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A suburban teenager comes of age under the destructive guidance of his best friend, an aimless college dropout.
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Big Time Adolescence. Hi. I'm new to this subreddit, but I could absolutely use some advice on dealing with my MIL. So, this is going to be a bit wordy because I've known MIL since I was 16--when DH and I dated briefly in high school before reconnecting several years later--and I feel there is a lot to cover. To begin with, MIL didn't like me from the get-go because I was a year older than DH. However, she played nice with me out of a sick sense of comradery. MIL lost two sisters in adolescence, and whilst dating DH I lost my elder sister abruptly. I went through a grief reaction of telling everyone, even MIL & DIL I loved them because I had failed to say so to my sister before she passed. My first tense situation with MIL occurred when she asked me on one of DH and I's many supervised dates, "Not to say I loved MIH and FIL in public. " Later, when DH and I found each other again in college and I was reintroduced to his family, MIL seemed way less abrasive and, in fact, immediately invited me to move in. This probably should have been a weird red flag, but anyway, I suspect she did this because DH was kept on a very short leash, even as an adult, and hardly permitted to leave home except to commute to uni. Once I moved in, I started working as a farm hand on no experience with their horses--I fed mares, repaired fences, and completed a daily front-to-back list of house chores. My reintroduction to MIL's toxicity came when she caught me petting a mare and remarked snidely, "I don't pay you to pet the horses, you know. " Keep in mind that these horses are not saddle-broken, do not receive baths, do not have their feet clipped or picked, and can not walk on a shank in a round pen, and most of them can hardly be caught. They don't get hair cuts or fly tags 99% of the time, and I have never seen anyone but DH and I pet them in the first place. They are fed enough, but I feel like when I've done my job and have nothing more to do, it should be okay to scratch a mare's neck now and then. This interaction set the tone for living with my in-laws who went on to monitor what and how much we ate, how we spent our money by opening our bank statements, how we utilized our free time (we were to spend our 1-2 hrs of free time setting in the living room with MIL watching the Voice), and where we went (we were not permitted to go anywhere but to school or, occasionally, my parents' house on our own). Things got better when we eventually moved towns to be closer to the main campus of our university, though MIL had copies of our house key made and would show up whenever she wanted unannounced and do things like go through our fridge or critique my housekeeping. Then, I graduated and got pregnant. DH and I moved back to our hometown in order to be closer to MY parents in case I went into labor whilst he was at work. MIL, FIL, & SIL became SUPER nice to me whilst I was expecting, though MIL would often make creepy remarks like, "I wish I could feel him kick the way YOU do, " (like from the inside? jfc), and when, in my 2nd trimester, I was diagnosed with hydronephrosis and was in so much pain I basically laid in the bathtub all day and cried, MIL's first remark to my parents--at the hospital--was, "Does she always have... anxiety attacks like this? " When I was in labor, MIL heard LO's heartbeat on the monitor and said, "Hearing his heartbeat makes me feel like my milk will drop... " (Aren't you 60, lady? " Now that LO is 6 MO, MIL is OBSESSED. If she is present, she must always be holding the baby. If she isn't, you can see her anxiety build up into tangible antsy-ness until finally she takes him, quipping, "I waited as long as I could. " If DH, out of sympathy, gives me the baby in MIL or FIL's presence, they will immediately take him back from me. If I push him in the stroller, MIL will take him OUT of the stroller. When I tried a baby carrier, MIL will take him out and once said, "Grandma didn't like that baby carrier, " to me afterwards. If I decline to give her the baby, she will cite reasons why she HAS to hold him: "He's getting so big that soon my arthritis will make it impossible to hold him, so I have to hold him now, " "I only see him twice a week, so I have to save up for next time, " or, the worst and most recent, "I'm depressed, so I need to hold him to feel better. " At the zoo the other day, she would take him from me whenever she had the chance, and if I asked for him back she would say, "No, that's okay, " to the point that I screamed, "YOU NEVER LET ME HOLD HIM WHEN I'M AROUND YOU! " in front of a large group of people to which she said, "Well, you could have asked for him before you got all anxious about it. " Whenever I buy LO a toy, MIL will remark about how she doesn't like it (too hard, smells weird, etc. ), and buy him one to replace it. FIL is just as bad, though he tries to hide it. He'll ask for