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2020.02.19 18:27





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Merci pour tout watch free movie. Super film. Merci pour tout Watch free download. His movements were odd and jerking, his legs almost locking against themselves every time he went to take another step. He wore a smile that clashed with his pained eyes. They were watery, as though he was ready to cry at any moment. He carried a motley assortment of clothes, including a dark green overcoat, a bag with some old work boots ripped apart at the seams, an old, brown Homburg-style hat with a white band around it, a thick flannel shirt, a pair of dark green pants, and a brown leather belt. Eric was carrying them as far away from his body as possible, as though they were repulsive to him. Like they were diseased. The dark sky overhead was glittering with stars and satellites, airplanes and space stations. It was late at night on a Thursday, and the old plaza in town was completely abandoned. No one wandered past 9 o’clock because of local youth who’d taken to giving anyone walking through its corridors late at night a particularly hard time. One girl had had to run to her car to escape rowdy adolescents catcalling and harassing her. The town’s police were of course dragging their heels to get to the problem, because no one as of yet had formally pressed charges. So they continued to terrorize anyone in the plaza at night. He knew all this, though he tried to keep it out of his mind. He did this, not because he was afraid, but because he did not want to jinx his current plan. He simply held his breath from time to time, holding the clothes as far away from himself in the most uncomfortable way possible. He strained against the motion of his legs and found he could not compel them to stop. He knew this, because he had commanded it. Eric was powerless to stop moving, unless… At that moment, rounding a bend, he was faced with one of the main arches of the plaza, and inside of it were about eight or so youth, blanketed in darkness. They were smoking and drinking from bottles concealed in jackets, someone’s phone playing loud, angry music. They were laughing and joking with each other as they were making their way into the plaza. One of the boys was talking loudly about a fight he’d had earlier that day, while another pair were hissing about chasing girls. They were drunk and restless. Once he came into view, a number of them fell silent, suppressing laughter as they looked at each other, looking back at the new focus of their attention. He was more relieved than he’d ever been. He made his way to them. But none of them were saying anything. They needed to say something first! He suddenly realized this as he made his toward them. He walked in his strange matter, his clothes a good foot away from his chest. He was a perfect target, but as he got closer none of their number were saying anything. He prayed for an intervention. Then one of the youths, affecting a proper British accent, said in his most polite way, “Evening. ” To this, one of the others behind the group added audibly, “…faggot! ” The group burst into laughter, while some hushed the others. He rounded and faced them, his face the picture of relief. He was overcome with emotion, and yet still he kept his smile, almost against his will. He shed a tear as he inhaled a shaky breath, and he greeted the gang of delinquents with a cheery, “Why good evening to you as well! I’m so glad that we could enter into polite conversation on this fine evening! ” The effect of his words was palpable. None of the group understood why the hell this man, in the face of such a sure threat of violence, was so damned cheery. One of them still laughed, but he did so alone. Out in this confined corridor, safely tucked away out of view from the street, they had this man surely cornered. As if to accentuate this point, a couple of their number spread out to surreptitiously trap him in a semicircle. Now if Eric tried to run, he would be caught by one of the gang and thrown to the ground. The one who initially greeted him remained jubilant, and took it as a challenge. Saying to the rest of his group, “fucking poof wants to have a polite conversation, ay? ” before turning to the man with the clothes. Again affecting his proper British accent, the youth responded, “why old chap, I do believe you’ve hit the nail properly on the head. It is indeed a fine evening. I do believe a polite conversation is indeed in order. ” The group howled at the youth’s spot on impression. His face was still, as some of the gang began to note, infuriatingly positive and glowing with jubilation, his stupid smile still pasted on. He responded, without any irony, “Indeed, sir. Allow me to introduce myself: I am Eric Coyle. What would yours be? ” To this, chatter erupted among the gang. This man was clearly messing with them, and he deserved a kicking. The youth who’d been leading the conversation was beginning to enjoy this. “Why my name is Robin Hood, you can call me Robin, and this is my cheery gang of misfits. This here is Friar Fuck, ” he said as he pointed at one of their number, to which everyone but the singled out youth erupted in peels of laughter, some bending over and walking away. ‘Robin’ continued, “and this here is Li’l John, ” he said pointing at one of their number, to some subdued cheering and more laughter. “The rest of this group are my Merry Men. ” At this, the