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Spies in disguise full movie free 123movies. Spies in disguise full movie free. Lance has female as a bird becuase the feather is from Walter roommate / cute little girl so it count as female gender lol. When the moped was like 🛴☄️💥🔥 I felt that. Will smith + Tom holland= A VERY EXCITING ANIMATED MOVIE. Spies in Disguise Free movie page imdb. Spies in disguise full movie in english free. Spies in disguise movie free no sign up. “Ok now whats youre final wish” “I want to go back to mcu.
Am I tripping out or. was the music in that ending credits animation WAY more techno in theaters? did they change it. I watched this movie today and it really hit me in the heart, I can tell what the movie is trying to tell us, is that there are nether bad or good people, just people,bad things happen,violence isnt the answer,and if you fight fire with fire you get burned. I never saw an animated movie that almost made me cry. There really has to be more animated kid movies like this.
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Spies in disguise free online movie. “Black as night”. Предложить материал Если вы хотите предложить нам материал для публикации или сотрудничество, напишите нам письмо, и, если оно покажется нам важным, мы ответим вам течение одного-двух дней. Если ваш вопрос нельзя решить по почте, в редакцию можно позвонить. Адрес для писем: Телефон редакции: 8 (495) 229-62-00. 6:48 AAAAA that's HOT, that's hot.
Spies in Disguise Free movie reviews
Приветствую всех Сегодня речь пойдет о новом мультфильме под названием камуфляж и спецназ Когда только увидела рекламу по телевизору, как-то сразу захотела на него сходить, так как давно не смотрела мультики в кино Но в то же время сейчас новый год все дела, хотелось все же что-то новогоднее… Всем привет! От чего вы больше устали - от праздников или двухдневной рабочей недели? Лично я устал от скуки - в эти новогодние каникулы был полный штиль в плане интересного контента. Прямо проклятие какое-то! Но! В прокат вышел новый мультик "Камуфляж и шпионаж" и он меня сильно порадовал. Всем привет! "Камуфляж и Шпионаж" - мультик, который точно станет одним из лучших. И не оставит, никого равнодушным. Над которым можно посмеяться и удивляться. Более подробно, и всё о нём! {}{} И так, в прокате - новый мультик. В котором задействована - не простая анимация. Нынешний мир агрессивен - ни кто не станет спорить с этим фактом. Новый год не успел толком начаться, а на политической арене назревает ситуация с возможным вооруженным конфликтом. Куда еще податься, дабы немного развеяться и как то погасить "изжогу" от последних новостей. Всем привет)) 9 января в прокат вышел новый мультфильм «Камуфляж и шпионаж», и сегодня я с удовольствием хочу поделиться с Вами своим впечатлением от просмотра. Основная информация: Жанр: фантастика, боевик, семейныйРежиссёр: Ник Бруно, Трой КвонАвторы сценария: Лукас МартеллРоли озвучивали: Том… Всем привет! Едва увидев трейлер этого мультфильма, очень захотела его посмотреть. Как только он вышел в прокат, сразу же поспешила на просмотр. Немного о сюжете Супершпион мирового уровня Лэнс Стерлинг способен проникнуть куда угодно, одержать победу над сильнейшим врагом и покорить сердце… Всем привет! Так уж вышло, что в свои 28 годиков я совсем не хочу взрослеть)) Обожаю мультфильмы и сказки. Все новые мультфильмы стараюсь смотреть в кинотеатре. "Камуфляж и шпионаж" не стал исключением. Здравствуйте дорогие читатели. Сегодняшний отзыв про мультфильм Камуфляж и шпионаж. Режиссеры Ник Бруно и Трой Квон. Когда выбирала на что пойду с дочкой не хотела на него идти, мне показался он жестоким и не женским и была уверена, что мне не понравится. Мы смотрели этот мультик семьёй в кинотеатре. Я не питала особых надежд. Дочке (9 лет) хотелось посмотреть, а нам с мужем - провести время вместе, семьёй. Так что пошли. Мультфильм меня очаровал с первых минут: очень трогательная вера мамы в сына, забавный малыш-изобретатель. Дальше - интереснее. Смотрела мультфильм с огромным интересом. И не только потому, что люблю анимацию, но и потому что главного героя озвучивал Уилл Смит. И главный герой- копия этого актера. У Смита амплуа в американском кинематографе- героический полицейский. 