LO under the pretense of not having held him yet that day, and then he'll immediately give LO to MIL. At church last Sunday, LO started babbling--which the congregation loved--but FIL felt anxious and asked MIL, "Should I take him for a walk? " And then he did so, without my permission, for almost a half-an-hour. I feel like they don't respect me as a person, let alone as a mother. Though DH sympathizes with me, he has never been able to fully stand up to MIL and FIL. My parents think that whilst MIL is controlling by nature, she's just very excited to be a grandmother. And, SIL lives across the country and has done so since she was 14 and thus, does not know how MIL is like in-depth, and probably wouldn't sympathize with me in the first place because she's disliked me since high school because I used to wear bows in my hair. It frustrates me that DH doesn't stand up for me, but DH has a history of MIL treating him poorly, so I understand. When we started dating, DH didn't have any clothing items that fit because MIL is a little bit weight obsessed. She wouldn't buy DH clothes or shoes that fit growing up as a way to force him to lose weight, put him on unhealthy crash diets, and made remarks like, "I refuse to cook for a 200 lbs. person. " When I lived with them she once made DH cry because she was mad he was wearing crocs to church when my hand-me-down holey, pink crocs were the only shoes he could fit his feet into. I guess that I'm basically asking you guys if given my explanation of my experience with MIL, am I in the wrong for being so upset over how she acts towards my family? Is there any way to deal with a MIL like this? I love DH too much to ever consider leaving him, and I am TRYING my absolute best to give LO a positive relationship with his grandparents, but I am at my wit's end with MIL, and have been for years. If you read all of this, thank you in advance. ♥.
Preface I originally started writing this post back in June 2019. I was ready to get to the bottom of this conundrum and at the time was a moderator of r/steroids and we had multiple issues constantly on this topic. I actually had 70-80% of this post figured out and formatted and some may have even saw me post my raw post and notes in the thread yesterday. Well the stars alined and I was sick and at home when I noticed the thread yesterday. I initially just wanted to post what I had and let someone else finish the post, but as the night went on I started adding small bits of info I saw missing, one thing lead to another and I finished the post (mostly) today after taking off work again. It gave me something to do aside from feeling like death. I initially gave the post and notes to /u/BigLeSwoleski a few months ago and feel bad I finished the post after telling you I wasn't going to ever get around to it — and for that I publicly apologize. Please post any additional info I am missing and I will gladly credit you. That goes for anyone else as well. That said, this post was finished up while running high fever and not always able to always think straight. There may be errors. Please point them out and I’ll do my best to fix them when I have the time as I don’t spend much time here anymore. Thank you in advance for your patience! On to the post. Boldenone (EQ, Bold Cyp, Bold Ace, etc. ): Does It Aromatize or Act As An AI? For some time now this question has plagued steroid boards, this subreddit in particular, and has lead to meaningless arguments belittling others (Rule 4 infractions) or speaking with authority on a matter without any source of research to back it up (Rule 3 infractions). In our sub’s 3 experience threads you will find a mixed bag of experiences. Some claim it caused a need to raise AI dosing, some claim blood work E2 was the same for two of the same cycles except one had EQ and the other didn’t, & of course some claim EQ to lower their E2. I don’t think any of these users should be written off or disregarded. This is all valuable info. We are all different and will metabolize drugs differently. All we can do is make ourselves aware and become our own science experiment. I am making this post to hopefully compile what we know so that users may inform themselves in an easy-to-read format so that these users may make their own choices. Aromatization The Book Anabolics By William Llewellyn Popularized by William Llewellyn in his book Anabolics, you’ll find the commonly touted "rate of conversion is roughly half that of testosterone" in reference to Boldenone's aromatization rate. In Anabolics, E-book (2011) he originally cites this study when referencing the "rate of conversion is roughly half that of testosterone". Actual reference: Biosynthesis of Estrogens, Gual C, Morato T, Hayano M, Gut M, and Dorfman R. Endocrinology 71 (1962):920-25. I actually struggled to find Boldenone listed in this study, but I am 100% no expert! I very well may be missing it with the way they are calling out the chemical names or something. If someone finds it, I will update this info. Update: I have not heard from anyone else and considering a Boldenone mention to be missing from this study. Read the NOTE below for what may have happened. Now the above reference only applies to Anabolics, E-Book (2011) and presumably earlier revisions. In Anabolics, 11th Edition (2017) (his most recent revision) Mr. Llewellyn changes the reference for Boldenone’s aromatization from the above to: Role of androgens in growth and development of the fetus, child, and adolescent. Rosenfield R. L. Adv Pediatr. 