laughter hushed into a menacing interest, and the whole group eyed Eric dangerously for his response. Eric said, “And a good evening to you all gentlemen. Pray tell, what are you all doing out on this fine evening? ” The question caused some dubious looks, and not a few of them were getting angrier at the lack of fear in the man’s eyes. Robin was starting to get frustrated at the man’s cool responses. He was used to dealing with people with eyes wide as saucers, a palpable sheen of sweat and shaking hands betraying their horror. But he’d gone this far, why not continue the ruse? “Why, my good sir, we’re out looking for some rich to steal from, so that we may give to the poor. ” Some of the gang laughed at this, but most eyed Eric intently. “Why, what fun! Pray tell, are there any in your number who have found such a person this fine evening? ” Agitated and humiliated, the mood was beginning to finally turn ugly for Eric, and Robin was almost reaching his limit with this fool. “I think so, dear fellow. Pray tell, what do you have on your person? ” Eric’s smile stayed, and his eyes remained hopeful as he explained, “Why, I have but the clothes in my hand. Perhaps you’d like to take them from me? ” To this, he added, looking into Robin’s eyes with intent seriousness, “Perhaps bash my head into pieces and leave me to die? ” Someone said, “What the fuck? ” Another was issuing a long, drawn out “whaaat? ” The gang were already confused by this encounter, but now they were keenly aware that something was not right with his bloke. They were used to people turning on their heels and evading them. They were jackals, not lions. They were unsure of how to treat someone who was clearly looking for a fight. Robin looked around, trying to retain control of the situation, saying, “Oi, he’s clearly fucking mental. Just give us a minute and let’s see how much fun we can have with this one, hey? ” He turned back to Eric and continued his chat with Eric. “Dear man, we are merely looking for money. For what reason are you carrying those clothes? ” Eric swallowed. There were the beginnings of perspiration on his face. Some of the boys took this to mean he was afraid. But still that hideous grin remained, thick lips barely covering straight, yellow teeth. He answered with the tone of someone talking about the weather. “He told me to, my dear fellow. Him out there in the woods. I was walking tout there tonight and it was dark out, you see. And as I walked along, I heard someone singing a song. I wanted to investigate. And soon enough I came upon this thicket. It was impossibly green with moss, and stunk of mildew. Flowers were blooming before my eyes and vines were perceivably stretching outward. In the middle of it I saw a pale, white shape, hairless and featureless, save for a face that took hold of me the moment it set its eyes on me. They were like grey marbles flecked with red and darkness. Its nose was a black triangle, the point of it reaching upwards towards the stars. Its mouth was smooth, and seemed not to move at all as it started to talk to me. “You see, he told me where he’s from. He said he was delivered to the earth through a tornado that no soul had laid eyes upon. He showed me where Hell is. He told me this is the beginning of magic. He showed me the evidence. I didn’t want to know anymore, but I couldn’t get away. His eyes can do things. The red is a sea of blood, the blood of fools and traitors, and of perverts and thieves. He is as violent as a cyclone, skies boiling black from the turbulent power that broils within him, my dear fellow, ” Eric stated, his jovial voice betraying none of the horrors of which he spoke. Some of the youth could feel their hair standing on end. Robin continued, his accent no longer proper at all. “Why are you telling us this? ” “Oh, he told me to go get him clothes, you see. He needs them. He must see us closely first, like he did with me. He commanded me to move without hesitation, and to err on the side of fair judgement. He was so clever. He made sure that I couldn’t throw away my keys or walk into traffic. But he made one mistake, gentlemen, and you are witness to it now. He told me I was permitted to enter into polite conversation if I encountered anyone suspicious of my activities. ” Eric’s face became pleading, manic. “And a good thing too. Any later and I would be in the woods by now. And he would have human custom and disguise, and then the world would be swallowed by his brand of putrid evil that will devour us all. He is here to deliver us into evil. So please, Merry Men, do make sure that you batter and maim me right here where I stand. I understand. I beg of you, dear sirs, make an end of me. ” Eric was moving closer now. The boys were recoiling in horror. Robin looked to the one he’d called Lil John for advice. Eric looked at the boy, his eyes manic saucers in a face seized with eager madness. “Boys, this is your chance. Just make sure you do it quick and finish me off true. I can’t linger at the end, for then he’ll have a chance to enter my soul and spread his magic. If you can do this for me, dear fellows, you’ll be defeating the devil himself. So do your worst, I give you full license. In fact, think of it as a fun challenge if you will. Haven’t you always wanted to kill a man? Play with his insides? See how his eyes feel when you squeeze them? ” The boys looked at each other in fearful hesitation. Eric became agitated at the lack of action his words were inspiring. He grabbed Robin’s hand and hissed, “Go on, step on my brains. ” “Fucking hell! ” Robin yelped, shaking his hand free as he took a step away from Eric. A look of terror passed across Eric’s face, and he backed away. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly turned away and began walking towards the plaza’s exit. His walk would have been comical, with its odd, jerking way of moving, had he not just terrified the gang of youth. Robin and his Merry Men watched the man go. They could hear him crying to himself, a sob that was subdued by the clothes that he held out in front of him. The one Robin had called Friar Fuck called out, “Yeah, you go on then, pussyole! ” Eric turned around, that same smile the only thing visible under the streetlights as he said cheerfully, “And to you as well, you fucking children! Farewell, and may you die with each other’s dicks jammed down your pathetic little throats. ” He turned to walk away. His words had taken away any reservations they’d had about attacking the stranger. They were upon him in a matter of seconds. One of them used a blade, which mercifully hastened the violent affair considerably. Within a moment, the gang backed away from the body lying on the ground. Eric looked up and at one of their number, staring into their eyes, trying to say something, but only succeeding at making blood pour from his mouth into his hair and down on to the stone walkway on which he lay. Then he arched his back, looked up at the sky, and died. The gang made a run for it, and were gone in an instant. All except for one. The youth who’d locked eyes with Eric as he was about to die, he’d seen Eric dying. But just then, as he’d looked into his eyes, suddenly in his mind’s eye he was seeing a tornado bigger than he’d ever seen, made of blood and swirling larger than the cosmos, and in the middle of it a form blacker than forgotten catacombs descending from the boiling clouds above. Then in his mind’s eye he saw an upward black triangle. It pulled away to reveal a face that locked eyes with him. Its thick, sensuous lips smiled. He slowly approached the prostrate body. With odd, jerking movements, he scooped up the clothes, and in an odd, jerking fashion, walked towards the plaza’s exit. Just beyond lay the forest, the dark spreading outward.

Merci pour tout Watch free web. Merci pour tout watch freedom. Merci pour tout watch free live. Hey guys! I would like to introduce you to JP Stinson, a french old school Hip Hop artist. This guy is coming out of nowhere and just released his first album named "Zonage" (I guess we could basically translate it by "Hanging around") for free. This album is entirely made from his home studio. He's the one who mixed, recorded and made the mastering of each song in it. Every instrumental is also made by him from various samples (except two of his songs). So, as one of his good friend, I'm here to make his promotion because I truly think he deserves to be known. We both come from a little town where there are almost no good music artists (especially hip hop artists... ), and JP Stinson spent A LOT of time and energy to prepare "Zonage". So it would mean a lot to us if you could take the time to listen to it and even to share it if you actually enjoyed it. A friend of him (BigTyer) also offered to make a music video (home made as well) of one of his song which is included in the album: "Introspection". You can find all of those songs on his Youtube channel, and even more videos. You'll find all the links you need below, please check this out, and don't be afraid to say what you think of it! I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed! JP Stinson's album "Zonage": Zonage (2013) His Youtube channel: His music video "Introspection": You can follow JP Stinson on Facebook here: and on Twitter @JPStinson Thanks by advance, and apologize for my English, I did my best! Salut! J'aimerais vous pésenter JP Stinson, un artiste français de Hip Hop old school du bassin Montcellien (pour les connaisseurs). Peu connu à ce jour, il sort de nulle part pour nous proposer son premier album "Zonage", entièrement fait maison depuis son home studio, et bien entendu, gratuit. C'est-à-dire qu'il s'est occupé de chaque étape de la préparation des sons, que ce soit les enregistrements, le mixage, le mastering ou la création des productions (instrumentales) à partir de samples divers (à part pour deux de ses sons). En tant que bon ami, je souhaite faire sa promotion car je pense qu'il mérite vraiment de se faire connaître. Nous venons tous les deux d'un petit patelin perdu où il y a très peu de bons artistes qui font dans la musique (surtout en ce qui concerne le Hip Hop... ), et vu tout le temps et l'energie passés à préparer "Zonage", ça signiferait beaucoup pour nous que vous preniez le temps de l'écouter et même de le partager si vous l'avez apprécié. Un ami à lui (BigTyer) a proposé pour l'occasion de lui tourner un clip fait maison sur l'un de ses sons "Introspection" (compris dans l'album). Vous pouvez également retrouver tous les sons de l'album sur sa chaîne Youtube, et bien plus encore. Vous trouverez tous les liens dont vous avez besoin ci-dessous. Jettez-y un oeil et n'ayez pas peur de donner votre avis dessus, même si je pense que vous ne serez pas déçus! L'album "Zonage" de JP Stinson: Zonage (2013) Sa chaîne Youtube: Son clip "Introspection": Vous pouvez retrouver JP Stinson sur Facebook ici: et sur Twitter @JPStison Merci d'avance!