1. Монстры 2. коко 3. Забавно Характеристики кино: Кто играет: Я начала-этот год просмотром детского произведения и продолжаю традиции. Просто в кинотеатре нет совсем нормальных произведений. Никого лично не ругаю, так как это мой вкус. Обожаю смотреть мультфильмы, но к современным иностранным типа "Люди в черном" и т. д. отношусь спокойно, а точнее не смотрю. Больше предпочитаю такого типа фильмы. Подружка предложила сходить в кинотеатр. Выбирали из того, что есть. В итоге решили пойти на мульт. Буквально час назад вышли из кинотеатра с сыном (6 лет), жаль, что папа работал и не смог оценить такой классный мультик! Мальчишкам самое то! Ну и родителям есть над чем посмеяться) Давно мы так удачно не ходили на мультики, сын наверное с лета мучил меня вопросом "когда будет мультик про… "Камуфляж и шпионаж" - недавно вышедший мультфильм от американской анимационной студии "Blu Sky ". Чем же известна эта студия? Узнав, что она создавала "Ледниковый период", "Рио", я насторожилась. С одной стороны, это довольно оригинальные персонажи, истории и подача. Судя по трейлеру я решила, что это будет детский поучительный мультик. Но не тут то было. Мультик интересный и увлекательный для каждой возрастной категории. Графика вроде и мультяшная, но ощущение как будто смотришь крутой качественный фильм. Добрый день! После мультфильма "Человек Паук:Сквозь вселенные" понял, что очень люблю анимацию и теперь стараюсь посещать различные новые мультфильмы и сериалы. Смотрите также.
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Spies in Disguise free movie downloads.
Really fun movie, trailer has the right tone but some things weren't in the movie, lance is only lance for the first 20 or so mins.
The lone wolf spy schtik is laid on way too thick in this movie, as despite walter showing his way is better lance is like 'nope i got this' will smith seems to be phoning in his performance for some of it as his dialogue lacks effort in places.
I think they left some obvious story beats for a sequel which imho are lances 'flock' drink the antidote/ serum/ use the bow tie insta change gizmo, and 'lovey' who is kinda 'dark' would make an interesting villain with jeff and the other one being her henchmen.
Also no reference to lances egg after he laid it ?
great animation.
I would add it is like inspector gadgets dr claw meets james bond and q.
The movie is great all around. It's funny without being corny, Will Smith really knocks his role out of the park, and I actually would see this movie again in theatres. This is definitely one for the collection. SpongeBobs voice was deeper when he was a kid. Spies in disguise full movie watch online free.
That's alotta honesty.
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Please Give Amar Babria Voice For Will Smith & Vinay Thakkar For Tom Holland.
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Spies in disguise free go movie. Well this is one of the most darkest episodes ive ever seen. Holland's character is literally MCU Peter Parker, a smart but socially awkward kid that adults dismiss because he's too young so he tries too hard to be noticed. That's not a bad thing.
My family very muched enjoyed this movie, it had us laughing a lot
Spies in disguise full movie free with ads. Tom holland and chris pratt 😍. 0:13 my man be looking like that one default skin in fortnite. If everyone knows your name, then you ain't exactly a good spy... What Will Smith to good to give an interview. Is the quest about a Space man who is adventuring with a spider boy to stop an intergalactic threat. Spies in disguise full movie free watch. 1:44 Top left corner. Reference to that Spongebob episode Sailor Mouth. I miss my hands... Serious string. 7. 4 (78) радость - 30% 6 января 2020 Лэнс Стерлинг — супершпион, а молодой учёный Уолтер Беккет является его полной противоположностью. Вечно позитивный Лэнс, не скрывая своего удовольствия, занят спасением городов и стран в то время, как Уолтер отгораживается от других людей благодаря своим изобретениям и гаджетам. Однако ради спасения мира этой парочке предстоит объединиться и проявить небывалые чудеса маскировки. Жанр: Боевик, Мультфильм, Приключения Дата релиза в РФ: Хронометраж: 102 мин. Основной прокатчик: Двадцатый Век Фокс СНГ Мировая премьера: 24 декабря 2019 Новинка 7. 4 (78 оценок) 89% (18 голосов) хотели посмотреть Топ фильмов Выбираешь что посмотреть? 125 фильмов для создания новогоднего настроения, которые можно посмотреть онлайн Смотри новинки онлайн Ford против Ferrari Биографический фильм, Боевик, Драма, Спортивный фильм Мэтт Дэймон, Кристиан Бэйл, Джей Джей Филд Царство Боевик, Военный фильм, Драма, Исторический фильм Масами Нагасава, Кэнто Ямазаки, Рё Ёсидзава Назад Вперед 100% фильм понравился Зрители отметили в фильме: Режиссура, Главная роль, Спецэффекты Все отзывы.