19 (1972) 172-213 The only place I have seen this study available is on ResearchGate and without being associated with an institution, I do not believe they will approve someone’s request to view it. I tried posting the link into Sci-hub, but that seems to not be working and without a doi or something I’m not sure how else I could get it. If someone can gain access please let me know. UPDATE: on the Anabolics, 11th Edition (2017) reference for Boldenone’s aromatization rate. I’ve had a couple people reach out about potentially gaining access to the study on ResearchGate. More are welcome to please try in case things don’t work out with them. I actually ended up giving in and renting a 2011 Ebook update of the journal, but couldn’t find that study in it. So then I ended up buying the actual 1972 journal, but it won’t be here for another week or two. I'll update this post if someone gains access on ResearchGate before the journal gets to me. UPDATE: The research journal has arrived and Boldenone does not seem to be mentioned in this study as well. I do not know why Mr. Llewellyn would mis-cite a source like this, but It may be that He originally made a mistake and instead of correcting he changed his citation to a hard to find study (this is obviously speculation and should not be regarded as fact). I will scan the pages and upload the study myself for others to view when I get the chance. NOTE: Pay attention to the "ADD & Aromatization" section below. It could be a mistake on William Llewellyn's part as one of ADD's names it goes by is "Boldione" — very similar to Boldenone. ADD is actually listed in the study Mr. Llewellyn originally cites (in the 2011 edition & presumably earlier revisions) and is shown to also aromatize around the same rate that he claims Boldenone aromatizes at. I wouldn't think Mr. Llewellyn would have made a mistake like this, but seeing he changes references in the latest revision (2017) and the mention is still missing... I don't know. Something is fishy. Other Studies Suggesting Boldenone Aromatizes In this study with rabbits they had three groups, one control and two experimental groups. The synopsis of the results is there was a significant decrease in circulating testosterone and a significant increase in estradiol both between control and the two experimental groups receiving different doses. [15] Here is the abstract: The present study was done to evaluate the effect of boldenone undecylenate (BOL) on growth performance, maintenance behaviour, reproductive hormones and carcass traits of male rabbits. Sixty apparently healthy New Zealand White male rabbits, 5 weeks of age, were allotted to 3 equal groups. Each group was subdivided into 5 replicates, where the first group is control. The second group (B1) comprised rabbits that received 2 intramuscular injections of BOL (5 mg/kg) with 3 week intervals (9 and 12 weeks of age), while the third group (B2) included rabbits that received 3 intramuscular injections of BOL (5 mg/kg) with 2 week intervals (8, 10 and 12 weeks of age). The end of the trial was after 4 weeks from the last injection (16 weeks of age). The results revealed that the treated groups had a significant increase in total body weight, daily gain and feed efficiency, with a significant decrease in feed conversion ratio (FCR). Ingestive, locomotion and grooming behaviors were significantly higher in treated groups. Lateral pasture and exploratory behaviors were significantly higher in the control group. Administration of BOL resulted in a significant increase in dressing% and a significant decrease in testes%. Groups treated with BOL had a significantly (P<0. 05) decreased serum testosterone level, simultaneously with a significantly increased estradiol level. The results indicate that BOL improves performance and carcass traits. Furthermore, there are hormonal-behavioral correlations through enhancement of ingestive and locomotion behaviors of treated animals. In the study they go on to speculate that this is due to Boldenone aromatizing. However, the increase in serum estradiol concentration could be due to aromatization of BOL, as testosterone is the primary substrate for the synthesis of estradiol in males (Boyadjiev et al. 2000) Boldenone Metabolite: 1, 4 Dienedione or 1, 4 Dienedone These are the two names various steroid articles have given this supposed metabolite that is a “potent AI”. They have all spread this claim and to the best of my knowledge, the compound doesn’t exist — at least not in how they state it. I did a quick search of PubChem: 1, 4 Dienedione PubChem search 1 potential result was found. This compound is Androsta-1, 