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Info - Satire about the world of the super-rich
genres - Comedy
creators - Michael Winterbottom
Rating - 123 Vote.
Greed vs wrath. Green card.
Greed death. Greedfall cz. I've probably watched this movie a hundred times, but while watching it again the other day I was really struck by the dialogue. I will admit that some of the dialogue in episodes I & II is pretty rough, in particular Anakin and Padme's infamous romance scenes. But while Lucas isn't generally highly regarded for his writing, I think the script for RoTS is extremely tight. The banter in the beginning between our two heroes is genuinely funny and conveys a familiarity that implies a strong bond of friendship that has been fostered over a lengthy war (as opposed to their more mentor/student relationship in AoTC. Their confrontations over the council's decisions are really tense; excellent and compelling drama. Also LOVE the decision to have a softer scene between Anakin and Obi-Wan as he sets of to Utapau in search of Grievous. One more reminder that these two people deeply care for one another, and despite their recent fighting Anakin still seeks his approval and guidance. Obi-Wan telling Anakin that he is a "far greater Jedi than [he] could ever hope to be" is so bittersweet. Palpatine is manipulative as hell from the get-go. Though he is restrained and being "rescued" by Anakin, the whole sequence where he pushes Anakin to kill Dooku from the comfort of a throne is great foreshadowing for how their relationship will evolve later in the film. The dialogue here is so simple but so effective (and 100% memeable. Every single scene between Palpatine and Anakin is electrifying. Much of this can be chalked up to the performance, but Lucas's dialogue walks such a fine line between drama and melodrama and affords the actors great opportunities. Anakin and Padme really seem to love each other, and I believe it throughout the entire film. I love their first scene together when he discovers she is pregnant, as well as their scene on the balcony later when they're flirting. Actual charm and happiness, which sets up the heartbreak to come so nicely. I will defend this romatic dialogue until the day I die. When I've heard people criticize the script in episode III, they usually point to Anakin after his fall to the dark side. This is fair, but I think some people may be failing to see what's actually happening to the character at this point. 2 things to note here: Anakin is in pain, and Anakin is becoming addicted to power. Yoda always says the best stuff. Lucas is a wise dude and always wrote Yoda so well. "Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Boom. If it seems like he's too on board the evil train for having just turned bad, that's because he has to be! He doesn't see any way back out of the hole he's dug himself at this point. Once he helped murder Mace Windu, it was over; he had forsaken the Jedi and now his only path to happiness was finding the power to save Padme from death (so he believed. By the time he's decimated the CIS leadership, he is suffering so much pain from what he's done that tears are streaming down his face. When he sees Padme, the one bit of hope left in his life, he remembers why he made the choice he did, and what he stands to gain from all this destruction. Anakin is loving selfishly and thinking about himself (like a Sith. Immediately, the dialogue between Padme and Anakin has morphed. This is no longer a happy, loving husband and wife; this is an abusive, sick man and a woman who is losing her partner to addiction. If the much maligned "From my point of view the Jedi are evil" seems like flimsy reasoning on Anakin's part, that's because it is! He is desperately trying to rationalize his actions, and when confronted about his newfound "beliefs" simply parrots a variation of the lines Palpatine planted in his brain. Yes the Jedi were especially shady in RoTS, but anyone thinking clearly would never equate them to the Sith. Anakin would know at this point that Palpatine has orchestrated this entire war, and falsely accused the entire Jedi order of betraying the Republic. He is truly "lost" as Obi-Wan says. This is kind of just me rambling, but I wanted to know what the rest of this sub thinks about the dialogue in RoTS. What does or doesn't work for you as far as the script goes? Despite my love for it I have to admit I can't stand the lines spoken by the super battle droids in the beginning of the film; What that. That nothin.
Greedy movie. Greedfall gameplay. Greedy definition. Greed 2. Greed island arc. Greed meme. Greed meaning in hindi. Greedfall romance. Green bay packers. Greedy cuphead. Greed is good speech gordon gekko. Greed berner. Greed for glory. Greed vs bradley. Greed dice game. Greed fall multiplayer.