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I love this movie 🤣.
Everyone: omg will smith said that's hot Me remembering when That's hot was Paris Hiltons catchphrase: 🤦♂️.
I saw "Spies in Disguise" starring the voices of Will Smith-Gemini Man, Ali; Tom Holland-the Spider_Man movies, In the Heart of the Sea; Reba McEntire-Malibu Country_tv, Tremors and Ben Mendelsohn-Captain Marvel, Rogue One:A Star Wars Story.
This is an animated spy comedy that is pretty good-if you are into animated spy comedies. Will plays the world's greatest secret agent-not too secret, he sort of likes the fame-that has to go on the run from his agency after Ben, the bad guy, frames Will as a bad guy. Will has to prove his innocence and catch Ben, saving the world once again. Reba is Will's boss and Tom is the nerdy tech guy that partners up with Will to save the day. A little hiccup in Tom's science results in Will turning into a pigeon so he now has a handicap to work with in his pursuit of Ben. There is a lot of action and humor and it is based on Lucas Martell's 2009 computer animated short film called 'Pigeon:Impossible.
It's rated "PG" for action, violence and some rude humor and has a running time of 1 hour & 42 minutes.
I liked it and can see myself buying it on DVD to show my grandkids.
Watch spies in disguise movie for free.
Plan ex I thout you said spand ex?🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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Spies in Disguise Free.
Walter looks like that guy from ratatouille.
Spies in disguise free movie.
Just went to the movies today. It was a field trip from my school. This movie is my favorite.
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I love the detail of the ruffled feathers when he got mad.
Spies in disguise free full movie. You must watch this, you never get boring till movie end. So cool. Pixar theory: confused screaming. Amazing. Im pretty sure the idea of this film is about what would you do to see your family again. If it is, then I'm in. ———————————————————————. Spies in Disguise Theatrical release poster Directed by Troy Quane Nick Bruno Produced by Peter Chernin Jenno Topping Michael J. Travers [1] Screenplay by Brad Copeland Lloyd Taylor [1] Story by Cindy Davis [1] Based on Pigeon: Impossible by Lucas Martell Starring Will Smith Tom Holland Rashida Jones Ben Mendelsohn Reba McEntire Rachel Brosnahan Karen Gillan DJ Khaled Masi Oka Music by Theodore Shapiro [2] Cinematography Renato Falcão Edited by Randy Trager Christopher Campbell [3] Production companies Blue Sky Studios [4] 20th Century Fox Animation [4] Chernin Entertainment [5] Distributed by 20th Century Fox Release date December 4, 2019 ( El Capitan Theatre) December 25, 2019 (United States) Running time 102 minutes [6] Country United States Language English Budget $100 million [7] Box office $157. 3 million [8] Spies in Disguise is a 2019 American computer-animated spy comedy film produced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Loosely based on the 2009 animated short Pigeon: Impossible by Lucas Martell, the film is directed by Troy Quane and Nick Bruno (in their feature directorial debuts) from a screenplay by Brad Copeland and Lloyd Taylor, and a story by Cindy Davis. It stars the voices of Will Smith and Tom Holland, alongside Rashida Jones, Ben Mendelsohn, Reba McEntire, Rachel Brosnahan, Karen Gillan, DJ Khaled, and Masi Oka in supporting roles. The plot follows a secret agent (Smith) who is accidentally transformed into a pigeon by an intelligent young scientist (Holland); the two must then work together to stop a revenge-seeking cybernetic terrorist, and return the agent to his human form. The film premiered at the El Capitan Theatre on December 4, 2019, and was theatrically released in the United States on December 25, 2019. It has grossed $157 million worldwide and it received generally positive reviews from critics. Plot [ edit] Lance Sterling, a cocky secret agent of H. T. U. V. (Honor, Trust, Unity and Valor), is sent to recover an attack drone from Japanese arms dealer Katsu Kimura in Japan. As soon as the