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actor=Phil Chen, Exene Cervenka
1 h 7 minute
Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The Doors is a movie starring Emily Armstrong, Exene Cervenka, and Phil Chen. A concert documentary from a 2016 all-star performance in Los Angeles, John Densmore and Robby Krieger
In a video on Youtube titled 'Ray Manzarek on the death of Jim Morrison' Ray calls Jim Dionysus and himself Apollo (the god of Business and a Messenger. I so love when people are intelligent, and Ray certainly recognizes his forte. The band seems to be going strong, so I don't see why there wouldn't be something in the cards of 2013.
Let it roll, baby, roll, let it roll, baby, roll.
And for the 20th time i said man, thats a good idea : D.
Oh my. the keyboard sounds horrible.
That's a beautiful guitar Robby's playing.
Download Full Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door cinema club. Watching a craftsman at work is one of humankind's simplest pleasures. “Hes alive in the way he would want to be alive: in his creation, his art, his music.” -Ray Manzarek. 4:46 orgasmico el sonido de esos teclados.
I didn't think it could be possible to even love Marilyn Manson more but. F* YEAH. What an amazing event, hats off to the legends. Perhaps My favorite song by My favorite band. No other band brings Me so many memories of When I was Young, and shone like The Sun. And THIS video With My favorite Sax player Candi Dulfer is The best! Great video That brings great memories. Download Full Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door cinema. Watch Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Online Hitfix, watch, online,free' Break`on`Thru: A`Celebration`of`Ray`Manzarek`and`The`Doors`FREE`ONLINE`NO`SIGN`UP. Yeah Jimbo, timeless. Omg ray omg. Awesome. Wow,he was so far out.
ENDLICH. 🎸 🎶 🥁 🎹 ♥️ Morgen geht's ins Kino. Break On Thru. Ray Manzarek 🎹 bester Keyboarder ever.
Lot of respect for Daryl Hall.
Download Full Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door repair.
Been there 3 times. Saw The Doors, without Jim off course, it was awesome. Only 2 left.
Carl and gannon fat beef 🍺.
I was 4 years old in 1966. I've never forgiven God for not making me 21 then.
Break"on"Thru: A"Celebration"of"Ray"Manzarek"and"The"Doors" 2018) English"Full"Movie"Watch"Online.
Absolutely fantastic! Perfect. Thanks for uploading. The sound quality is second to none. 👍.
Remember it's a one-handed solo. Ray was the best. R.I.P. This is pure MAGIC. and i'm not even a Doors fan. Oh, man, it's hard to listen to this. I love Ray's explanation of what happened and how he felt about it. That sense of loss is really the hard part. We all lost something when Jim Morrison died, but I'm glad that The Doors made the great music they created. Rest in peace, Jim & Ray... The singing in the end is really awesome. Sounds like Jim Morrison. WHY IS ROBBY PLAYING WITH A PICK. Great job you guys are a huge inspiration of mine. How can anyone thumb down this extrodinary song and band love Pink Floyd. Download Full Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door locks.
We use cookies to help make this website better, to improve our services and for advertising purposes. You can learn more about our use of cookies and how to change your browser settings by reading our PRIVACY AND COOKIES POLICY here. Otherwise, we’ll assume you are OK to continue. Download Full Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and thedoors. The Doors: Break On Thru - A Celebration Of Ray Manzarek Séances Bandes-annonces Casting Critiques spectateurs Critiques presse Photos VOD Blu-Ray, DVD Musique Secrets de tournage Box Office Récompenses Films similaires News noter: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Envie de voir Rédiger ma critique Synopsis et détails The Doors: Break On Thru - A Celebration of Ray Manzarek est un film hybride entre concert et documentaire, capturant la performance hommage de 2016 à Los Angeles par les membres demeurant de The Doors, John Densmore et Robby Krieger en l’honneur de Ray Manzarek le jour de son anniversaire. La set list contient les chansons de The Doors joués par John et Robby, avec un ensemble de brillants musiciens incluant des membres de Foo Fighters, X, Stone Temple Pilots, Jane’s Addiction, Paul McCartney’s Band, Gov’t Mule et bien plus. Le film inclus également de rares images d’archives des membres du groupe, avec des conversations entre Jim Morrison et Ray Manzarek, et le journaliste musical de renom Ben Fong-Torres, mais aussi de nouveaux entretiens avec John et Robby. Distributeur Publiciscinémas Voir les infos techniques Acteurs et actrices Casting complet et équipe technique Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer... Voir plus de films similaires Commentaires.
He is truly a living legend. thank you for all the great music - I listened to the Doors most of my adult life. I had the pleasure of seeing Robbie and Ray perform in London in the early 2000's. I can only ever dream of what seeing Jim would have been like. H ere’s a deeply uncool, almost embarrassingly un-rock’n’roll Doors documentary; it’s unlikely to get toes a-tapping let alone light a fire. It’s essentially a filmed gig, reuniting the two surviving Doors, guitarist Robby Krieger and drummer John Densmore, on stage with assorted members of Foo Fighters, Jane’s Addiction, Stone Temple Pilots and more filling in for Jim Morrison and keyboardist Ray Manzarek. The hits comes thick and fast, tightly arranged and slickly performed, but this lineup of well-preserved mostly male musicians gives the show the bland atmosphere of a celebrity tribute band. The gig is dedicated to Manzarek, who died in 2013, and director Justin Kreutzmann pads out the gig footage with an interview the keyboardist gave and fresh input from Krieger and Densmore. The pair genially repeat anecdotes for the 1, 000th time: how they met Manzarek at a transcendental meditation course and how they were initially underwhelmed by Morrison, then an insecure, shy kid. Still, some of the stories deserve repeating, such as the one about the time Morrison dropped acid before going on stage at the Hollywood Bowl, and spent the first few minutes picking at the AstroTurf. In archive footage, the sound on mute, we see him later at that same gig, whirling and howling, beautiful and unhinged. That energy is not matched at the tribute gig, though guest singer Andrew Watt, with a preening performance of LA Woman, does a fair imitation of Morrison’s messiah complex, if not his appeal. Speaking to camera, Densmore glosses over his longrunning feud with Krieger over touring as the Doors without Morrison. At the time he is on record as saying: “It can’t be the Doors without Jim. It could be the Windows, the Hinges, I don’t care, as long as it’s not the Doors. ” Watching this film, you might agree. • The Doors Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek is released in the UK on 7 February and in Australia on 12 February.
You know the day destroys the night Night divides the day Tried to run Tried to hide Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side, yeah We chased our pleasures here Dug our treasures there But can you still recall The time we cried Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Yeah! Cmon, yeah Everybody loves my baby Everybody loves my baby She get(s high) She get(s high) She get(s high) She get(s high) I found an island in your arms Country in your eyes Arms that chained us Eyes that lied Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through, oww! Oh, yeah! Made the scene Week to week Day to day Hour to hour The gate is straight Deep and wide Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through Break on through Break on through Break on through Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Download Full Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The doors. Download Full Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The doorstep. Glad to see Robby is still jamming and continuing the Doors legacy. This band still remains one of the top idols in American musical society. Put Billy Idol in as the lead singer and change the name to the Doorknobs.
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