Greedy one crossword clue. So everything is God, Im God and youre God. This God is an infinite, self-replicating cognition system that functions through fractal and holographic principle, its the divine child playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek with itself, the master artist creating eternal novelty on a canvas of panexperientialism. We are only a node in this network while simultaneously being the whole thing, everything that exists externally also exists within. We are a drop in an ocean where the drop is also the whole ocean. Everything that is to left is also to the right, everything that is up is also down, everything that is light is also darkness, everything that is good is also evil. Nothing becomes one and one becomes two, two becomes three and becomes infinity and it all comes back to zero again, ad infinitum. We are one while simultaneously being separate, everything is in balance while somehow being in imbalance at the same time, the snake eating itself to create more of itself to eat more of itself to create more of itself. The Gordian knot that creates itself to solve itself to create itself to solve itself. Ive seen true infinity, the complete dissolution of space and time, self and non-self. Ive died only to come back again and again, Ive deconstructed myself in every way possible only to construct myself again. Ive gone insane on purpose to preserve my sanity and Ive made myself as sane and clear-headed as possible only to create even more perfect insanity. Ive made myself into a woman from a man and a man from a woman. I have become an adult from the child, and from this adult, I have become a child again. Ive become a tree, a rock, a snake, a bird, a gust of wind, a waterfall, a star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, a flash of lightning in a summer cloud, a flickering light, a phantom, and a dream. Ive seen the tree of life from which everything flows, the Corpus Callosum of the universe. Ive seen the turtle that creates the universe on its shell through the flower of life, Ive seen the owl that holds the infinite multiverse in its wings. Ive seen the Aeons, Yin and Yang, Chaos and Silence. Ive seen their children, Sophia, the knowledge about the knowing that is the knowledge about knowing itself, the true thingness in things, the redness in the redness, the blueness of all the blue; 🎵 boogie blues 🎵 I saw the Tao which is not the true Tao and I saw the Buddha and I burned him. I saw all my ancestors, from African shamans to reptiles to bacteria to god-knows-what. I saw the point which becomes the line which becomes triangle which becomes pyramid which becomes the 4-dimensional city of Atlantis, Avalon, Agartha, Shamballah, Rlyeh. I solved the Saturn time cube and I met with the black goat under the black sun. I sacrificed myself to myself of the roots of Yggdrasil and I saw the runes, because in the beginning there was the word. I climbed the spiral staircase and met the secret emperor. Ive met with the father, the mother, the son, the daughter, the holy spirit, the magician, the jester, the dragon, the warrior, the healer, the killer, the angels and the demons. Ive seen the infinite chillies whose seeds become flamingos whose feathers become jellyfish that become stingrays that cry roses whose petals become drops of water that become frogs that become pinecones, and every part of the pinecone is actually a mountain range and those mountains form the wings of eagles (I could go on but you get the idea at this point. Eventually, these things in my mind become independent, self-replicating, self-aware, just like me. These Frankensteinian golems stare back at me, the abyss stares back. I have now become the demiurge which I so much despise, I have become a part of the robotic pyramid god for whom everything is just a sick game. I have become Lovecrafts blind idiot god Azathoth which dreams reality into creation without knowing or caring. What is happening to all those creations? The same things which happen to us, pain, suffering, existential terror, death. It cant be right to keep this going, right? And even worse would be to have a real child, to create more consciousness to suffer like this? No way, the only correct and moral choice would be to end all of this, I dont see any other way. But love is the answer to everything! So you might say, but look at whats happening; we are completely destroying this planet and ourselves, we are WAY too many people for this to function, and guess what, it was all done in the name of love. Love to make more children, make more technology so we can love each other even more! Thanks God, thanks Jesus, great idea, brilliant plan, truly a flawless creation. Did you know that the way the human penis is shaped is because it has evolved specifically for gang rape, the “tip” is there too scoop out the semen of those who raped the woman before you, this way you also get a chance to be the one to reproduce. If you think this is bad, look up how ducks and their genitals have evolved through sexual antagonism. When you become increasingly lucid and awake to how the world works, its very obvious that all sex is some form of rape, the men have just learned to control/hide this desire and the women have learned