Braveheart Download Torrent Torrent Part 1 123movies release date
- 1995
- duration=2 hours 58 min
- Biography
- Patrick McGoohan
- creator=Randall Wallace
- Reviews=Around the end of the 1200s, oppressed by King Edward "Longshanks" who rules England with an iron fist, the noble and charismatic Scot of humble descent, William Wallace, leads a righteous campaign to end tyranny. In this gallant quest for freedom, the gifted strategist and mighty warrior will amass the hordes of the oppressed Scotsmen who thirst to reclaim their independence, however, the road to liberty is always drenched in blood
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After watching this film for the millionth time about 10 minutes ago I have to say this is easily one of the best films I've seen. We can go on all day about the best films ever made, but it's rare to find a film like Braveheart today.
This film is not the most factual piece in existence, I would consider it fiction based on fact. William Wallace existed as did Longshanks, and England did invade Scotland, however some characters are obviously fiction, a lot of what happens is fiction and I would like to think of it as fiction for film. Being honest this film was made primarily for film-making and money, not historical accuracy, and there is nothing wrong with that due to the film being excellent in my own opinion. The battle scenes are well done with little flaws (continuity errors happen in every film, not just braveheart) it's stuck to the "rules" of film making for the most part and the camera work and angles come across sometimes as stunning, along with the scenery, great acting, scripting, and emotion put into the music and story itself it's a recipe for a great film.
I would definitely recommend seeing this film to anyone that hasn't, if you haven't, why not? This is easily one of the best war/sword films that has been made and is definitely work a watch, however it is quite long, and at some parts slow. It personally took me a few watches to realise how Wallace thinks, and how he has known certain information he shouldn't know, but I won't spoil it for you and urge you to watch the film to understand.
This movie is at its best in the big battle scenes. However, it goes on forever. Like "Giant" it's great to look at, but it's long and has many dull subplots that make it tough to follow. I admire Mel Gibson for the hard work he put into this movie and his role as Braveheart, but the evil king Edward is the more interesting of the two.
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Braveheart Ficha Titulo: Braveheart Formato: BDremux Género: Drama Histórico Año: 1993 Director: Mel Gibson. Actores: Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan, Angus MacFadyen, Catherine McCormack, James Cosmo, Brendan Gleeson, David OHara, Brian Cox, Peter Mullan, Gerard McSorley. Sinopsis En el siglo XIV, los escoceses viven oprimidos por los gravosos tributos y las injustas leyes impuestas por los ingleses. William Wallace es un joven escocés que regresa a su tierra después de muchos años de ausencia. Siendo un niño, toda su familia fue asesinada por los ingleses, razón por la cual se fue a vivir lejos con un tío suyo. Tráiler DESCARGAR TORRENT DESCARGAR NETFLIX GRATIS.
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