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Merci pour tout watch free watch. Merci pour tout watch free hd. ***** IN ENGLISH Having diner with some friends lately, I realized than quite a lot of people still have an approximate knowledges about cryptotocrrencies. And more important, they do not realize what powerful democratic tool cryptos are, why it scares banks and governments so much. They usually read only the titles of the news articles (which for some are really BS) So I wrote the text below. It's in french and my english is not good enough to translate the humor in the text (to whoever can, feel free to translate it, It's open source I don't claim any right on it:-))). For the french, please copy and paste the text below everywhere you can (article comment, friends, social media etc.. ), so the voices of cryptos is not silenced by a distorted press **************************************************IN FRENCH ************************************** Dinant récemment avec des amis j ai réalisé qu'un grand nombre de gens ont encore une connaissance parcellaire des cryptomonnaies. Et plus important ils n'ont pas conscience du formidable outil démocratique qu'elles représentent et de pourquoi elles font si peur aux banques et aux gouvernements. Ils se contentent de lire les titres des articles de presse (dont certains sont des âneries) Alors j ai écris le texte ci dessous. SVP copier coller ce texte partout où vous pouvez (commentaires, réseaux sociaux etc.. ) histoire que la voix des cryptomonnaies ne soit pas étouffée par une presse biaisée THE TEXT ****** Qui a peur du grand méchant bitcoin? C'est pas nous, c'est pas nous comme le dit la comptine. Mais alors pourquoi cet acharnement sur les cryptomonnaies?? En résumé, parce que ça marche. Il faut se souvenir que le bitcoin, la première cryptomonnaie telle que nous les connaissons aujourd'hui, a été crée suite à la crise financière de 2008 Elle offre une technologie que l'on appelle la blockchain qui permet d'enregistrer des transactions entre personnes ou société possédant une adresse bitcoin. Et ce, en toute transparence (car le registre des transactions est public) et de façon sure et permanente (du fait de la cryptographie utilisée ainsi que de la distribution du registre des transactions sur un grand nombre de serveur). L'utilisation de cette technologie est libre de droit. Le but est avant tout de contrer les effets néfastes des toutes puissantes institutions financières dans nos démocraties et de libérer la population de son emprise en mettant à l'abri les fonds de la population sur un réseau indépendant. Effets qui se sont confirmés pendant la crise grecque, avec les conséquences que l'on connaît sur la population grecque, ou encore en France quand on découvre que ce sont les banques qui choisissent qui aura le droit de se présenter ou non à certaines élections en accordant ou non les financements nécessaires. Et ce bitcoin, qui au départ était moqué par les banques comme un phénomène de geek, permet aujourd'hui aux venezueliens de s'acheter de quoi survivre dans un pays sous pression économique des USA et du FMI. Ils sont l'exemple même de ce qui dérange les banques et une partie de la classe politique, une population, voir un pays que l'on ne peut contrôler via le compte bancaire. Vous vous dites ce type, est un des ces parano conspirationnistes propagateur de fake news (si c’était vrai au moins je serais à la mode;-)) Certes on nous dit qu'il n y aura plus de crises financières (ce qui est sans doute aussi vrai que le première guerre mondiale était la der de der, ou