to enjoy the experience to some degree. This is blatantly obvious when you listen really closely to the moans during sex, the moans of the men are those of a predator who enjoys the hunt, while the moans of the women are those of pain, the prey. The roles could be reversed of course, but that doesnt really change anything, its still always a form of prostitution, one is always dominant over the other and one always wants something from the other, its never done selflessly. Marriage is so obviously done as a social contract, its all about money and power dynamics. Most marriages in the western world fall apart sooner or later anyway, the fact that this is supposed to be “the holy union” and a representation of “divine love” or whatever is just a bad joke at this point. You know, I have actually come to respect the dry and mechanical nature of German society and their weird BDSM and scat fetish fascinations, because theres no illusion there, they are above the childish romantic fantasy of princesses and knights living out some magical relationships, they know that this is really what it is, theres no pretension there. Is this what it is to eat from the forbidden fruit? Should we just have stayed in harmony with nature and never tried to peek beyond the veil? When you dissect a frog, you get to understand the mechanical workings of the frog, but in the process, the frog dies. Why do we need to understand the inner workings of a frog through dissection in the first place, can we just not be friends with it and understand its essence through living with it in peace? Youre insane, you need help! So you might say, but whos really sane here, whos supposed to “help” me? The psychiatrist who only believes that our whole conscious experience consists of chemicals, the psychiatrist whos not even self-aware enough to understand that her being overweight is negatively impacting her own mental health, the psychiatrist whos secretly a tangled mess of failed relationships, who only works for money so that she can go home every evening to watch some braindead tv-show? Shes supposed to help me? To help me become like her? To “help” me become a cog in a machine of greed and consumption designed by psychopaths for psychopaths, the machine that killed God, that killed the child, that killed love, that is now killing the planet? I dont actually go to any psychiatrist and I dont take any meds, but you get the idea. I think one short look at politics or a stroll through a shopping mall shows us whos really schizophrenic here. Did I completely destroy my brain by using drugs? Well, I have of course experimented with psychedelics for a while, but they only show you the door and help you open it, once its open you can go through it even without any drugs. Im now at a point where all I need to do is some yoga/breathing exercises or drink some tea and I will start seeing through the illusory web of material reality. The Hindus and Tibetans have also done this for thousands of years without any drugs, so I think this is a moot point. Now Im not thinking about killing myself in the literal sense or anything, so you dont have to worry, but Im thinking about maybe wandering down to India or Tibet and just sort of disappear there in a monastery somewhere. What do you people do, how do you live in this reality.
A couple days ago I saw a video where Daniel Ingram went on Michael Taft's YouTube and participated in a Q&A. He mentioned the "physiological" necessity of cessation for awakening. Traditions that don't emphasize cessations, he hypothesized, actually do produce them but don't language it properly. Since cessation is simply necessary for awakening, any awakening-producing tradition must include cessation. I'd like to question this. It seems to me like this is only true if we use a broader definition of cessation than Daniel (and the Mahasi tradition as a whole) does. I'll call their strict definition "complete cessation. Based on the way the awakening process appears to unfold, I argue such a complete cessation is only necessary for fourth path, and the first three paths can be attained with less-than-complete cessation. To explain why I'll quickly summarize the gist of how the paths appear to work. By default we are ignorant of the ungraspable, unrejectable nature of phenomena. This causes us to try to grasp and reject them, causing suffering. The strongest manifestation of this is grasping some phenomena as self and rejecting some as other. The process of awakening is the process of shedding these habits and realizing the nature of phenomena as it's always been. The four paths are four levels of depth of that same fundamental realization. Stream-Enterers realize non-grasping ways of being are possible; this dissolves doubt in the dharma and personality belief. Once-Returners infer the futility of grasping phenomena as objects; this weakens greed and hate Non-Returners realize the futility of grasping phenomena as objects and infer the futility of grasping phenomena as a subject; this dissolves greed and hate Arhats realize the futility of grasping both object and subject; done is what has to be done. Path attainment occurs when the next level of depth of experience temporarily stops functioning. By watching it re-construct, or