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Release date=2020
Writed by=Jeff Wadlow
director=Jeff Wadlow
Good they changed the design thats sonic the original design looked like a weird hedgehog nothing like sonic. OH look it's Eisenberg playing another Eisenberg character. Woooo. Download movie fantasy island. Download Movie Fantasy island 2.
The most depressing part of this movie is the fact she still got an iPhone 4😞😞😞😞😞😞😞.
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Published on Dec 24, 2019
Fantasy Island free download movie full
Fantasy Island free download full movie | Fantasy Island free download movie full | Fantasy Island free full movie download |
Fantasy Island free full download movie | Fantasy Island free movie download full | Fantasy Island free movie full download
Fantasy Island is a movie starring Maggie Q, Portia Doubleday, and Michael Peña. A horror adaptation of the popular
'70s TV show about a magical island resort.
Screams come true. Watch the new trailer for #Blumhouse's #FantasyIslandMovie, in theaters Valentine’s Day.
Type: Movie
Genre: Adventure, Horror
Written By: Jillian Jacobs, Christopher Roach, Jeff Wadlow.
Stars: Maggie Q, Portia Doubleday, Michael Peña, Lucy Hale
Director: Jeff Wadlow
Rating: N/A
Date: 2020-02-06
Duration: N/A
Keywords: comedy horror, torture, beach party
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I loved this Novel in my High School Pretty excited for the actual visual movie 😍😍.
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Yeah youre complete and total fantasy in life is to get even with someone from highschool. They could have anything in the world, but no theyre a grown adult who is fixed on something that happened when they were 16. Gotcha.
The trailer for the first movie made it look like the doll was possessed as well. don't let the trailer convince you not to give it a try.
First, I have already seen all of these movies more times than I can count because I just love Star Wars and I have ever since the first time I watched the originals on that 1995 VHS boxset, but there is a new movie coming out so I had to do a re-watch and get everything fresh in my head again. I'm sure I will have a lot of thoughts about TRoS and how it connects with everything else in the series. I did not re-watch Rogue One and Solo here though, I wanted to focus on just the main saga because if I started adding other stuff there are so many episodes of Clone Wars and Rebels I'd want to mix in too. While I was typing things out, I didn't really write a lot for TPM and AotC but there are a lot from the sequels so that'll probably be the longest part of this post. Thoughts about each movie While there were lots of complaints about too much CGI in the prequels, TPM is enough of a mix of sets and CGI that it held up the best visually for me I loved the N64 Podracer game growing up, so that scene in the movie is still really fun for me to watch There were actually more moments I enjoyed than I remembered in TPM, but some of the Jar-Jar stuff was too much for me and I didn't really enjoy watching 10 year old Anakin much either but that is a normal thing for me where child actors seem to have their characters written in a way that makes them irritating to me. That being said, even though I didn't enjoy watching them anyone who harassed Jake Lloyd or Ahmed Best is a dick and it is a shame that this portion of the fanbase has only gotten louder since TPM. Also, I am not sure why the jokes in TLJ were too much for some people, but apparently Jar Jar stepping in shit and having a space-donkey fart on him are perfectly fine. The jokey parts in all of these movies can be hit or miss, but nothing ever took me out of everything else that was going on like the Jar Jar stuff in this movie did. I liked the voices for the battle droids better in this movie than in AotC and RotS. There was actually some intimidation there when it got shifted more towards comic relief in the other movies after the backlash to the Jar Jar stuff Duel of the Fates was one of my favorite parts of all the music John Williams has done for this series, and the Darth Maul duel is still a blast to watch....... Normally when I thought about the movies, TPM and AotC were on the bottom of my list. There was plenty I still enjoyed in each one, but the Jar Jar/Anakin stuff in TPM was more annoying to me than the Anakin/Padme romance was in AotC. But that ended up switching on this re-watch. The romance just ended up dragging on for me more than Jar Jar being goofy was. I really enjoyed watching Obi-Wan's entire plotline though. Also it is hilarious (in both a good way and a ridiculous way) that Obi-Wan was friends with a dinosaur who owned a 50s diner on Coruscant. The battle on Geonosis was also pretty fun to watch too along with the moment when the clone army shows up. Why was C-3P0 speaking in nothing but puns?........ Even though I did not watch it as part of this, everything from the Clone Wars cartoon really added a lot to AotC and RotS. They nailed what a lot of us probably imagined Anakin as during the war in that movie, and the moments where you can see him losing faith in the Jedi Order along with moments of pragmatic darkness make his fall seem less sudden than it was in RotS. Also, [this scene is great] () I also enjoyed seeing Anakin and Obi-Wan at their Jedi hero peak in RotS and their friendship came across better in this movie than it did with the angsty AF version in AotC. Also great watching Palpatines manipulations throughout the entire trilogy pay off. For all the issues the PT had, the Palpatine stuff was mostly really solid. The opera scene was one of the best parts of this movie The Anakin/Padme romance is still a chore to watch Ewan McGreggor as Obi-Wan was something that even the Prequel haters approve of. Best decision they made with these movies, and I can't wait for the Disney+ show Its funny that with all the advances in makeup/prosthetics for movies over the 30 years between RotJ and RotS the one they used for Palpatine in the one 30 years earlier looked more realistic to me. Order 66, also a great sequence. And the Clone Wars cartoon has some episodes that add a lot to that sequence too. At times the prequel saber duels could look over-choreographed, and the sequels do a great job mixing that flashiness with a more weight-y feeling behind everything, but the final duels in RotS were so exciting to watch....... A New Hope is still an amazing movie that was so groundbreaking when it came out, but man there are some parts that didn't age well compared to the rest of the OT (any time a lightsaber is activated) and it is even more noticeable watching it right after the CGI-fests. The idea Lucas had with the special editions made sense too, go back and use some of the new technology to clean some things up and fill out the background of scenes with things they couldn't include in the 70s/80s. But a lot of it just ended up being unnecessary and distracting Like, more Dewbacks with Stormtroopers in the background? Sure The scene in RotJ with the furry singing thing at Jabbas palace and having to include a shot of the camera looking straight down its throat so you can see this new CGI creature that wasn't in the original... why? "I know a few maneuvers, we'll lose them" (turns slightly to the left) Again, the jump in how they filmed the space stuff was so big from ANH to ESB. Really got to see how skilled of a pilot Han truly was in the Asteroid Field. The Death Star countdown on Yavin was inaccurate, where are all of the RUINED FOREVER videos? 1:55:16 "Rebel base 30 seconds and closing" 1:56:20 "The Death Star has cleared the planet"..... Seeing Vaders gigantic Star Destroyer was a big holy-shit moment for me the first time I saw ESB. The amazing ships we saw in the first one, and now you have something that just makes them look puny. We are really seeing the escalation here. Also enjoying Vaders complete lack of patience with the Imperial Officers that keep blundering around "That armors too strong for blasters! " (A minute later the same ships shoot an AT-AT that was tripped by a tow cable in the neck and it explodes) Well just do that then! It is so much easier So good watching Han fly around the Asteroid Field and making Star Destroyers crash into each other ANH just had the ships flying straight ahead, but by ESB and RotJ they figured out how to film all sorts of cool stuff that still holds up well today. I love troll-mode Yoda. Everything with Yoda in this movie really. Also, for all the complaints some people have about too many jokes during "serious" moments in the Disney movies (something I'm fine with).... I sure see a lot of that in the OT too Like, A LOT of things people complain about with the new movies has always been a thing with Star Wars It is interesting how the best movie in the saga [kept the main trio separated for almost the entire movie] () Those breathing masks Han and Leia wore when they were walking around inside the space worm were so much smaller than I'd imagine you would need to survive while in outer space. I get why they made the change, but I don't really like Boba Fett's voice being changed in the special editions. I know hes a clone, but just say he is using a voice modifier to sound creepier or something. I like the old voice better. Lando = smoothest space pimp in the galaxy Vader in ESB is the most intimidating antagonist in any of the Star Wars movies. The duel with Luke is still an amazing sequence too. (gets distracted by Vader's helmet flopping around in the wind on Cloud City) Also if we want to be whiny nitpicky nerds about realism in the sequels, Luke really should've gone splat when he jumped off the tower and fell what looked like a few thousand feet to the bottom. But whatever, space-fantasy movie where we get selectively outraged. Change for the special editions that I think is horrible that nobody else probably cares about: Changing Vader