encore que le nuage de Tchernobyl ne traversait pas les frontières) sur, on nous dit que les euros sur nos comptes ont une valeur réelle et correspondent à des richesses bien réelles, et ne sont pas simplement des chiffres ajouter par la BCE dans un tableau excel (et donc la peur du bank run n'est qu'un fantasme, le rachat des dettes pourries n'est pas une planche à billet déguisée et enfin les accords Bretton Woods ne sont qu'un tournoi de golf). Mais réfléchissons un instant et posons nous les questions suivantes. Dans nos pays dit développés, à quel point sommes nous dépendant des banques (la réponse est au dessus, merci de suivre;-))? Pouvons nous vivre sans comptes bancaires (idem que pour la question précédente:-))?? Que se passerait-il si une nouvelle crise financière (comme une crise de la dette par exemple) se produisait (parfum sauce grec ou pas, sujet évoqué a Davos, mais vite étouffé)?? Que se passerait il si une grande partie de la population désirait retirer son argent des banques?? (ce bank-run qui à fait si peur justement pendant la crise grec, (au passage provoquée avec l'aide de Goldman Sachs aussi appelé la firme). Ou même plus simplement que se passerait-il si la population allait au delà des gros titres d'une presse économique dont les principaux annonceurs sont des banques et autres sociétés de gestions fonds, et s’intéressait à un système financier où ils sont les seuls maîtres de leur fonds et décidaient d'y transférer une partie de leur argent. Bien sur, intuitivement vous avez la réponse: Cela serait une catastrophe pour les banques (et par effet domino, la classe politique) car elles se retrouveraient sans fonds sur lesquels vivre et spéculer (Vous aviez cru que votre argent restait sur vos comptes? ). Et le gouvernement sans contrôle sur la population. Or dans le système financier actuel de l'argent dette, et sa perpétuel fuite en avant (he oui, la dette mondiale est de 233 000 milliards $ soit 318% du PIB mondiale, he non, y a pas de fautes de frappes), il faut en permanence ré-injecter de l'argent pour que ça marche (Charles Ponzi aurait du déposer un brevet:-)) les banques prêtent (de plus en plus difficilement d'ailleurs, peut être la population a t elle compris qu'a crédit on aurait le diable) et spéculent avec l'argent des dépôts (mais pas seulement, voir les accords Bâle III). Et les politiques empruntent aux banques pour financer leur campagnes et leur promesses politiques. Et les banques empruntent le pouvoir aux politiques pour favoriser (mais on dit réguler) le système financier. Et après moi le déluge:-), la boucle est bouclée. Maintenant mettez vous donc à la place de nos chers banquiers et politiques. Si vous saviez tout ça (car ils l'ont déjà compris d'où les réunions en coulisses de Davos au sujet des cryptomonnaies) que choisiriez vous? D'un coté l'homologation d'un système de paiement et de stockage de valeur qui ressemble à l'étalon or (mais en plus rapide et plus facile à stocker) qui rendrait un réel contrôle à la population sur ses finances et ce faisant devoir repenser le système financier actuel au dépend de votre pouvoir? Ou choisiriez vous de tuer ce système en disant qu'il à la rage, et d'en tenir loin la population, afin de maintenir le système financier existant et le pouvoir qu'il vous donne? Nos institutionnels ont bien compris que les cryptomonnaies sont les pierres numériques d'une révolution sans violence qui ne demande rien d' autre qu'une prise de conscience de la population. Le dormeur doit se réveiller some sources: Search the net and use your brain to cross check the datas.