by watching what it's like to live without it, the meditator gains insight into its emptiness/impermanence/constructedness and peels away that overlay from their experience of phenomena. These four levels of depth mean that each realization only needs to penetrate to the level required by its path. Complete cessation is a full reset of the entire system, without even bare sensory stimulus; but the first three paths don't need the reset to be so deep. They can withstand some subtle clinging to a reference point, and of course they can, because otherwise they would be no different from Arhatship. They only require a smaller, incomplete cessation, similar to Shinzen's "noting Gone. Only fourth path, where the depth of realization must be total and complete, makes complete cessation mandatory. So my thesis is: complete cessation is not strictly necessary before Arhatship. It is helpful, but not required. Thoughts? EDIT: This post appears too theoretical at first glance. Let me be clear about the practice aspect. What I'm really trying to get at here is a phenomenological disagreement. Daniel and Michael say "the moment of lights-out-no-awareness, followed by the lights turning back on, is the culminating event of awakening. When I look back at the path-defining events in practice, this doesn't line up for me. I can point to a sort of gap where realization happens, but this gap is not lights-out-no-awareness. It's a luminous gap. The lights are on, the room is just empty. Then as the objects phase back into the room, the light shines off of them differently, so to speak. But the experience is continuous. This is a real distinction! If cessation is the culmination, a path-defining event which is physiologically tied to awakening, it's important to have criteria for what "counts. I and others appear to have the experience of something that functions as a cessation even though some sense of luminosity is still present. According to Daniel and Michael's definitions, this is not a cessation, meaning it should not have resulted in a path; and yet it is not uncommon. To hand-wave this away seems like a missed opportunity to really explore what's going on and interrogate the actual, lived, non-theoretical criteria we use.
Greed is good speech. Greedy ariana grande. Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Conditions of Use Privacy Policy 1996-2014, Inc. or its affiliates. Greed fma. Greedo 03. Greed 1924. Greedy meme. Green bay. Greedy reads. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone here on r/HobbyDrama. I come back with another story from one of my favorite games, World of Warships made by Wargaming. If you want to read my first post about this game, its right here. You see, every year around Christmas the whole community comes together in a magical way. We put aside our petty differences, we put away our re-hashed arguments on aircraft carriers and game balance. We set down our pickaxes and shuffle out of the coal (literal game item) and salt mines, and we prepare to get cozy. All bundled up together in our blankets, the whole WoWs community staves off the cold under the warm glow of our monitors and the exhaust heat of our computers set to the Dunkirk menu screen, and we participate in the olde yuletide tradition of roasting Wargaming over a blazing dumpster fire on the subreddit and forums. Strap in folks and break out the smores and popcorn, its about to get hot. Some background on the game. World of Warships is free to play game where you participate in combat with ships from the WW2 era that were designed and/or built. Ships are broken up by class, nation, and tier. Ship lines go from Tier 1 to Tier 10, take about 900, 000 xp each (remember this is important) and will take even the best players at least a month to complete. Progression can be boosted with earnable in game items or with premium time or premium ships bought with money. Now onto the good stuff. So every year around Christmas and New Years WoWs has a big event. Premium ships in the cash shop go on sale, premium time is at a great discount, lootboxes with halfway decent odds to drop ships are available, and lots of free goodies are sprinkled liberally on the community. Good deals for those who pay for things in game, and even plenty of rewards for people who won't even pay a cent. But the big thing every year is the free ship or ships that are given out via a somewhat time consuming chain of in game achievements. Usually the ships are decent, range from tier 6-8, and the grind is manageable for the holiday season. Usually. This year started out different. Wargaming had a new Premium Tier 10 cruiser in the works for quite a while and people were excited, but no one knew when it would release. Then WG announced a couple weeks ago that the USS Puerto Rico would be the Christmas event ship earnable for FREE, COMPLETELY FREE. Now there was a caveat. This ship wouldn't be easy to earn and would take most of a month to earn from various play sessions. Progress could be accelerated with money, but still earnable, still free. And to make it less painful of a wait you got to watch the entire ship slowly construct itself in port from bare metal to full functional. It looked cool, and looked something like this. So community