buyer, cybernetically enhanced terrorist Killian, arrives, Sterling breaks in against the orders of H. director Joy Jenkins, defeats Kimura and his gang, and manages to escape with the briefcase containing the drone. Sterling returns to H. headquarters to confront Walter Beckett, a socially inept MIT graduate and outcast young scientist, for equipping nonlethal weapons into his suit. Walter tries to convince Sterling that there is a more peaceful way to save the world, but Sterling fires him before he can explain his latest invention: "biodynamic concealment". Sterling discovers the briefcase to be empty and is confronted by Marcy Kappel, a security forces agent, who reveals footage of Sterling (actually Killian in a holographic disguise) leaving with the drone, labeling him as a traitor. Sterling escapes the H. and decides to track down Walter to help him disappear. Meanwhile, Killian breaks into the H. weapons facility. While searching Walter's home for his invention, Sterling unknowingly ingests the concoction and transforms into a pigeon. Before Walter can start making an antidote to change him back, Marcy and other H. agents chase the duo through the city, but they escape in Sterling's spy car. The two track down Kimura to a resort in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. There, they learn of Killian's whereabouts in Venice, Italy before Marcy and the H. can capture them again. On their way to Venice, Walter attempts to make the antidote, but fails. Arriving in Venice, Walter is confronted by the H. V., who are unaware of Sterling's condition. Revealing that she knows about Wendy, Walter's mother who was a police officer who died on duty, Marcy tries to convince him to help turn Sterling in, but Walter refuses. Suddenly, a drone distracts the H. and allows Walter and Sterling to escape. The two discover the drone carrying the H. agent database, and Walter manages to retrieve it. However, Killian shows up, takes the database, and prepares to kill Walter. With help from hundreds of pigeons in the surrounding area, they distract Killian and flee. Disguised as Sterling once more, Killian escapes the H. V., shaking Marcy's suspicions of Sterling upon her seeing him with a robot hand. Whilst underwater in a submarine, Walter reveals he planted a tracking device on Killian and locates him at the weapons facility. Walter manages to perfect the antidote and successfully turns Sterling human again. Reaching Killian's hideout, Sterling is concerned about Walter's safety and sends him away in the submarine. Once inside, Sterling confronts Killian, but is defeated and captured as Killian reveals he has mass produced hundreds of drones to target everyone at the agency using the database as revenge for killing his crew in a past mission led by Sterling. Noticing Walter returning in the submarine, Killian destroys it; unbeknownst to them, Walter survives with the help of one of his inventions, the inflatable hug. Once Walter frees Sterling, the two escape and contact Marcy for support as the drones approach H. headquarters in Washington D. C. Walter attempts to hack into Killian's bionic arm. When Killian realizes this, he tries to flee via air with a drone, but Walter catches up. Walter risks his life by trapping Killian in one of his protective gadgets and deactivates the villain's arm as Walter himself falls, but Sterling, who has turned himself back into a pigeon, successfully flies for the first time and carries him to safety with help from other pigeons, while Killian is found and arrested. Despite saving the world, Sterling, back in his human form (except for his right hand, which is temporarily remaining tiny), and Walter are fired for disobedience. However, they are quickly reinstated by the H. as the agency could learn from Walter's more peaceful ways of handling villainy. Voice cast [ edit] Will Smith as Lance Sterling, "the world's most awesome spy, " who is accidentally turned into a pigeon. [9] Tom Holland as Walter Beckett, a socially inept scientific genius who graduated from MIT at age 15 and designs gadgets. He inadvertently turns Sterling into