Ameba Ownd


フリースタイルバスケットボールバトル日本一決定戦 開催中止のお知らせ / JFBC2020 CANCELLED

2020.02.26 11:30

※English version is below.

3/21に開催を予定しておりました本イベントについて、 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の日本での感染拡大リスクが高まっていることから、競技者・観戦者・関係者の健康面を考慮し「開催中止」と決定致しました。

厚生労働省による大規模イベントの開催等についての発表を受け、本イベントに関しましても開催に際して万全を期すべく準備を進めておりましたが、フリースタイルバスケットボール関係者の皆様の健康、安全面を第一と考えた上での判断となります。チケットやクラウドファンディングの払い戻しの詳細に関しては、登録いただいたメールアドレスにご案内致します。また、恐れ入りますが、交通宿泊費のキャンセル費用等の補填は行いませんのでご了承ください。その他ご不明点は または協会各公式SNSのDMまでお問い合わせください。


Thanks for all the cooperation towards JFBC2020.

Sadly as seen on the news, the new coronavirus infection is becoming a serious concern for every one of us.

Under the circumstance, we the organizers have decided to cancel the JFBC event considering the players', supporters', and the staff's health issues.

Below are further reasons for canceling the event.

・Considering the high possibilities of droplet infection and/or contact infection

・High possibilities of infection due to close contact withinthe venue which is an enclosed indoor space.

・Players & guests are invited from all over Japan and overseas, and their transportation also crosses over prefectural and national borders.

In response to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's announcement regarding holding large events andassemblies facing this situation, many similar events have been canceled or postponed. We, JFBC, were making every possible effort towardsrealizing the event, but as mentioned above, we havedecided not to expose any of our supporters, players, staff's health to this risk and have decided to cancel the event.

Regarding tickets & cloud founding refund, we will post more information on our official website when all details are confirmed.

Please note that all transportation and accommodation expenses can not be compensated.

We, the organizers, understand this announcement has been rather abrupt, but we appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation. We wish this health crisis will calm down and sincerely hope health and safety for all of you who receive this announcement.