported that at St. Beuno's church at Clynog on the Lleyn peninsula in north Wales, bulls bearing a certain mark were being sacrificed "the half to God and Beuno." Like the veneration of St. Gwen Teirbron, this custom also dwindled away in the nineteenth century.