4 Dienedione, methylhydroxy-. (This is interesting, but the methylhydroxy throws it all off. ) 1, 4 Dienedone PubChem search 0 results are found This makes sense as the structure of the word makes little sense when discussing chemical names. Okay PubChem may not be perfect. Let’s try google and see if there's anything else. Google Searching: Searching: 1, 4 Dienedione First result is for Dienedione Wikipedia page. Someone is free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the numbers before are coefficients and 1, 4 Dienedione wouldn’t be the same as as Dienedione. Various research websites stating various compounds that include parts of 1, 4 Dienedione wording but it’s all broken and nothing kept in order. You can search google to include the exact wording by using quotation marks — which is what I did. Searching: “1, 4 Dienedione” First result and others bring up Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione. Maybe the steroid article that was the 1st to write about this substance forgot to type up the full name. There isn’t much on this when you google: “Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione”. The most I was able to find is it listed as a in a book of chemicals that can cause birth defects, "steroids on microplates with fixed silica gel”, and one pertaining to ketosteroids. None of these studies were really useful outside of the ketosteroids study that gives a Chemical Structure Depiction, [10] that I’ll bring up again later. The other result is for hydroxyandrosta-1, 4-dienedione and the source of androgenic activity in African wood. This is the only time I can find this steroid mentioned. Searching: "1, 4 Dienedone” This is 100% a typo. Again, this makes sense as the structure of the word makes little sense when discussing chemical names. Okay we are seemingly getting nowhere just trying to search for the term the various articles listed. If there is a metabolite of Boldenone that acts as an AI, that means that there has to be a study showing it’s a metabolite. Lets look at what research shows for the metabolite’s of Boldenone. All Of Boldenone’s Metabolites From A Human Study Boldenone has a few different studies involving metabolites. Some involving animals, but one stood out a bit listing the metabolites excreted by a man. [1] Here is the full list from the study: 5β‐androst‐1‐en‐17β‐ol‐3‐one 5β‐androst‐1‐ene‐3α, 17β‐diol 5β‐androst‐1‐en‐3α‐ol‐17‐one 5β‐androst‐1‐en‐6β‐ol‐3, 17‐dione 5β‐androst‐1‐ene‐3, 17‐dione 5α‐androst‐1‐ene‐3, 17‐dione (aka 1-AD) androsta‐1, 4‐diene‐3, 17‐dione (aka ADD) androsta‐1, 4‐diene‐6β, 17β‐diol‐3‐one androsta‐1, 4‐dien‐6β‐ol‐3, 17‐dione Every metabolite listed, aside from the two bold, are rarely talked about outside of just being a metabolite of Boldenone. Nothing suggesting or denying that it may have AI effects. To keep this simple, we will just focus on the two relevant compounds. 5α‐androst‐1‐ene‐3, 17‐dione (aka 1-AD) It seems studies will shorten this name to 1-AD when using a chemical name. That term keeps things simple when you must reference something over and over again and for that purpose 1-AD will be how I reference this compound thought the rest of this post. Before we divulge more into this compound, lets looks at all the names it goes by, just to be sure 1, 4 Dienedione isn't a known alternative name for 1-AD. Synonyms Of 1-AD Checking out PubChem, we find all the terms that are synonymous with 1-AD — the notable ones are: 5α‐androst‐1‐ene‐3, 17‐dione 5alpha-Androst-1-ene-3, 17-dione 1-Androstenedione delta1-5alpha-Androstene-3, 17-dione delta(1)-androstene-3, 17-dione What is 1-AD 1-AD is a synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid. It is a 5α-reduced isomer of the endogenous steroid 4-Androstenedione and acts as a prohormone of 1-Testosterone. [6] 1-AD & AI Properties 1-AD, along with some others, were in a study to look at it as a potential candidate for blocking breast cancer biosynthesis. [5] The study shows 1-AD may be promising for it to be a potential source for lowering E2 while on Boldenone. Here is a blurb from the abstract: [1-AD] revealed a highly significant inhibition of MCF-7 cell growth that was predominantly due to apoptosis not necrosis. [1-AD] is a potent inhibitor of aromatase activity and CYP19 mRNA expression. These data establish that [1-AD] is a potent chemical agent against breast cancer via aromatase inhibitory mechanism. See "MAJOR Issue With All The Studies Showing AI Effects" below. Let’s move on to the next metabolite found for the time being. androsta‐1, 4‐diene‐3, 17‐dione (aka ADD) It seems studies will shorten this name to ADD when using a chemical name. That term keeps things simple when you must reference something over and over again and for that purpose ADD will be how I reference this compound thought the rest of this post. This metabolite from the study listing Boldenone metabolites immediately caught my eye. It sort of looks somewhat similar to the 1, 4 Dienedione, obviously this is still very different. But before we divulge more into this compound, lets looks