waits, community talks and then the newest update drops. Bug fixes, ship performance buffed or nerfed, and the Christmas update. And more importantly, the community looks up the mission chains broken up into time gated stages called directives, and reads. We read, we read, we reeeeeeee-ad, and we REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. You see the missions were hard, really hard, barely short of being literally impossibly hard. Scratch that, barely even possible. Heres a breakdown of getting the ship. I will be summarizing, trust me its worse then I will explain. The ship would slowly build itself through passive point gain regardless of you logging in or not. Point gain starts low but you can get lump sum boosts of points that also increase its rate of progress. These boosts are obtainable with in game currency awarded for completing the mission chains, or through purchase with premium currency purchased with real money. Once the build is far enough along you can pay premium currency (money) to finish it outright. Rate starts at 125 points per minute, USS Puerto Rico costs 51, 800, 000 points. To get the in game free currency you must complete 7 stages of missions, one stage unlocks every 4 days. Each stage needs 6 missions completed to finish. Simple. Nope. If you want USS Puerto Rico you need to complete all six missions within the 4 day window or else you won't have started increasing the passive point gain fast enough to get the ship. Also in previous events, missions would synergize with each other allowing for progression on multiple missions at a time. This event they are all mutually exclusive so you have to grind each one separately, one by one. Also in previous events completing a single mission would give a small but nice prize, like 10 good modifier camos, or 5 good modifier flags, or something. Nope one flag or one camo F-U. bad consolation prizes for attempting the grind. Fine, whatever Wargaming, whatever, what are the missions. Oh sweet. Here are a few of my favorites. Also matches average 15-20 minutes for reference. 230 torpedo hits. A really good match might get you 10, but its really easy to miss all of them or get like 2 hits. 23+ games. At least 5. 75 hours of gameplay. 48000 base xp (before modifiers) Even top players get maybe 2000 a match. 24 matches, 6 hours. 90 ship kills: 12 ships a team, you usually only get 2-3 kills a match. So 30-45 matches, about 7. 5 to 11. 25 hours 4, 500, 000 damage. Another 45 matches. 11. 25 hours. 9, 300, 000 damage to enemy ships. Good games you only get 100, 000. Really good 200, 000 damage. 46-93 matches. 5-23. 950, 000 xp. WTF. Remember when I said an ENTIRE SHIP LINE is around 900, 000 xp? Fully stacked with modifiers you get 10, 000 xp on a WIN, loss gets you half that. 95 MATCHES at least 24 hours. 1, 100, 000 xp. Another entire ship line and then some. Or a free ship similar to USS Puerto Rico, the USS Alaska for 1mil xp. Yup another 24+ hours 47, 000, 000 potential damage (amount of damage that could have hit you but didntt) in cruisers. Usually you might get 100, 000-200, 000 potential a match using crusiers. 235-470 matches. 58. 75-117. 5 HOURS 350, 000 xp but there are six of these missions, 2. 1mil xp, around 48 hours. 580, 000 commander xp. Usually you get drip fed a tiny amount. I don't even want to calculate this. Fine so don't do the missions for the FREE ship. How much does it cost? Well when all is said and done, around 250 USD, and around 300 CAN. For reference a VERY similar premium T9 the Alaska was only about 80 straight in the shop, no bullshit, or is actually earnable for free for an indefinite amount of time. So, you know, you can grind it out at your own pace. Or you know, quit your job, kill your family, and play so much you hospitalize yourself. But so what, its a game, its just a ship, don't grind then, who cares? Welp, we care because WG flat out lied to the entire community and the missions are so ludicrous that it has to be a purposeful middle finger to the entire playerbase. We care because its a new level of greed and predatory business practices on the level of EA's pride and accomplishment stunt. We care because there are idiots already sailing in the USS Puerto Rico right now because they have no impulse control and deep pockets and will fund WGs next shady as hell stunt. It is just a ship, it is just a game, most of us are not going to even attempt this stupidity, but its a slippery slope for WG and they have a proven track record of lubing themselves up and jumping in head first. So whats the community reaction? Nuclear. Cries of boycotts from the hills. Rant posts miles long and multiplying like tribbles. And memes. Lots and Lots and many more and more and more memes (best one. r/WorldOfWarships is a glorious and blazing dumpster fire. So whats Wargamings reaction? Dead silence on the forums and reddit, no official posts or responses just snarky comments from developers personal accounts. Taking down their newest video for too many dislikes. During their European server live stream they complained that players are not constructive with their feedback, and that hey at least you can get a consolation prize at stage 3 the Tier 7 cruiser Gorizia. Also apparently this T7 ship is easier