Japanese Club


2020.02.07 12:56

It seems Tanaka got shusse.                                            Good people should be promoted!

                                         shusse?                              Tanaka is not a good person...       

He is a manager now                                                  but to manager...! 

and his salary will go up.


Shusse  means obtaining a higher position. 

出 しゅつ leave, come out 出る(でる)

世     せ  world  世の中(よのなか)


These kanji literally translate to "go out into the world." Long ago, Buddha spent many years achieving enlightenment. After that, he went out into the world and taught his ideas to many people.


Nowadays, the word shusse refers to obtaining a higher position and salary. However, it is important to also honor its original meaning, which includes teaching other people what you have learned.