at all the names it goes by, just to be sure 1, 4 Dienedione isn't a known alternative name for ADD. Synonyms Of ADD Checking out PubChem, we find all the terms that are synonymous with ADD — the notable ones are: androsta‐1, 4‐diene‐3, 17‐dione Boldione 1, 4-Androstadiene-3, 17-dione 1-dehydroandrostenedione Androstadienedione Androstenedone What Is ADD? ADD is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) related to Boldenone, & testosterone bearing two double bonds in C1 and C4 positions. ADD is said to rapidly metabolize to Boldenone. [2] This can be confirmed in another study showing Boldenone as a metabolite. [3] So that is interesting: Boldenone found ADD to be a metabolite of it and vice versa; ADD found Boldenone to be a metabolite of it. These compounds both metabolize to each other. ADD & AI Properties ADD, along with some others, were in a study to study/hypothesize mechanisms of action on aromatase. [4] The study shows ADD may be promising for it to be a potential source for lowering E2 while on Boldenone. Here is a blurb from the abstract: Recently, it was discovered that 4-hydroxy-4-androstene-3, 17-dione, 4-androstene-3, 6, 17-trione, and 1, 4, 6-androstatriene-3, 17-dione, compounds previously reported to be competitive inhibitors of aromatase, cause a time-dependent loss of aromatase activity in human placental microsomes. We report here that [ADD] (Ki 0. 32 µm, kinact 0. 91 × 10−3/sec) and testolactone (Ki 35 µm; kinact 0. 36 × 10−3/sec) also cause a similar loss of aromatase activity. The mechanism which explains the unexpected loss of activity caused by these five inhibitors is neither established nor apparent from current theories of the enzyme mechanism of action of aromatase. We propose an inactivation mechanism based on a new hypothesis for estrogen biosynthesis in which the third enzyme oxidation carried out by aromatase results in the formation of an enzyme-bound intermediate. This intermediate is released as an aromatized product via a facile elimination reaction which simultaneously regenerates the unaltered active enzyme. Various structural modifications made in these five inhibitors are hypothesized to redirect this elimination reaction so that the steroid intermediate remains covalently attached to the enzyme instead of being released as an aromatized product. ADD & Aromatization Whats also interesting is in that same 1962 study (from Anabolics, E-book, 2011) that is supposed to be showing Boldenone’s "rate of conversion to estradiol is roughly half that of testosterone" is also listing this compound’s (ADD) **rate of conversion to estradiol at ~58% that of testosterone. ** [11] It is something to consider when trying to justify this as a potential source for lowing E2 while on Boldenone. See "Aromatization" above & see "MAJOR Issue With All The Studies Showing AI Effects" below. WADA Study On Bold Metabolizing To AI (ATD) This metabolite (1, 4, 6-androstatriene-3, 17-dione) was NOT shown to be listed on the initial study we just went over. Either they missed it due to amounts being so small or they just didn’t observe them as the conversion may not have taken place in their subjects. It seems studies will shorten this name to ATD when using a chemical name. That term keeps things simple when you must reference something over and over again and for that purpose ATD will be how I reference this compound thought the rest of this post. Before we divulge more into this compound, lets looks at all the names it goes by just to be sure 1, 4 Dienedione isn't a known name. Synonyms Of ATD Checking out PubChem, we find all the terms that are synonymous with ATD — the notable ones are: 1, 4, 6-Androstatriene-3, 17-dione Androsta-1, 4, 6-triene-3, 17-dione 1, 4, 6-Etioallochan-dione ADT (Not on PubChem, but have seen it written this way) What is ATD? ATD is an AI that metabolizes to Bold [9] and in a WADA study, actually shows ATD to be a metabolite of Bold as well (similar to ADD above — the conversion works both ways). [7] ATD & AI Properties A study shows ATD may be promising for it to be a potential source for lowering E2 while on Boldenone. [8] Here is a blurb from the abstract: Kinetic evidence is presented for a time-dependent decrease in human placental aromatase activity by enzyme-generated intermediates derived from two widely used steroids previously described as competitive inhibitors of estrogen biosynthesis... [ATD] has an apparent Ki of 0. 18 microM and a pseudo-first order overall rate constant for decrease in activity of 1. 10x10(-3)sec-1. These findings imply that the potent inhibition of estrogen biosynthesis caused by these steroids results primarily from a decrease in enzyme activity caused by enzyme-generated intermediates from the parent steroids. 