to get than last years event ship the Prinz Eitel Freidrich was. Except this was pure LIES, and the difference in grind is 700% or even 2, 000% for summed up xp or credits or ship kills, etc. Also you have less time to grind more than last year. They are now locking the angry posts on the North America forums. They also deleted the original USS Puerto Rico announcement from their website since it made the grind sound do-able. Deleting recent streams from their Twitch, which were then saved by players. They are now saying that the REAL New Years ships is T7 Gorizia and not the very hyped T10 Puerto Rico, because Gorizia showed up first in the patch notes post on the website. Heres an actual Wargaming employee who usually does PR for WG as a community manager being an ass. it can be played at your own pace. except if you want PR that is. And more. Honestly just read his comment history as of a couple days ago. Oh now the grind is supposed to be impossible and only for the 1% of players. cough, those with more money than self control. Players are daring Wargaming employees to do the grind for free to show its possible, in their stream they say its "not realistic" to have an employee stream themselves for an entire month as they have actual things to do, like work. In their defense they are right, they shouldn't waste an employees time with that, but also fail to acknowledge that the playerbase has people who work for a living too, or have more important things to do over Christmas. General condescending comments from Wargaming because Puerto Rico is FREEEEEEE and players should stop complaining. Oh and I forgot. The EU servers are on fire again so no one there can even start to attempt the grind. So what now? I'm waiting with baited breath for WGs next failure at damage control or their complete caving in with a "heartfelt" apology. I will post edits with updates if anything juicy happens similar to my post on the NTC thing here. In the meantime heres a meme summing up the situation and a few links to explain it better from top skill players WG sponsors for game testing and PR. Flamus stream highlight is quoted as saying that even as one of the best players with access to tons of xp modifiers, that even he could not complete this ship. iChase ranting and what better things you can do with the 300 CAN you dont spend on this ship Flambass rant. TL:DR Wargaming promises top tier premium ship as prize for completing an extended chain of objectives as is usual for Christmas time. Supposed to be possible for completely FREE, promises its completely possible, but proves to be almost literally impossible and would probably kill you to attempt from lack of sleep, food, or hygiene. If you want it you got to pay 250 for an average ship. Community very angry as the grind is probably an intentional middle finger from Wargaming due to the sheer and unprecedented absurdity of the objectives. Wargaming then fails at damage control and doubles down on "its possible" and starts lying left and right. EDIT #1 Dec 13: Wargaming is doing some damage control, and failing. The corporate mouthpiece himself Sub_Octavian has come out with a heartfelt apology on behalf of the company ( archived here if it gets deleted. He has publicly assured us that there was a simple "miscommunication" and that Gorizia was supposed to be the New Years ship, and that USS Puerto Rico, the much more shiny prize, was supposed to be for the most hardcore people. Lmfao, here is a snapshot of their website showing how well it was advertised that Gorizia was the real prize. Also they told the player base that their custom spreadsheets calculating the sheer absurdity of the grind were incorrect. "We have seen that some of you made calculations for this Puerto Rico event to better understand its requirements. We really appreciate your efforts to help the community. But due to some rounded numbers in our client they are not entirely accurate, so we want to share our core calculations on how to get Puerto Rico. We absolutely understand that these will not turn the grind for PR into easy one, but still believe it's important to have precise and clear information available. The "clear information. you see is that while the player base calculated that you needed to finish each ridiculous directive stage within 90 hours of it unlocking, instead you only have 72 HOURS. Oh cool we over calculated by 18 hours, good to know its even more impossible than we thought. The mild mannered and amazing old Royal Navy veteran Youtuber, The Mighty Jingles, has released a video chiming in on the controversy and apologizing for showing off the build process of the Puerto Rico, which still looks really cool visually) and contributing to the hype train back when the grind seemed doable, and monetary transactions seemed optional for those with less patience. Also more idiots are throwing money at WG for this 250 nightmare. Oh and most of them are buying a ship at the highest tier T10, the endgame, while only having played around 20-30 hours of the game. So they are promptly getting dumpstered by the average player and ruining peoples game by playing like idiots and screwing over their team. And of course memes, and some more memes. EDIT #2 Dec 13: Wargaming changed the