La lie du Cinéma Français quand-même quelque-part non? Cela me donne mal au coeur à 10 euros au moins la séance pas vrai? Où sont les véritables créateurs aujourd'hui? On se le demande véritablement! Le cinéma numérique à 3 sous on en a MARRE. Merci pour tout watch free movies. Merci pour tout watch free online. فوووور تيبو 👌👌👌👍👍👍😘😘😘💝💝. Merci pour tout watch free episodes. Merci pour tout Watch free web site. This post will be updated as more information is available. Feel free to add info in the comments. All the currency in Euros €. The Mercato opened on Tuesday 9th of June at midnight. It will close on Monday 31st of August. THE MERCATO IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED Official arrivals/extensions Thiago Motta (Contract Extension) Official News on, contract extended till June 2017. #Motta2017 According to Motta's agent, Alessandro Canovi the silence he had those last two months was constructive and managed to find an agreement with the club. According to la Gazzetta, Motta and Nasser met and it concluded with a contract extension of 2 years. Motta should get wages around 7. 7 million per year (Matuidi rumoured wages). Layvin Kurzawa (AS Monaco) Official News on The transfer is rumoured around 23 million with 4 million of bonuses of performances (Léquipe). First Interview, here is the video of the day ""I am very happy to have joined a club, and a project, as ambitious as Paris Saint-Germain" Apparently he is already friend with Aurier and Serge/Blanc convinced him;-) Kurzawa in numbers Won the U20 World Cup in 2013 (with JC Bahebeck, Pogba, Aréola... ) 11 UEFA Champions League matches (2 goals already). Twitter, officially signed until July 2020. Ángel Di María (Manchester United) Official News on First Press Conference of Ángel Di María Man United confirming the transfer The transfer was estimated at 63 Million and wages at 10 Million per year. Ángel signed a 4 years contract and is the 4th player in our squad who already won the CL. @PSG_inside tweet He will wear #11, in the Argentinian selection he wears the #7. He is the 13th Argentinian player who joined PSG and is really good friend with Lavezzi. ICI C'EST PARIS Benjamin Stambouli (Tottenham Hotspur) Official News on, PSG signed the 24 years old midfielder for 5 years. Nasser: "France will find a player who displayed lot of promises when he played in Ligue 1". The transfer was estimated at 8-9 Million and wages at 2. 88 Million per year. Stambouli gets number #4, see his profile on. First interview. Kevin Trapp (Eintracht Frankfurt) Official News on, PSG signed the german 25 years old goal keeper for 5 years. The transfer was estimated at 8-10 Million and wages at 5 Million per year. Kevin Trapp in Numbers: 114 Bundesliga games, 3. 7 saves on average. Blanc statement (in French). Kevin gets number #16, see his Profile on. First interview, his french is decent! Serge Aurier (Toulouse FC) Official News on, the club triggered his option to buy estimated between 10-12 million. His wages would be the same as last year 3 million per year. Javier Pastore (Contract Extension) Official News on, the player renewed his contract until 2019. Wages rumoured to be 9. 6M€/year with a tweak in the contract: his new salary would start only season 2016/2017 to avoid problems with the Financial Fair Play. Paris Saint-Germain and Pastore in images Lucas Moura (Contract Extension) Official News on, the player renewed his contract until June 2019. Lucas wants to be part of the Club's History, he is really happy in the club and is motivated to win the Champions League. Lucas and PSG in images Official departures/loans Youssouf Sabaly (Loan to FC Nantes) Official statement on Official statement from FC Nantes about the 22 years old. There is no option to buy with the loan and it's a one year long loan. Sabaly was loaned the last two seasons with Evian TG and did a really good impression. He can play as Left Back or Right Back and should be really interesting to watch with Nantes. Youssouf won the U20 World Cup in Turkey in 2013. Good luck to him with FC Nantes. Gustavo Hebling (Loan to PEC Zwolle) Official News from PEC Zwolle Apparently the player left São Paulo FC and signed with PSG for free this summer. The loan to the Dutch Club is over 2 years long. Here it's him visiting Paris few weeks ago. L'équipe News about the transfer. Earlier this summer was explained that some administrative issues was slowing down the transfer. Lucas Digne (Loan to AS Roma) Official statement on Official statement from AS Roma Official statement from AS Roma (twitter) Digne thanks the club for his two year in Paris According to la Gazzetta dello sport, Digne's loan cost 2. 