saying "bring my shuttle" to "alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival" I love that this is a movie where all of our heroes fail and everything is broken, I love that so much time is spent on how the Falcon is an old piece of junk that always has stuff screwing up but Han is such a damn good pilot he makes it work anyway. Hmmm.... what other movie could part of that apply to????.... "Heres my idea. Another Death Star! Bigger than the last one! " "How original" "Just wait until 30 years later, they'll build an even bigger Death Star inside of a planet" The CGI stuff they added for the Max Rebo band in Jabbas Palace is bad. The song itself is fine, but the CGI just looks really out of place because they were pointing so much attention to the fact that they could add this stuff now so here are annoying shots where we are making everyone watching look into the mouths of these singing creatures Lukes plan with Jabba doesn't really make much sense, unless it was like a Batman Gambit to have the fight on the sail barge. Also lucked out that R2 was in a position to throw his saber back to him. Even though I love these movies, it is so much more fun talking about just little things that bugged me. (even if those things I am nitpicking are still things I enjoyed! ) Not as interesting reading "This was awesome. That was awesome too, and so was that. So good. " Was the CGI beak really a necessary addition to the sand-anus? Yet another example with some of these special edition changes too. As background additions they can be really good, but the more they draw attention to it the more it looked out of place. Boba Fett getting knocked into the sand-anus by a blind man (followed by a belch as he is eaten) has to be the king in the Star Wars tradition of lulzy deaths for characters people liked because they looked badass Really, casting someone who was 38 when RotJ came out to play Palpatine was such a great choice because they could bring him back for the prequels, and along with Ewan he was one of the main highlights of those 3 movies. Also, even though I knew almost nothing about the EU in 1999 and I was just a dumb little kid, I figured out right away that Palpatine/Sidious was the same person as The Emperor in TPM and I was surprised when I saw that a lot of people online missed that until RotS came out "You're my sister Leia" "I know... somehow I've always known" Then... why did you kiss him in the last movie? "It is too late for me, son. " Love that entire conversation on Endor, and how you can see some of the regret showing up in Vader Besides the part where the TIEs pop in out of nowhere, the entire space battle above Endor still holds up amazingly well for me. I still enjoy watching that part more than any of the space battles that have come in the movies since RotJ (technically counting the battle at Starkiller Base here even though that is in the planets atmosphere) And even though the Ewoks are silly (and why is Chewie doing a tarzan yell while swinging to the AT-ST) I still enjoy the hell out of watching the ground battle too RotJ is inconsistent, but I love like the entire final 1/3rd of the movie so much. I don't even dislike the other stuff, but the climax was such a great end to that trilogy for me. (Luke jumps to the high ground) "Oh no you little shit I'm not falling for that again" (throws lightsaber) The scene where Luke flips out on Vader after he says he will turn Leia if Luke won't join him is such a huge parallel to the flashback in TLJ with Ben. Except in TLJ he regained control in a second, but it took beating the shit out of Vader for a minute and cutting his hand off to have that "what am I doing" realization. Jedi always have to fight the dark side impulses, no matter how "good" they are Gonna need a real good explanation from JJ for how Palpatine still exists in a physical form after being thrown into that pit and exploding into a wave of blue energy BTW I actually like the celebration music from the special editions better than Yub Nub. Not sure if that is a controversial opinion on here, but whatever, I like what I like....... Thinking back to after RotS, I know I thought we would never see another Star Wars movie again. Just being in that theater in 2015 and hearing that theme again felt so good. And I am so glad we have gotten 2 movies I really enjoyed from Disney since then. I enjoy how Poe is cocky enough that he snarks at the FO whenever he is interacting with one of them. It fits Also, love the sounds and the visuals for Kylo's saber, how it looks like a crackling fire instead of the normal stable beam. One of the best parts of this movie was the entire introduction to Rey from when you see her in the Star Destroyer to when she hears BB-8 The Finn/Poe bromance is great. Forget Reylo, [give us Stormpilot you cowards] () (actually I want Reylo too) The Prequels were very impressive visually but there were a lot of environments that never really felt real because so much of it