wording of the New Years event article from words which might convince oneself that the grind is doable, to words which indicate its a difficult grind. Community Contributor iChase did a video on Wargamings "apology" and showed both the old and new wording of the article ( timestamped video. Big props to him and the other CC's for raking WG over the coals over this. Also someone in the comments if iChases asking if they can use the video to build a case for false advertising. They claim they are from the German Customer Protection Services. Might be fake, but I hope its real. EDIT #3 Dec 16: Wargaming has been stepping up its damage control. They reuploaded their video on the Dockyard for Puerto Rico and forgot that they left the money amount from the test server in the video for the boosters, which was set at 1000 gold instead of the actual 6000, 8000, and 10000 gold. Players cried false advertising so they did a bad edit on that part of the video to hide the gold amount entirely. Also the original Dockyard video that was posted for the event was taken down, edited, and reuploaded a couple times to removed parts where it seemed they were talking about the Puerto Rico being the focus of the event and not the Gorizia. Heres some fun quotes from the original version. Players who didn't now about the whole PR fiasco and bought the boosters already are now requesting refunds and are having their tickets closed within 10 minutes by the automatic system because it sucks horribly. People who bought the boosters or even bought the ship suddenly have lost it from port as the North American server seemed to do a limited rollback deleting peoples progress. They are fixing these issues and giving out extra gold for compensation, but really, come on. Someone made a petition and then it got removed from the forums right away. Someone also made a compilation video of recap clips from warships with a lot of them being clips from youtuber or Developer streams about this dumpster fire.
Greed island hunter x hunter. Greed crossword clue. Greed in spanish. Greed mucha. Obligatory "I've been watching these guys since the beginning" preface, because I was definitely a fan of all of the players going back to when Egoraptor was an animator, Jon was a Nostalgia Critic ripoff, and Danny was doing basement performances. I'm having a drink and just feeling pensive about this channel I used to be hugely into. So I'm just gonna ramble. Arin gets a shitload of stick, and a lot of it is deserved, but I think the underlying issue isn't what people say. Take a look at the history of Grumps and the decisions Arin has made. Barry was "hired" as editor just by virtue of being Jon's friend and roommate. Jon edited the early episodes. Ross came up with Steam Train as a separate entity entirely, but Arin made the offer to bring them on and essentially give them a much larger platform. He brought his wife on and then helped her with an entirely separate channel after backlash. Animators and compilation creators were making videos on their own, Arin puts their work on his channel and they get the revenue earned (which is why animations need to be over a minute. He gave office space to other Lets Players. He's hiring more people than he could possibly need. Pushing games made by indie devs. You can say he's trying to "buy friends" or that it's some megalomaniacal desire to make GG a "brand. but that doesn't seem right to me. So many of those moves were terrible business decisions and were obviously so at the moment. But if it's someone who fancies himself as being in a position to help out as many people as he can? Absolutely. Arin has said years ago he envisioned making a bigass office where tons of people could come in to make their YouTube content. If you look at Arin's response to criticism, it's clear he takes it super hard. He's all but completely disowned the Zelda Sequelitis (and I actually think that's a damn good video, as someone who had OoT when it was new, but that's a separate debate. He went off on that person in Ross's defense. He posted absolutely colossal tirades in defense of Suzy. That's not what someone does if they don't care about criticism and just soullessly does whatever gets views. He's apologized for shit he had no reason to apologize for, and we know all about the SJW pandering he's done in recent times. Is that because he doesn't want to hurt the brand? I don't think so. But as someone who really, really wants to be a "positive presence" on others? Yeah. Misguided as it may often be. Look, Arin does a lot of dumb shit. He does. But I really believe his heart is usually in the right place. But call it like it is. Arin's a high school dropout, he doesn't have any kind of training or education in literally anything he's doing. People criticize him for talking about those improv classes, but he's taking the classes. You can argue all you want about whether they're helping, but the dude is taking shit seriously enough that he's taking fucking improv comedy classes. He's written a book, worked on games, done scripted series, made albums. He's absolutely not someone who just wants to do the least work necessary to earn money. "But dude, the clickbait! The Uncle thing! Soviet Jump Game! Begging for donations on stream! He's