1, 4 Dienedione: Mistake or Just Plain Wrong? Okay so what about "Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione” (came up on Google when searching "1, 4 Dienedione”) and is the only thing remotely close that we talked about earlier? Well as I had said, we do have the chemical structure depiction of Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione. [10] Maybe “Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione” is another way to write one of the three metabolites we found (1-AD, ADD, & ATD) that just isn't listed on PubChem. Lets compare the chemical structure depictions of each: 1-AD [12] ** ADD ** [13] ATD. [14] EDIT: Above I bolded ADD as those are in fact the same compounds. I actually got help here from my friends /u/stolenlunches & /u/RadicalResearch, as I originally thought they were different because of the hydrogen atoms not being shown, but have since learned a bit more about drawing the chemical structures. Hydrogen atoms can and usually are left out when drawing chemical structures. The exception to this is when the hydrogen atom is deviating from what can be assumed (i. e. the direction is different from the assumed). Otherwise, it is reasonable to assume this information without having to draw them. NOW, this links the "Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione” we found earlier on google to in fact being ADD. Why was this not a listed way PubChem showed as a synonym of ADD? It is because the study that shows ADD written as Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione [10] is not a study you will find on PubMed and PubChem uses only names linked in studies on PubMed for it's synonyms list. Okay now that that is out of the way... What about 1, 4 Dienedione? Is this a mistake or just plain wrong? There are three possible thoughts if ADD is what the original author meant: Whoever the original author was that wrote about this was talking about ADD and went to write it as "Androsta-1, 4-Dienedione”, but mistakenly left off the Androsta and called it 1, 4 Dienedione. This would be the original author assuming a lot from it's audience (let's face it guys) & should have wrote the full thing so it could be understood universally. Anyways, one might could assume that in the context of discussing androgens, that 1, 4 Dienedione is specifically referencing ADD. Here is potentially why: I'll preface this with: This notation (1, 4 Dienedione) is not official or appropriate, but being in a context where the reader understands we are discussing the details of a common 19 carbon androstane skeleton one might could use it -- BUT KNOW LEAVING IT OUT IS WRONG. "1, 4-diene" signifies the the double bonded carbons at the 1 & 4 four position of the carbon skeleton. "Dione" is referring to the ketones bonded at the 3 & 17 position -- in the context of discussing androgens the dione would have to be at the 3 & 17 position. The any other isomers would be inactive as the oxygens wouldn’t be present at the 3 & 17 in relation to androgens. This would give us the chemical structure for ADD. The original author referred to this "1, 4 Dienedione" as being a "potent AI". I think this would be very misleading if referring to ADD as ADD itself is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) [2] that just so happens to have AI like effects, [4] but also aromatizes [11] -- therefore misleading. The original author was never trying to reference ADD and the entire thing was a typo/mistake/maybe even made up. Referencing ATD as a "potent AI" would have made a lot more sense. Any way you look at it 1, 4 Dienedione is BOTCHED and should NOT be used. MAJOR Issue With All The Studies Showing AI Effects Okay. The BIGGEST issue with the 1-AD, ADD, ATD studies showing AI like effects are that they seem to be **in vitro. ** [4][5][8] BUT **So is the alleged ORIGINAL study William Llewellyn references in Anabolics, E-book (2011) and assuming earlier revisions (still need to verify — please help. See “Aromatization” above). ** [11] Again, the newer study William Llewellyn references in Anabolics, 11th Edition (2017) (that I don’t have access to) appears to be in children (based on the title). We all should know in vitro studies do not always translate perfectly in the human body. There is a lot more complexities to our bodies that in vitro and animal studies will never be the optimal study to cite, BUT they shouldn't be disregarded either. Just understand the variables and what happens in vitro may not happen in the human body the same way. For a list of disadvantages of in vitro, please see this link. Or for Google on issues with in vitro: please see this link. Just keep this in mind when referencing this post! Genetic Variability Some may metabolize Boldenone to ADD, 1-AD, or ATD at a higher rate than others or may hyper respond to these metabolites as some individuals do with various drugs. Also just as some respond to Aromasin and some do not, similar action may be at play here. Some may not even metabolize Boldenone in ways that lead to the result of ADD, 1-AD, or ATD. The human body is complex and there are many factors to consider. In Conclusion To answer the question, “Does Boldenone aromatize or act as an AI? ”, the answer is they both might occur in the human body. The real questions to ask are: How much does Boldenone aromatize in your body — if at all? How much of Boldenone gets metabolized to ADD, 