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2020.02.08 05:47



. genre: Documentary. USA. release Year: 2020. Free burma rangers free full video. Zau Seng (far right) a Kachin cameraman and medic from Myanmar for Free Burma Rangers was killed in a mortar strike that hit his position in Syria. Photo: Free Burma Rangers The Free Burma Rangers is a humanitarian organisation whose goal is to free the oppressed in Myanmar, Syria, Iraq and Kurdistan The group said Zau Seng was killed Sunday in a mortar strike by the Turkish army or their Syrian allies Topic, Syrian conflict Zau Seng (far right) a Kachin cameraman and medic from Myanmar for Free Burma Rangers was killed in a mortar strike that hit his position in Syria. Photo: Free Burma Rangers.

Free burma rangers free full online. Free Burma Rangers free falling. Long live the rangers. Free burma rangers free full album. YouTube Free Burma Rangers. Free burma rangers free full episode. Free burma rangers free full fight. Free Burma Rangers free fall. Free burma rangers free full free. Sad and happy, thank god in the name of jesus amen. Free burma rangers free full download. I live almost next door to Myanmar but only recently I have come to know about these serious trouble in Myanmar... Free Burma Rangers Free full review. Free burma rangers free full game. I was born in Burma Karen state too because that time the world is too strong so I need to leave my village and became a refugee for 10 years and after that I moved to America and when I saw this movie. I feel and miss my village and I also want to thank for all who work for my people I hope god will take care off all you guy I will let all my people in USA know that you do for my people and I wish I will back to see you guy god bless in Jesus name.

Free Burma Rangers Free full article. Free Burma Rangers Free full article on maxi. Free burma rangers free full movies. I recognize that sniper with the glasses :D. Thank God for his living Son Jesus who is above all powers. Jesus is the way the truth and light to reach the father (GOD) moha -mad, died and was buried in mecca. lol. JESUS ACCENDED IN TO HEAVEN.  HALLELUJA.  I don't worship a dead prophet and god. lol. that is why JESUS IS THE KING. LORD OF LORD AMEN. HE DID MIRACLES AND, HEALED THE SICK etc    moha-mad, didn't. do any thing to show, but to marry  a little girl. Koran 33;50. praise JESUS THE LIVING SON OF GOD. muslims don't like to here that. any religion, persons and institution against JESUS CHRIST, is called anti CHRIST.

À Mossoul, les moines-soldats ont trouvé leur chef: David Eubank, 57 ans, ancien major dans les forces spéciales américaines et protestant convaincu. Ce père de trois jeunes enfants – qu'il n'hésite pas à emmener sur le terrain – mène à Mossoul une mission humanitaire un peu particulière. Si son organisation non gouvernementale, les Free Burma Rangers (FBR)  explique vouloir apporter « de l'aide, de l'espoir et de l'amour » aux populations menacées, ils n'hésitent pas à utiliser les avions de chasse américains et les tanks irakiens pour nettoyer les positions ennemies avant de récupérer les civils blessés. D'ailleurs, la plupart des rangers savent très bien comment se servir d'une kalachnikov. Plusieurs d'entre eux sont d'anciens marines, d'autres sont d'ex-guérilleros birmans, et tous savent pratiquer les premiers soins, voire guérir une blessure de guerre. Les FBR sont peu connus, mais ils n'en sont pas à leur coup d'essai. Si David Eubank et ses missionnaires ont investi l' Irak en février 2015, l'organisation existe depuis 1997. À l'origine, elle a été créée pour apporter de l'aide aux minorités persécutées par le régime birman, dans les zones les plus reculées du pays. Là où les ONG traditionnelles n'osaient pas s'aventurer, David Eubank et son équipe passaient sans problème. Il faut dire que l'ancien soldat connaît bien la région. Il a passé toute son enfance en Thaïlande, où ses parents évangélisaient les paysans des campagnes à la frontière birmane. Après un passage dans l'armée, un séminaire de théologie évangéliste à Pasadena, en Californie, il décide, à l'âge de 37 ans, de lancer les Free Burma Rangers en Birmanie. Les volontaires distribuent des médicaments, des vêtements, de la nourriture et soignent les blessés. Depuis 20 ans, le groupe humanitaire s'est déployé au Kurdistan irakien, en Syrie ou au Soudan. Parfois, aider les civils signifie les défendre contre le feu ennemi À Mossoul, d'ex-soldats américains qui ont fait la guerre d'Irak en 2001 ont rejoint les Free Burma Rangers. Chaque jour, les membres des FBR organisent des opérations avec l'armée irakienne pour récupérer les civils pris au piège par Daech, dont les tireurs embusqués font des ravages. Grâce à ses contacts au sein de l'armée américaine, David Eubank peut, en un coup de talkie-walkie, faire bombarder une position ennemie par les avions de chasse de l'US Air Force. Dès qu'une occasion se présente, l'escouade des FBR fonce à bord de véhicules blindés au beau milieu des zones dévastées et remplies de mines pour récupérer les civils blessés. Souvent, une caméra les accompagne et filme leurs exploits, qui sont ensuite largement relayés sur les réseaux sociaux, sur lesquels David Eubank se montre très actif. Malgré le message de paix et d'amour revendiqué par l'Américain de 57 ans, les FBR ressemblent souvent davantage à une milice qu'à une organisation humanitaire. « Parfois, aider les civils signifie les défendre contre le feu ennemi », admet à demi-mot David Eubank. Une employée d'une grande ONG française présente à Mossoul critique pourtant ce mode opératoire: « L'impartialité n'est pas accessoire pour les humanitaires, explique-t-elle. Prendre part à un conflit, c'est aller au-delà de son rôle. Quand on soigne des blessés, on ne se demande pas s'ils viennent des rangs de Daech ou si ce sont des civils. C'est la condition pour intervenir partout. L'armée a un rôle, les humanitaires en ont un autre », rappelle-t-elle. Mais peu importe la nuance pour les Américains: les chaînes de télévision se sont déjà prises d'affection pour cette « famille américaine qui combat Daech ».

