azanshibe's Ownd

openload Underwater Movie Stream

2020.03.01 02:36

3.6 / 5

Votes: 369





Release date=2020
Brian Duffield
summary=A crew of aquatic researchers work to get to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory. But the crew has more than the ocean seabed to fear
average ratings=6,6 / 10
Michael have you ever had a shark encounter while down there.

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Amenaza en lo profundo movie streaming

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2017 Format: DVD Verified Purchase Russian Ark isn't for everybody. Prepare yourself for a thoroughly out-of-mainstream experience. This is a film that was shot in one take. Yes. One take. The actors had to be strategically placed through the museum so that they would enter their part with the flow of the cameraman who is attached by an umbilical to a batter and to a sound and light man. The film location is the Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg and the film follows the history of Russia from Peter the Great, through Catherine the Great, and on to Nicholas the II. Visually entrancing, especially the final ball scene where we see the participants of Russia's upperclass leave the ballroom not knowing the tragedies to follow. It's almost like watching lambs leading themselves to the destruction of life as they knew it. The intractability of the upper classes - - not heeding the overwhelming gap between their ostentatious life style to that of the peasant classes - - becomes their undoing, and there's nothing we can do as an audience but helplessly watch them descend the grand staircase into their destruction. Before launching into the movie, I recommend that the viewer watch the interview with the director and the story of how the film was made. It will make more sense that way. Having said that, for anyone not familar with the nuansces of Russian culture, language, and history, the viewer may question their decision to suffer through the 90 plus minutes. For those students of Russia and those who have experienced life in Russian it will impart the sense of loss and tragedy of a Russia lost to time and memory. Lastly, the Hermitage is a beautiful testament for Russia's love of art and the director does it justice to be sure. George Andreev Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2017 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase This movie was absolutely breathtaking and intriguing on many levels. The filming is dreamlike, but engaging. Throughout the movie, you follow a Russian man and European writer as they walk through the St. Petersburg Winter Palace Museum commenting on the art and architecture and briefly interacting with historical figures. Russia’s role in the history and it’s future are the topic of the film. It is very philosophical in nature, and to be honest I didn’t understand all of it. I suspect that as an American there are probably some cultural barriers to my interpretation. Anyone can appreciate the beauty of this film, but I think those interested in history would get the most out of the commentary. The filming was an absolutey enormous undertaking, as the camera follows hundreds of actors and actresses in one single shot encompassing the majority of the St Petersburg Museum. Much of the symphony orchestral music is live, and I recognized the famous Valery Gergiev as the conductor. The non-linear flow through Russian history is somewhat haunting. It leaves you feeling somewhat lost; struggling to understand the bigger picture. I think that may be intentional. There is a lot more to say, but I will leave it there. This is an absolutely unforgettable film. One I highly recommend, especially to anyone interested in art, history, or philosophy. Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2016 Format: DVD Verified Purchase Anyone who has visited the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg and the amazing Winter Palace will be thrilled to watch this amazing, weird movie. Taken in one take and without separations of scenes, it follows a ghost and his ghost companions through 300 years of Russian history getting glimpses of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and other Tsars amid the splendid surroundings. It is a weird movie in Russian and other languages with English subtitles and is not, by any means, a standard movie or story. It is rather a tour through time and space to witness splendid architecture, paintings and costume over the centuries. Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2012 Format: DVD Verified Purchase I have now watched this movie several times, and my appreciation grows for it every time. There is something so unique, so thought provoking about it, that it cannot be dismissed as "boring. " Some of the single sentence comments are sufficient to start thinking, even something as basic as the Marquis' remark on the modern men's suits - that dressing that way stifled creativity. (I have to agree that men used to dress MUCH better) There is another interesting and positive aspect to the movie - I watch it walking and running on the treadmill. Since it is shot in one continuous scene, with the cammera man (excellent work, Tilman! ) walking, the pace on the treadmill keeps up in the walking speeds with the camera, and one feels like they are accompanying these two gentlemen on their journey. And what a journey it is. I can't afford the trip to St. Petersburg to see the Hermitage in person, but this movie is about as close as it gets, and having the historical events and figures interspersed throughout, makes it an enchanting history lesson as well. Others have covered the music and costumes, and the director spared nothing on the details there, giving it accuracy and authenticity. Finally, the message of the film is reflected in the reviews. Some people appreciate art and culture while others don't see the importance in maintaining it. The point of the movie is to show that the Hermitage is an ark preserving culture and tradition while tossed in an ocean of those who don't appreciate - the results of which are all around us. Society degrades. Excellent film. Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2015 Format: DVD Verified Purchase I like this film a lot. It's true that there is hardly any dialogue and no plot, but I enjoy the teasing references to Russian history as we time travel through the Hermitage. If you don't know any Russian history, this would be a hard way to start. The nonstop shooting strikes me as more of a stunt than an advance in artistic technique--I don't see why the film could not have been made just as well shot scene by scene in the usual way. But there is a certain tightrope-without-a-net excitement to live action in which you get precisely one chance. The scenes and the costumes are quite beautiful. I thought the air of surreal, dreamy nostalgia was really the point of the film. Recommended, but find out who Marquis de Custine, Pushkin, Griboedov, and Nicholas II were first. Top international reviews 5. 0 out of 5 stars Blu - the colour of my true love's dream... Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 23, 2014 Verified Purchase Let me say right away that I absolutely love this film - it is an amazing achievement by the director and crew, and an incredible experience for the viewer - rather like being immersed in a costume drama waking dream for 90 minutes. Technically it was a first, the longest single take ever made. But, the question is, is the blu-ray worth the extra investment? Warning: the answer is rather geeky (blame my working life in the film industry) and could involve you in additional costs. When Russian Ark was first released for the home, it was only available on dvd, which was fine, with (to me) one really annoying exception: the layer transition which occurs just before we enter the ballroom for the Grand Ball, gives a slight pause/jump effect. This totally destroys the trance of the single take and, hence, the raison d'etre of the whole film. With the blu-ray edition, there is no layer transition and thus the film is presented exactly as it should be: one smooth, single take with no annoying jump, and in beautiful HD, which could be bettered by today's standards, but is an improvement on the dvd and, I think, truly reflects the quality available for the original digital film. So the choice is yours: purists will want the blu-ray, even if they already have the dvd, and those who can live with a slight pause will not. One final note for real geeks: if you are upgrading from dvd, the blu-ray has the same extras but they are not in quite the right format (slightly stretched and cropped, compared to the dvd) so if, like me, you are similarly cursed, you will want to keep both copies. (I did warn you). 3 people found this helpful Sending feedback... Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try again Report abuse It was - and it's wonderful to finally see it in HD Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 6, 2014 Verified Purchase Can you really believe this was filmed in one shot? It was - and it's wonderful to finally see it in HD. 4. 