1-AD, or ATD in your body — if at all? How sensitive to the AI effects of ADD, 1-AD, or ATD are you? Unfortunately, like with all things drug related there is not always a concrete answer and with AAS it’s up to us, the user, to experiment with our own body and find what works for us. References I apologize for not being more formal with the references. I have run out of gas for now and desperately need sleep. TL;DR Bullet Points: You can find a mixed bag of reviews on how Boldenone affects E2. The book Anabolics popularized the thought of Boldenone aromatizing roughly half that of Test. In the earlier revisions of his book, he cites a 1962 in vitro study that I struggled to find Boldenone listed in & could possibly be a mix up on Llewellyn’s part. In the newest revision of his book (2017) he cites a different study presumably in children (based on the title), but I have yet to gain access to said study. The commonly stated Boldenone metabolite 1, 4 Dienedione or 1, 4 Dienedone is either incorrect, very informal, or maybe even made up. No matter which way you view the possibilities it it is botched and shouldn't be used. The metabolites that may be responsible for AI like effects in some are 1-AD, ADD, & ATD. The biggest issue with all the AI like effects studies are they are in vitro. Not that they should be disregarded, but aware. We all metabolize drugs differently and no ones experience should be written off. At least go read “In Conclusion” at the bottom of the post.
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Kenan Thompson is were its at, unfortunately pete will get all the movie deals n become the next Sandler. I fear Kenan will be relegated to supporting actor like The great David Alan Grier. SPOILERS for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's main quest; very minor spoilers for the early stages of the Hearts of Stone DLC. Please don't spoil the DLC in the comments!! I haven't played them yet. I've recently finished the main story of The Witcher 3. I got the bad ending - accidentally. I did not know what would cause what kind of ending, I played it blind. I had spent about 70 hours playing on and off for over a year (let me tell you, going back to the Witcher's horse mechanics is rough after Red Dead Redemption 2), and this is how it ended. The bad ending. It's pretty shitty. (From now on I will not mark spoilers anymore). Now, I was shocked I got this ending, because I thought I had made no major mistakes. Nothing like releasing the spirit in the first act that ends up killing the Baron and his wife. Although I could not oversee those consequences, it was clear that it was a momentous decision that could lead to momentous consequences. The ending of the main campaign, however, turns out to be informed by much smaller decisions; the decisions in how you treat Ciri - in other words, how good of a dad you are. I had no idea this was the case. And I thought I had been a good dad to Ciri. I had tried to keep her out of trouble, I had tried to help her make the right decisions in some really tough dillemma's, and I had tried to support her during difficult moments. And yet the game gave me the bad ending, effectively proclaiming me a bad dad. FATHERHOOD I couldn't understand it at first. I had done all I could to guide her and protect her and help her. But then it hit me. The point of fatherhood, the Witcher 3 states, is to let your child go free and support her in her own decisions and feelings. The point of fatherhood is realizing that Ciri's story is Ciri's, and not Geralt's. Looking at it this way I understand why Ciri felt distant from Geralt. My relationship with my own father is not bad, but it is distant. I would never just vent to him, just tell him my problems - unless I specifically required advice only he could give. This is because during my childhood and adolescent years, whenever I would come to him with a problem, I would instantly hear how I ought to have dealt with the situation, be scolded for having dealt with it the wrong way, be told what I ought to do now, and then maybe get some support and solace. In other words, I would be judged and pushed before being supported. All well-intentioned, of course! He tried to make me go in the direction he thought was best for me. But, effectively this has driven me away from my father on any kind of deeper emotional level. I love him, but I am not close to him. This is exactly what I had done to Ciri by how I played Geralt as a father. Even though I thought I was being a good dad. My own experiences with my father hadn't translated in not acting that way when role-playing a father figure. I had simply not connected the dots at all. It really struck a chord with me in a way very few games ever have. After processing the ending and what had happened, I seriously reconsidered how I would behave to any future children I might have. I do not want to be my father, and yet entirely unconsciously I had become him in the game. (I mean this sounds bad, and there's countless worse things than being my father, but I'm just saying there's