Kaguyahime no monogatari Movie Stream Japan HD dual audio For Free youtube
https://onwatchly.com/video-9746.html?utm_source=theblog.me STREAM
- Writed by - Riko Sakaguchi, Isao Takahata
- Tomatometers - 8,3 / 10 stars
- Release Year - 2013
- Drama
- Country - Japan
- directed by - Isao Takahata
Shun is like a young Yukio Mishima. The animation is just incredible, its amazing really, wow. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I LITERALLY CRIED. I'm dying to see this film, I'm convinced from what I've already seen about it that its the best animated film in years. It's pronounced Princess 'KAH-guya. xD; In Japan, the emphasis is on the first syllable. Warabe Uta Lyricsまわれ まわれ まわれよ 水車まわれ maware maware mawareyo mizuguruma maware まわって お日さん 呼んでこい mawatte ohisan yondekoi まわって お日さん 呼んでこい mawatte ohisan yondekoi 鳥 虫 獣 草 木 花 tori mushi kemono kusa ki hana 春 夏 秋 冬 連れてこい haru natsu aki fuyu tsuretekoi 春 夏 秋 冬 連れてこい haru natsu aki fuyu tsuretekoi まわれ まわれ まわれよ 水車まわれ maware maware mawareyo mizugurumamaware まわって お日さん 呼んでこい mawatte ohisan yondekoi まわって お日さん 呼んでこい mawatte ohisan yondekoi 鳥 虫 獣 草 木 花 tori mushi kemono kusa ki hana 咲いて 実って 散ったとて saite minotte chittatote 生まれて 育って 死んだとて umarete sodatte shindatote 風が吹き 雨が降り 水車まわり kazega fuki amega furi mizuguruma mawari せんぐり いのちが よみがえる senguri inochiga yomigaeru せんぐり いのちが よみがえる senguri inochiga yomigaeru.
So glad I can get this on YouTube now! I have the DVD, and have worn it out! I am 46 years old, and my 14 year old son is the one who introduced this movie to me. I couldn't look away from it! Such a gorgeous movie, such a beautiful story. 3:16 I love ponyo I loved watching it when I was a kid. Oh, I can't wait! I loved the Secret of Kells! And I'm so happy to see a 2D animated film (not from Japan) this year. I love the storybook-like artwork. I miss the simplicity of 2-D animation- very glad to see Ghibli making them still! Can't wait to see it. Its 2019 n im still watching this. Beautiful melody. thanks. Stop hating this movie was my childhood. This broke my heart. From imdb & Wikipaedia Minako Kotobuki (K-On! Jiji the black cat (voice.
This is totally gunna be a gr8 movie omg.
I really enjoyed watching this movie. The colour and detail in the sketches. Specific detail was added where the viewers eye was meant to go. (though I did quite enjoy laughing at the several tiny babies that were left partially drawn)
It is quite refreshing to notice the attention paid to the sketches that went over the changes of the seasons. The detail with the insects, plants, flowers and animals.
Another aspect that really brings quite an effect into the story would be the colour scheme; colourful, ocher/grey, red. The drawings alone are impressive but the additional colour REALLY brings out the emotion behind the ongoing story.
I found the story rather strange because certain parts were confusing. I think this is one film I shall keep in my list to see again.
You guys need to watch 「The Tale of the Princess Kaguya」 from Studio Ghibli.