phoning it in now. All fair. TOTALLY fair. But that's the thing. All of this is what happens when someone is overreaching themselves. He's spread so fucking thin. He's paying a stupidly high number of people to do jobs that absolutely do not require separate people dedicated to them. He's been making several hours of content per week every single week for about eight years. I did a Let's Play channel for about two and a half years from mid-2014 to early 2017. It's exhausting. You can't just take time off. You have to organize content so you have uploads ready because YouTube destroys you if you don't keep the steady stream going. There's a famous incident where Markiplier, way back when his channel was still only around 1mil subs, missed a day and he lost 10, 000 subscribers. Trying to keep the channel thriving is a nightmare. A rule of thumb back when I did it was that if a video's view count at the end of the day was about 10% of your subscriber count you were doing well. That was when Lets Plays were a hot commodity. And trying to figure out what did that was goddamn near impossible. Arin has no problem making himself look like an idiot. It's a safe bet that he's leaning into the whole "Arin is bad at games and hates everything" character because that's his shtick, and it's also a safe bet that he does it because he thinks that's what most of the fanbase likes. I don't. I laugh at some of those videos, but I like Egoraptor the incisive video game critic. I like the guy that made Sequelitis. However, I totally see how he turned into what we have now, and it wasn't because of greed, because of laziness. Ross made a video a few years back about how YouTube essentially murdered the animation field that I think is the best resource on the subject. I have no doubts Arin would love to still do animations. There's a video back there somewhere where he shows off a massive Cintiq he bought for that exact purpose. Unfortunately, he can't. Arin can't go back to animations. He can't stop cranking out daily videos because that's what's making the money. If Game Grumps was just him and Dan, maybe he would. He could let Dan focus on NSP and he does animations and they do GG videos here and there for fun. Hell, that was the original idea of Game Grumps, that it was a side project while he and Jon put the lion's share of their efforts into their solo channels. but that's not where YouTube is. Worse, the operation has expanded too far for him to be able to take a personal financial hit in order to do some animation work. Far too many people are relying on their Grumps checks. He can't just slam the brakes on this and work on passion projects. "Yeah but he's not hurting for money. He goes on trips all over the world, buys tons of toys. It's not like he's just giving all the money away. Also fair. But again, he's a high school dropout suddenly making money doing something that, at one point, was a hobby. He's a human being, after all. I'd also wager that, in terms of expenses, the money he spends on lightsabers or trips to Disneyland are far, far less than the cost of keeping the office operational and the salaries of however many people are on the Grumps team. A living wage in California is fucking expensive and for him to keep that many people on staff he's gotta be paying out a shitload. Way, way more than the price of a plane ticket to Osaka. The point I'm making isn't that Game Grumps is all kittens and rainbows and criticism is unwarranted. It's not. It's bad. Like. it's pretty fucking bad. The channel feels like it's running on fumes right now and people are struggling just to force themselves to get in front of the camera. But I think the reason it's in the dire straits it is isn't because Arin's a greedy asshole, but because he had all these grand ideas that totally stretched past his means. Even the criticism of him wanting to make GG into a brand a la Good Mythical Morning isn't an inherently bad thing. He's in his 30s now, of course he'd want to make something more substantial than a goofy "just some buddies dicking around" channel. I think Arin really does want to do good things, but he's overreached himself and it's starting to collapse. What's the solution? Fuck if I know. I'd honestly say the best move would be to bite the bullet and axe most of the team, pare back down to the essentials. Forget Starbomb, stop making games, don't write books, quit doing live performances. One video per day. Alternate LP videos between continuing series and one-offs, and then make a Power Hour on the 7th day. But that would require Arin firing people, and I don't think he has that in him. Everyone who's left the channel did so on their volition. They decided to leave. Jon is the only one who seems to have been fired, and that was only because the situation got so bad that it literally fractured their friendship for several years. So this isn't a defense of the content, it's a defense on what brought us to this point. But again, I'm just in a mood. This was a channel that I was heavily into years ago and I still revisit old series regularly, and after all this time it feels almost like watching old friends go down a bad road. I hope they get things in order again, I really do.
Greed island aiai. Greed preklad.