better father-son relationships out there). Other games have struck me emotionally, sure, but no other game has yet to make me do that kind of extremely personal soul-searching, nor did the rest of the Witcher 3 even come close to being that personal. It was quite remarkable, but also very ballsy on the part of CDProjekt RED to straight up tell me that I had been a bad father, that because of me Ciri did not feel confident enough to survive / comfortable enough to return to me. The things that decide the ending are minor and to some it might feel unfair to get such a horrible ending based on untelegraphed, minor dialogue decisions. But that reflects reality. Relationships aren't made in big moments, big choices, or big intentions, but in continuous, tiny interactions. I know my father will have my back in any kind of major problem I might face. But in his continuous, tiny interactions, a very different dynamic is expressed. The Witcher 3 captures this treacherous aspects of human relationships very well. Though I truly did wish the best for Ciri, my continuous, tiny interactions betrayed that I doubted she could hack it on her own. FAILURE The bad ending does not feel like an ending. It almost feels like a game over. Beyond Ciri's death and Geralt's complete collapse (and possible death), there is no conclusion. You will get some information on how the war played out, but the characters you spent so much time and indeed the final mission with - Yennefer, Triss, Avallac'h - are left entirely unmentioned, and the game plops you into Kaer Morhen and says the story is over. It is so utterly depressing and dark that I did not want to accept it. I considered loading a save and playing to get the good ending. But I decided against it. I played on as if Geralt survived the bad ending and now has to live with Ciri's death. It wasn't easy to go on like that. The ending gutted me, and the absence of Yennefer and Triss (with whom my Geralt was going to live in Kovir! ) - without any explanation! - was oddly but deeply depressing. The world is empty, the world has moved on. Geralt has lost so much. I interpreted the post-main quest game as taking place maybe a year later. Geralt's loving relationship with Triss has imploded in the emotional devastation of Ciri's death; she has likely gone to Kovir alone. Yennefer has left him as well. Perhaps they even blame him for Ciri's death, for allowing her to enter the portal. This the reality of my game now. It has made a marked shift in my role-playing. Before, I played Geralt as some of his writing suggest - a smarmy, world-wise adventurer who has a bit of the noir seen-it-all detective to him, but ultimately with a can-do attitude and a desire to help. But the way I play Geralt now, the Geralt after Ciri's death - he is angry, bitter, short-tempered, and he does not care much about the woes of others. It's made Geralt more interesting than the eternally aloof Indiana Jones-like figure that he usually is: his choices have consequences, yes, but throughout the game's quest, the hurt is upon others, and while Geralt may shoulder the blame, he has never suffered such hurt before, or lived with such regrets. This is all... not there, really. The bad ending is an ending; Geralt does not continue afterwards. But because I chose to accept the bad ending for this playthrough, and because I interpret the game as continuing after this event, this kind of emergent story of Geralt's darkest moment... appears, and is accomodated surprisingly well by the game's roleplaying options. I made the choice to accept my failure, and to accept grief. Both Geralt and I are in a way in mourning - Geralt for his actual life, me for all the good things I built throughout my 70 hours with the game that never materialized - Ciri's safety, Geralt's quiet life with Triss... Perhaps there will be some silver lining for Geralt in the DLC's, some sort of redemption or healing. I don't know, but I can't wait to find out. I know the DLC's aren't written like this, they aren't intended to be a follow-up to Geralt's devastating loss. I am a few hours into Hearts of Stone, now, and the weird and vindictive vibe of the relationship between Olgierd and Gaunter O'Dimm fits the bitter Geralt I know play. But he has also met Shani, a woman from his past well before all this pain, and perhaps a chance of happiness again, of healing. Shani is a medic after all. The odd thing is that I've never hoped for Geralt's happiness more. The bad ending, depressing and frustrating, if accepted as "canon" for a given playthrough, gives Geralt a depth and a tragic quality that really enhances the experience of the game, clearly differentiates the game before the ending of the main quest and after, and really turns the whole game into something else. I hope Geralt can find peace somewhere. Onto the rest of Hearts of Stone and then Blood and Wine! Thanks for reading.
Just discovered this duo and Im in love. Always been a fan of Pete and the first time I even saw John was when he, Pete and Jimmy played the confession game. Hes from BIG MOUTH. LOVE.