a pigeon with a new invention of his and must now help Sterling change back to his human form. Jarrett Bruno portrays a younger Walter. Rashida Jones as Marcy Kappel, a security forces agent of internal affairs who is in pursuit of Lance Sterling. Ben Mendelsohn as Killian, a powerful technology-based terrorist mastermind with a left bionic arm which controls an array of weaponized drones that threatens the world. Killian is Sterling's arch-enemy and his main mission objective. Killian is never identified at any point in the film, with the protagonists casually referring to him as "Robo-Hand". Reba McEntire as Joy Jenkins, the director of H. (short for Honor, Trust, Unity and Valor) and Sterling's superior. [10] Rachel Brosnahan as Wendy Beckett, a police officer and Walter's late mother. [10] Karen Gillan as Eyes, an H. specialist in spectral analysis and quantum optical thermography who is paired with Ears. [11] DJ Khaled as Ears, an H. specialist in communications who is paired with Eyes. [11] Masi Oka as Katsu Kimura, a Japanese arms dealer and an associate to Killian. Carla Jimenez as Geraldine [12] Olly Murs as Junior Agent #1 (Uncredited) [13] Bex Marsh as Italian Tourist Stefania Spampinato as Italian Woman Eddie Mujica as Agency Accountant and Male Tourist Emily Altman as Lead Agency Lab Tech, Scooter Girl Claire Crosby as Unity Randy Trager as Terrance Mark Ronson as Agency Control Room Technician Matthew J. Munn as Weapons Lab Soldier Kimberly Brooks as Lance Sterling's Car ( Audi RSQ e-tron) Krizia Bajos as Receptionist Reggie De Leon as Weapons Lab Tech Casey Roberts as Launch Control Voice Agency employees are voiced by Tawny Newsome, JB Blanc, Adrian Gonzalez, William Christopher Stephens, Bex Marsh, Peter S. Kim, Gabriel Conte, Jess Conte, Nick Bruno, and Troy Quane. Marcy's Agents are voiced by JB Blanc, Christopher Campbell, Adrian Gonzalez, Peter S. Kim, and William Christopher Stephens. Pigeon voices are provided by Jarrett Bruno, Nick Bruno, Randy Thom, and Randy Trager. South Korean voice actress So Youn [ ko] and voice actor Jang Min-hyuck respectively provided the voices of Soo-min and Joon, the protagonists in a South Korean television drama which Walter Beckett is a fan of. Jang also voiced Lance Sterling in the Korean version. Production [ edit] On October 9, 2017, it was announced that development was underway on a film based on the animated short Pigeon: Impossible (2009), with Will Smith and Tom Holland set to voice the lead characters. [14] In October 2018, new additions to the voice cast included Ben Mendelsohn, Karen Gillan, Rashida Jones, DJ Khaled and Masi Oka. [15] In July 2019, Reba McEntire and Rachel Brosnahan joined the cast, [10] and in September 2019, Carla Jimenez was added as well. [12] Music [ edit] Score [ edit] On June 12, 2018, it was reported that Theodore Shapiro was set to compose the film's score. [2] The film's score album was released by Hollywood Records and Fox Music on December 27, 2019. EP soundtrack [ edit] Mark Ronson Presents the Music of Spies in Disguise EP and soundtrack album by various artists Released December 13, 2019 Label RCA Records Singles from Mark Ronson Presents the Music of Spies in Disguise "Then There Were Two" Released: November 22, 2019 "Fly" Released: December 2, 2019 On June 11, 2019, it was announced that Mark Ronson would be the film's executive music producer. [16] Head of Fox Music Danielle Diego expresssed excitement at working with Ronson, stating that "his unique blend of vintage soul and funk exceptionally captures the soul of [the] film. " [16] On November 22, 2019, an original song for the film entitled "Then There Were Two, " performed by Ronson and Anderson, was released. [17] Two days later, an extended play album was announced, titled Mark Ronson Presents the Music of Spies in Disguise and featuring five new songs written for the film, as well Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock 's " It Takes Two ". [18] The EP was released digitally on December 13, 2019 by RCA Records. [18] Track listing [ edit] No. Title Artist(s) Length 1. "Freak of Nature" Mark