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★★ ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
★★ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
Soviet Union
user Rating 9 of 10 stars
audience Score 47568 Vote
Genres Drama
actors Vladas Bagdonas
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It is a must to see "Come and see. Fully agree with paulmartin177.
It is now more than 30 years since i saw this film and the scenes and feelings is still the alive inside me. I remember walking out from the cinema with my father in absolute silence. There was nothing to say, you just had to take this inside for the rest of your life.
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"Idi i smotri" directed and co-written by Elem Klimov, in my opinion, portrays the horrors of WWII with more grit, brutality and vulnerability than any other film has done it. The film is littered in atmosphere and claustrophobia.
Still, it is magnificent to watch, with beautiful camera work exemplified through creative pans, stunning long takes and tracking shots. Cinematographer Aleksey Rodionov did an absolutely fantastic job, harnessing the potential of the 4:3 aspect ratio.
Lead actor Aleksey Kravschenko makes an incredible performance at portraying a boy who finds a rifle and wants to join the Sovjet army.
It is a film of great artistic contrast, seeming both spontaneous, organic, and authentic, yet controlled, deliberate, while even displaying numerous beautiful and crushing metaphors to the dehumanization forced upon so many innocents by the Nazis.
An incredibly powerful and important statement in human history, as well as a seminal masterpiece in the history of cinema.
Du-te si vézines. Du-te si vedi sito. Du-te si vézie. This film was so powerful and so stunning in its realism, writing, cinematography, sound and editing that I get chills simply revisiting the film in my mind to write this review. The shots are as beautiful as they are horrifying. What starts as an innocent curiosity transforms into a humbling sequence of terrifying events that push the boundaries of sanity. Despite its intense depictions of human casualties and psychological warfare, the film does end on a redemptive note, and I highly highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in an original film that depicts the resolve of the human spirit in spite of the atrocities and horrors of war.
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- About The Author - Kevin Mercer
- Info: Owner at Go Figure UX Research and ADI Advocacy Intelligence & Data. Taking a break from social media to talk to people, rather than shout at them digitally.
9.2 / 10
Votes: 107