0 out of 5 stars Film documentaire L'arche russe - auteur néerlandais - en russe sous-titré anglais Reviewed in Canada on December 2, 2018 Format: DVD Verified Purchase J'avais déjà vu par hasard à la télévision, un soir, au canal ART-TV ce film documentaire en russe mais commenté en francais. J'avais beaucoup aimé. Plusieurs années plus tard, j'ai repensé à ce film et j'ai pensé qu'on pouvait peut-être le commander. J'ai vu que sur Amazon, ce film était disponible. Je l'ai commandé mais malheureusement il est sous-titré en anglais. Je pensais qu-il serait sous-titré en français également et cmoment en francais. Malheureusement non. Je l'ai conservé quand même. Cet auteur avait gagné un prix pour ça. Report abuse 5. 0 out of 5 stars Russian Ark via Mega Media CA: Highest Fruits, from an Impeccable Vendor Reviewed in Canada on January 30, 2015 Format: DVD Verified Purchase Exquisite film, an absolute classic and not to be missed. A cast of hundreds conjures up Russia's artistic and political history in a breathtaking visual and audial wash, all done in a single, sublime take. The production was steered by Russia's best, and includes German and Japanese cinematographic prowess. The subtitling looks excellent in all languages offered. At the very end of the credits, you'll notice the name of Hollywood's most important capturer of artistic zeitgeist. If you have children and want them to grow up cosmopolitan and truly literate, plunk them down in front of this one. Sit with them and explain the occasional remark. Watch their jaws drop. Give them something with so much meaning that they'll never exhaust it. They'll treasure it all their lives. The disc itself was delivered in perfect shape, as quickly as any delivery method will allow, and I will definitely buy from the vendor on a regular basis. One of a Kind Film Reviewed in Canada on July 7, 2018 Format: DVD Verified Purchase Unusual in the extreme. Basically, like Hitchcock's "Rope", a continuous two-hour film with no cuts! The treasures of the Hermitage are a bonus. visually spectacular! Reviewed in Canada on October 15, 2018 Format: DVD Verified Purchase Purchased as a gift but watched together. Incredible movie for it's one continuous shoot, the beauty inside the Hermitage and the massive number of period costumes. Well worth owning and enjoying again and again! Five Stars Reviewed in Canada on August 4, 2017 Format: DVD Verified Purchase Great tour of the Petersburg museum. Grandiose so I know it is excellent. Service in delivering this to my home was... Reviewed in Canada on March 1, 2016 Format: DVD Verified Purchase I just received this dvd movie. I have seen it before, so I know it is excellent. Service in delivering this to my home was really good. Reviewed in Canada on October 6, 2015 Format: DVD Verified Purchase A monumental masterpiece of modern cinema. Namaste:) Un chef d'oeuvre pour les initi§Ûs Reviewed in France on January 7, 2004 Format: DVD Verified Purchase Jamais autant de moyens n'avaient ete¦ utilises pour rendre vivante et concrete l'histoire merveilleuse de cette cite batie sur l'eau, Saint Petersbourg. Pour ceux qui connaissent les moments forts de l'histoire Russe ce film est passionant car on est totalement projete de salle en salle a travers le palais de l'hermitage, le pailais d'hiver des tsars, depuis Pierre le Grand en 1703 jusqu'a Nicolas II en 1917. Trois siecles d'une histoire incroyable pour nous occidentaux ou un peuple de 150 millions d'habitants repartis sur 12 fuseaux horaires, va evoluer et passer de l'ombre a la lumiere pour ensuite sombrer dans le rouge sang et le silence froid de 75 ans de communisme. Decouvrir la Russie par son histoire, c'est aimer le peuple pour ses racines et sa culture. C'est l'objectif de Sokourov, un realisateur d'avant garde, qui n'ecoutant que son coeur a batit une oeuvre qui va au dela de l'histoire, pour nous faire approcher et comprendre cette ame russe aussi complexe. Pour les non inities, ce film peut paraitre long et ennuyeux, mais quel bonheur pour les autres! Ce n'est pas une visite touristique, c'est un moment d'histoire. Et si cela peut faire apprecier d'avantage la Russie, et ce peuple formidable qui n'est pas du tout celui des mafias et de la vodka, mais qui est un peuple de travail, d'abnegation, de tradition et d'amour familial. Et surtout un peuple intellectuel, intelligent, audacieux, et qui, sans les erreurs de la Perestroika seraient aujourd'hui les vrais pacificateurs de notre humanite qui va a volo.... A voir et a revoir... Et souhaitons que les francais prendront la peine de connaitre la Russie avant de la juger. 37 people found this helpful Report abuse.

Well it's about dagum time. I'm so sick of these unrealistic going into space science fiction films. I can't wait for this one.

  • Author: Alexander Chain
  • Bio: Documenting how I get rekt by crypto losing 98% even in a bullrun. Don't @ me.