5 million for Roma. The option to buy Digne for Roma is rumoured between 16. 5 and 25 million. Mike Maignan (Lille OSC) Official statement on about the transfer. Maignan spent 6 seasons with PSG in the youth program and reserve team. Official statement from Lille OSC Maignan signed a 5 years contract with Lille. First interview of Maignan According to la Voix du Nord, the transfer amount around 1 million (bonus included). Jean-Christophe Bahebeck (Loan to AS Saint-Étienne) Official statement on, confirming the loan to Saint-Étienne until June 2016. Official statement from l'AS Saint-Étienne. l'ASSE finished 5th in Ligue 1 last season right behind Marseille. This year, they will play the third qualifying round of Europa League. First interview of Bahebeck with Saint-Étienne. "I did a good preparation this summer". "I want to play is as many games as possible and bring by skills there". AS Saint-Étienne Tweet about the loan Jordan Ikoko (Loan to RC Lens) Ikoko announced on his twitter his loan to RC Lens in Ligue 2 next season. Romain Habran (Loan to Stade Lavallois) Official statement on, confirming the loan and also that Habran has a contract with PSG until 2018. Habran announced on Twitter, his loan to Stade Lavallois. Stade Lavallois wrote an official statement explaining the loan for next season. The Ligue 2 club already posted a detailed profile of Habran on their website. Here are pictures of Habran with his #9 of Stade Lavallois. Yohan Cabaye (Crystal Palace) Official statement from PSG Official statement from Crystal Palace He signed a three years contract with the Premier League club. He was making €5. 04m every year for PSG which is basically what Trapp is making next season. Record fee beated for Crystal Palace with 14 million and 4 million of bonuses. Crystal Palace twitter Alphonse Aréola (Loan to Villarreal CF) Villarreal confirms that Aréola will join them for a one year loan. Sadly, Villarreal also bought another experimented keeper who is 30 years old. PSG statement confirming there is no buying option, ( AS and Marca articles). The main keeper Sergio Asenjo is actually injured for a few months. Villarreal CF will play in the Europa League next season. Zoumana Camara (Joins PSG Management staff) Official News on, Papus started his career with PSG in August 2007 and ended it with a victory against Reims in May 2015. Papus career review, 153 games played, 918 clearances, 9 trophies won with PSG. Mory Diaw (CD Mafra) Clube Desportivo Mafra officially announced they recruited the ex-PSG Goal keeper. Diaw was playing last year in our reserve team and his contract was over since June. CD Mafra plays in the 2nd division in Portugal ("Segunda Divisão Portuguesa") in the town of Mafra. Romuald Lacazette (TSV 1860 München) TSV 1860, announced on their website that the central midfielder trained with PSG had signed a 2 years contract with Munich. Romuald is the cousin of Alexandre, he was in end of contract and now signed with a club of Bundesliga 2. Thomas Martin (Chambly) Le Parisien news about the transfer. Player from PSG's reserve team who signed with Chambly a club in National French League (3rd division). Rumoured arrivals/extensions Thiago Motta (Contract Extension) 28th August: According to Motta's agent, Alessandro Canovi the silence he had those last two months was constructive and managed to find an agreement with the club. 28th August: According to la Gazzetta, Motta and Nasser met and it concluded with a contract extension of 2 years. Layvin Kurzawa (AS Monaco) 27th August: According to Canal-supporters, He is arriving at PSG for the signing, another one. 26th August: According to RMC, interviewed Monaco president Vadim Vasilyev declared Kurzawa "wanted to leave for PSG". 26th August: According to Léquipe, Blanc declared Kurzawa is joining Paris. 26th August: According to a Canal+ journo, he arrived at an airport near Paris. 26th August: According to Mohamed Bouhafsi, Kurzawa is signing for 23 million (excluding bonuses), 5 years contract, flying to Paris today. 26th August: According to obnoxious humour Pierre Menes, transfer for 25 million. 26th August: According to RMC, Kurzawa is signing for 23 million. 25th August: According to Léquipe, Kurzawa is still the priority of PSG and they would wait for the results of CL qualifiers of Monaco. 