There is not other name under Heaven by which we can be saved. Thank you for your love and work and ministry to these who are greatly oppressed by deception and those given to evil. To see others smile in the midst of their circumstance - humbling. We know your family and team are a great light, inspiration and gift to those you minister and train. Prayer - Lord, continue to protect the Eubanks family and their team and multiply your love, peace and great message of salvation, wisdom, hope of Your way through Christ.

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Bless you guys! Great to see your smiling faces and doing such a great work

I work for God Yay David Eubank says I like Muslims because they believe in God, early on Eubank claims that the fruit of his actions determines if it is of God then admits that even if he enables people who use the things he gives them to do TERRIBLE things and Hurt others that he wont stop, doing a satanic mental back flip saying God told him to do it on his invisible radio, but he is allowing the God of this world which is Satan a point made very obvious when he also self contradicts saying that everything other than the Gospel is Satanic yet he claims in his cradle of civilization talk that I like Muslims because they believe in God Eubank acts accordingly for someone calling a false god ( Satan/ Demonic ) God. God says woe to those who fool people that darkness is light.

THIS GUY. HIS MESSAGE. HIS MISSION. I CANT STOP THE TEARS. WHY HASNT THIS BEEN REPORTED ON AND WHY DOESNT EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THIS. Dave! Im praying a hedge of protection over you your family and all of these brave men and women that do what you guys do! In the mighty name of Jesus! Amen! Semper fi brother. Free burma rangers free full cast. Merry Christmas God bless you. Free burma rangers free full length. Free burma rangers free full movie. Why can't Liberal theology Missionaries just stick with Gods TRUE teachings and not add and Subtract from the Word of God ? We are Both Grateful God did something 1.) Muslims do not believe in God as This speaker says. They believe in Satanic Teachings and are fooled that Satan is God. It is true that the False Jesus of False Christianity is essentially the Same as the God of Islam because they are both false Gods. Later in another Video praying for the Dead to enter Heaven shows that the promise of this Ministry to Educate people spiritually is further false Spiritual Teachings. We cannot pray people into heaven and this is a sin to teach, The only way into Heaven is through the sacrifice that God made. If we can pray people into Heaven and if the Muslims believe in God then why would their be any need to Convert to TRUE Christianity ? the Bible says these false Teachings, like those of Fuller Seminary, will be disguised as light but are utter Darkness and result in death. When Muslims teach Allah how is this love ? This little Girl is at high risk for Being sexually Mutilated, Beat By husband with Multiple wives, honor killed etc. Claiming WE ARE CLEAN BECAUSE OF Jesus LOVE And ignoring that people must accept that gift nd repent is not a Word of God teaching, The Muslim Jesus is entirely different that the REAL Jesus. To say that these people who are teaching satanism are loving Children is false and not biblical at all. Over half of the Females in Kurdistan are sexually mutilated. too duck speaking on this is sinful. to say that surrendering children to Satan worshippers is restoration is a completely corrupt form of reporting. Likewise the Kurds are releasing ISIS and this organization has silently consented and said the Kurds deserve the territorial oil wells of Northern Iraq Bible describes as Assyria the work of my hands not mythological Kurdistan. Well at least we leaned about another Muslims vision Since they already Believe in a False Jesus. Since She is living in an Islamic stae where women and Children are not Loved why would we believe that she would grow up with all opportunities to be ? The real Crucial issues of separating truth from falseness are not here. Islams demonic teachings are avoided. The reality of Life under Islam avoided. The truth about this restoration Avoided. Islam teaches these people to be Martyrs for Jihad the Cause of Allah. If this little Girl Is sexually Mutilated like most Females in the region and has many Terrorist ideology Children Even if she does not become a Female Suicide Bomber how is any of this restoration ? Why are the realities of human rights violating Islam being avoided ? how WILL THE spiritual wounds be healed growing up in Islam. Saying in Jesus name like false teacher Billy Graham while teaching false Ecumenical teachings against the Bible and failing to Expose Evil is nether example that all who say lord lord are not Christians says not to be luke warm on issues of eternal life and death interfaith he opposes and in the position to expose evil but failing to speak up in the gate.

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