Ronson & Dodgr 3:27 2. "Then There Were Two" Ronson & Anderson Paak 2:32 3. "Fly" Lucky Daye 2:43 4. "They Gotta Go" Lil Jon 3:18 5. "Rocket Fuel" DJ Shadow featuring De La Soul 3:14 6. " It Takes Two " Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock 5:00 7. "KNOCK KNOCK" TWICE 3:16 8. "Bye Bye Bye" NSYNC 3:20 9. "Boom" NCT Dream 3:15 10. "Follow" Monsta X 3:33 Total length: 23:30 Release [ edit] The film was originally scheduled for release on January 18, 2019, by 20th Century Fox. [9] The release date was delayed to April 19, 2019, and then to September 13, 2019. [19] On May 10, the date was delayed once more, to December 25, 2019. [20] Spies in Disguise is the first release by Blue Sky Studios as a unit of The Walt Disney Company, after Disney's purchase of Fox. This allows ticket purchases to be eligible for Disney Movie Insiders points in the United States. [21] The film had its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, on December 4, 2019. [22] Marketing [ edit] The first trailer and teaser poster were released on November 1, 2018. [23] The second trailer was released on July 1, 2019 and the final trailer was released on September 27, 2019, though a "super secret" trailer was released on November 18. Reception [ edit] Box office [ edit] As of February 2, 2020, Spies in Disguise has grossed $63. 6 million in the United States and Canada, and $93. 7 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $157. 3 million. [8] In the United States and Canada, the film was released on Wednesday, December 25, alongside Little Women and the expansion of Uncut Gems, and was projected to gross $19–23 million from 3, 502 theatres over in its five-day opening weekend. [24] The film made $4. 8 million on Christmas Day and $4. 1 million on its second day. [25] It went on to make $13. 2 million during its opening weekend, for a total of $22. 1 million over the five-day Christmas frame, finishing fifth. [26] [7] In its second weekend the film made $10. 1 million, finishing sixth. [27] In its third weekend, it grossed $5. 1 million, dropping 50. 9% from the previous weekend and finishing at the 10th position. [28] Critical response [ edit] On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 76% based on 111 reviews and an average rating of 6. 46/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "A cheerfully undemanding animated adventure that's elevated by its voice cast, Spies in Disguise is funny, fast-paced, and family-friendly enough to satisfy. " [29] Metacritic gave the film a weighted average score of 54 out of 100, based on 22 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews. " [30] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A–" on an A+ to F scale, while those at PostTrak gave it an average 3. 5 out of 5 stars. [26] Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian gave the film three out of five stars, calling it an "entertaining family adventure, " and praising the vocal work of Smith and Holland. [31] Accolades [ edit] References [ edit] ^ a b c "Denali Publishing Announces Spies in Disguise: Agents on the Run" (Press release). November 13, 2019. Retrieved November 13, 2019 – via Gamasutra. ^ a b "Theodore Shapiro to Score Blue Sky Studios' 'Spies in Disguise' & Karyn Kusama's 'Destroyer ' ". Film Music Reporter. June 12, 2018. Retrieved October 28, 2018. ^ "Spies in Disguise reviews". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved December 16, 2019. ^ a b "Film releases". Variety Insight. Retrieved August 28, 2018. ^ Vary, Adam B. (January 17, 2020). "Disney and Chernin Entertainment Parting Ways". Variety. Retrieved January 21, 2020. ^ "Spies in Disguise". British Board of Film Classification. Retrieved January 11, 2020. ^ a b Brueggemann, Tom (December 29, 2019). " ' Little Women' Is the Top Box Office Newcomer; 'Skywalker' May Fall $100 Million Short of 'Jedi ' ". IndieWire. Retrieved December 31, 2019. ^ a b "Spies in Disguise (2019)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ a b "Spies in Disguise Teams Will Smith and Tom Holland". Slashfilm. October 10, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017. ^ a b c Galuppo, Mia (July 23, 2019). "Reba McEntire, Rachel Brosnahan Join Will Smith in 'Spies in Disguise' (Exclusive)". Retrieved July 23, 2019. ^ a b Romano, Nick (November 1, 2018). "Will Smith, Tom Holland are a secret agent team in 'Spies in Disguise' trailer". Entertainment Weekly. Meredith Corporation. Retrieved November 1, 2018. ^ a b Sun, Rebecca (September 9, 2019). "Rep Sheet Roundup: CAA China Signs Matt William Knowles". Retrieved September 9, 2019. ^ Chilton, Louis (December 16, 2019). "Olly Murs joins Will Smith and Tom Holland in Spies In Disguise". Radio Times. Retrieved January 11, 2020. ^ Lang, Brent (October 9, 2017). "Will Smith, Tom Holland to Star in Animated Movie 'Spies in Disguise' (EXCLUSIVE)". Retrieved October 11, 2017. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (October 29, 2018). "Ben Mendelsohn, Karen Gillan, Rashida Jones, DJ Khaled and Masi Oka Join Voice Cast Of Fox Animation 'Spies In Disguise ' ". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved November 22, 2019. ^ a b "Mark Ronson joins animated film, "Spies in Disguise, " as exec music producer".. June 11, 2019. ^ Heath, Paul (November 22, 2019). "Music Video For Mark Ronson & Anderson 's 'Spies In Disguise' Track Drops". Retrieved November 24, 2019. ^ a b "Mark Ronson's Songs from 'Spies in Disguise' to Be Released". November 24, 2019. ^ Haring, Bruce (June 22, 2018). "20th Century Fox Sets Dates For Untitled James Mangold Ferrari Project, Kenneth Branagh's 'Death On The Nile ' ". Retrieved July 10, 2018. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (May 7, 2019). "Disney-Fox Updates Release Schedule: Sets Three Untitled 'Star Wars' Movies, 'Avatar' Franchise To Kick Off In 2021 & More". Retrieved May 7, 2019. ^ @Disney_Insiders (October 17, 2019). "This Christmas they're saving the world on the fly. And guess what Insiders? #SpiesInDisguise will be eligible for Disney Movie Insiders points! " (Tweet). Retrieved October 20, 2019 – via Twitter. ^ Jackson, Angelique (December 5, 2019). "Tom Holland on Spider-Man, James Bond and Meeting 'Spies in Disguise' Co-Star Will Smith in an Escape Room". Retrieved December 5, 2019. ^ "Spies in Disguise, Official Trailer". 20th Century FOX. November 1, 2018. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (December 25, 2019). " ' Rise Of Skywalker' Eyes $35M Merry Christmas With 2nd Best Ever For Holiday; 'Little Women' $7M; 'Spies In Disguise' $5M". Retrieved December 26, 2019. ^ McClintock, Pamela (December 25, 2019). "Box Office: 'Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker' Unwraps Huge $32M on Christmas Day". Retrieved December 26, 2019. ^ a b D'Alessandro, Anthony (December 29, 2019). " ' Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker' Counts $362M Through 10 Days, -2% Behind 'Last Jedi'; 'Little Women' All Grown Up With $29M 5-Day". Retrieved December 29, 2019. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (January 5, 2020). " ' Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker' Dips To $34M+ Third Weekend; 'Grudge' Doesn't Scream With $11M+ & 'F' CinemaScore". Retrieved January 5, 2020. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (January 12, 2020). " ' 1917' Strong With $36M+, But 'Like A Boss' & 'Just Mercy' Fighting Over 4th With $10M; Why Kristen Stewart's 'Underwater' Went Kerplunk With $7M". Retrieved January 12, 2020. ^ "Spies in Disguise (2019)". Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved January 3, 2020. ^ "Spies in Disguise Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved December 30, 2019. ^ "Movie Review: Spies in Disguise – Will Smith brings pecks appeal to animated caper". The Guardian. Retrieved December 16, 2019. ^ "Motion Picture Sound Editors Unveil 67th Annual Golden Reel Nominations". Retrieved December 27, 2019. ^ "47th Annie Awards" (Press release). Annie Awards. December 4, 2019. Retrieved December 4, 2019. External links [ edit] Official website Spies in Disguise on IMDb Spies in Disguise at Rotten Tomatoes Spies in Disguise at Box Office Mojo.
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