23rd August: According to Léquipe, Monaco is stoping the discussions for the transfer of their Left Back. Kevin de Bruyne (Vfl Wolfsburg) 26th August: According to, PSG made a 80 million offer for De Bruyne. 25th August: According to SportBild, PSG offered 80 million for KDB and want to loan him back the first year to Wolfsburg. Fábio Coentrão (Loan from Real Madrid) 25th August: According to leParisien, the Coentrão deal looks ready to go but PSG could come back on Kurzawa at the last minute if Monaco fails qualifying for CL. 24th August: According to Marca, PSG are eager to land Coentrão and would be willing to part with the 27-year-old who earns 3 million a year. 24th August: According to leParisien, this is done deal. Loan for one year with option to buy. 23rd August: According to RMC journalist, the player wants to come to PSG. Jorge Mendes fixed the contract issues. 23rd August: According to RMC, Coentrão would be interested by PSG who would be negotiating with Real Madrid for a loan with option to buy of the Portuguese Left Back. Agent Jorge Mendes proposed him to PSG but the management is not completely seduced by this option. Rumoured departures/loans Salvatore Sirigu (Valencia CF) 31st August: According to LeParisien, Valence whose GK Mathew Ryan is injured for few months is looking for a new Keeper and asked about Sirigu. Apparently Sirigu doesn't want to leave. Youssouf Sabaly (Loan to FC Nantes) 31st August: According to Ouest-France, Sabaly will finally be loaned to Nantes today. Lucas Digne (Loan to AS Roma) 25th August: According to Di Marzio, Digne will cost 1. 5 million to Roma for the loan and the option to buy is around 16. 5 million. 25th August: According to journalist Angelo Mangiante, confirming Digne arrived in Roma. 25th August: According to journalist Filippo Biafora, Digne is actually in Roma, here he is with a Roma scarf at his arrival. 24th August: According to leParisien, Digne is waited on Tuesday in Roma. Ezequiel Lavezzi (Inter Milan) 27th August: According to la Gazetta, PSG is ready to sell Lavezzi for 7 million. 25th August: According to LeParisien, The player and Inter found an agreement but PSG is still asking for more money than Inter is ready to offer. 25th August: According to, PSG ask for 12 million for Lavezzi. 25th August: According to la Gazzetta dello Sport, Lavezzi's agent Alejandro Mazzoni declared: "it's time for Lavezzi to go back in Italy". PSG wants money for the player plus Lavezzi wants at least 3 million/year in wages with a 3 years contract. Sky Italia mentions 12 million asked by PSG for the transfer while Inter would like a loan with option to buy. 25th August: According to Di Marzio, Inter and Lavezzi's agent explore the possibility to get Lavezzi. He is asking Inter for 3 million in wages and a 3 years contract. Other choices are possible for Inter: Perisic, Lamela and Borini. Nicolas Douchez (Loan to OGC Nice) 24th August: According to Lequipe, there is no agreement between Nice and Douchez. 24th August: According to Nice-Matin, after Sirigu's refusal, Nice hopes to get Douchez instead. Salvatore Sirigu (Loan to OGC Nice) 23rd August: According to LeParisien, OGC Nice proposed to loan Sirigu and Paris even accepted to pay parts of his wages which are 4. 92 million/year. But Sirigu declined the proposition from Nice. Loaned out players to return Romain Habran (Loaned to FC Sochaux) Habran was loaned to Sochaux between 2014 and 2015. His contract with PSG is up till 2016. He should join the main squad season 2015-2016. Hervin Ongenda (Loaned to SC Bastia) Ongenda was loaned to Bastia between 2014 and 2015. Alphonse Aréola (Loaned to SC Bastia) Aréola was loaned to Bastia between 2014 and 2015. His contract with PSG is up till 2019. He will be loaned for one year to Villarreal. Youssouf Sabaly (Loaned to Evian TG) L'équipe is announcing his promotion to the first team. Sabaly was loaned to Evian between 2013 and 2015. The 22 years old Right Back had two solid years with Evian and should joins the PSG pro squad. His contract with PSG is up till 2018. His future is uncertain and there is a possibility he might get loaned or sold this summer. Loaned in players to leave There shouldn't be any this season. The only loanee we had in the squad was Aurier and we already triggered his buy option. Total spent 63 million for ADM 23 million for Kurzawa 9 million for Stambouli 9 million for Trapp 11 million for Aurier -14 million for Cabaye -1 million for Maignan -2 million for Neeskens Kebano (4 million transfer from Charleroi to Genk, we get 50% resell value) Total: 98 million spent.

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