was CGI alien civilizations, but the Sequels have that sense of being gorgeous visually while also feeling real that was missed from the OT. Little thing that bugs me: the cannons on the Falcon sound completely different than they did in the OT I enjoy the contrast of Vaders calm fury to Kylos temper tantrums The most common part that I see people thinking was the weakest part of TFA was the Rathar scene and yep, thats it for me too. Kinda funny when the one gangster says "twice" according to the subtitles but clearly says something with more syllables than that though "A boy turned against him and destroyed it all, Luke felt responsible and walked away from it all. " There you go, that line from Han is all the explanation I needed for why Luke was the way he was in TLJ. That leads into "exiled hermit like Obi-Wan and Yoda" perfectly for me. That scene with Ben talking to the burnt Vader mask has me hoping so much that there is a scene in TRoS where Anakin shows up as a force ghost to talk with Ben There were a lot of GOOD actors in the prequel trilogy where people thought they didn't give good performances and blame part of it on Lucas, but JJ and Rian have gotten great performances out of the cast here and I'd like to see what they could do with Hayden The vision Rey had when she found the saber was such a cool sequence and I'd like to see more stuff like that. TLJ had the mirror cave which was also a cool trippy moment and I assume the Dark Rey thing from TRoS trailer is a similar vision though The Empire (and by extension the FO) has always been filled with Nazi imagery but that entire Hux Starkiller scene just went all out with the Hitler speech and the heil salute and it was pretty amusing One of my dumb fan theories watching TFA for the first time was when you could hear the screams as the beam was hitting the planets and Finn turned around, that was him sensing it through the force. Obviously wrong, but the marketing did push him as the force sensitive one Adam Driver also looks similar enough to a young Harrison Ford that it makes that casting even better for me. He is already such a great actor, and he looks like he could really be Hans son. Best thing Disney ever did with Star Wars was casting him. At least they lampshaded in the movie that Starkiller base was a Death Star ripoff. I appreciate the honesty Captain Phasma, another in the long line of Star Wars characters with cool designs that felt underused in their movies Ben Solo being named after the man who was the reason Han and Leia ended up meeting is perfect to me. Also, Hans death scene. Predictable, but it was still so well done. Adam Driver's facial expressions are a big part of why it was so good they ditched the mask in TLJ. Favorite scene in TFA: Rey summoning the lightsaber with the burning homestead theme playing in the background "How did a scavenger who never held a lightsaber beat Kylo?!?!?!?! " He also took a shot to the stomach from a weapon that was one-shotting everything else, Finn managed to hit his shoulder before going down, and he was clearly in an unstable mental state after killing Han. Seems reasonable to me, Kylo clearly wasn't at full strength when Rey joined the fight JJ said after the movie came out that when R2 was in low power mode he was going through info he downloaded from the Death Star in ANH for the map. I wish they would've just taken a second to say it in that moment instead of saying basically nothing I enjoyed the ending to TFA and the island was such a beautiful setting, but freezing on Rey holding out the saber for what felt like a whole minute was pretty awkward Also, as someone who liked both movies a lot, I do feel like the way TFA ended boxed TLJ into a situation where they HAD to start off at that very moment with Rey meeting Luke and the Resistance evacuation instead of a time skip like all the other movies had. Meanwhile TLJ ended in a way that left a lot of different options they could take the story with Ben in charge of the FO and the story of how Luke saved The Resistance spreading across the galaxy and then you have the freedom to go in many different directions from there...... Some of the deleted scenes in TLJ go more into how when Finn wakes up his only interest was finding Rey and not getting into a war with the First Order (which was also true when Ben sliced his back open in TFA) and I wish those would've been left in. These movies always have some deleted scenes where when I watch them I think that was some good stuff and I wish they would've stayed in the final cut Poe screwing with Hux at the start of the movie didn't bother me at all like it did with some people, it fit with what he did at the start of TFA. I definitely liked the "about his mother" part better after seeing that Hux's backstory [involved him being a bastard child though. ] () With Luke throwing the lightsaber, personally I would've liked it better if he just dropped it or threw it off to the side like in RotJ, but thinking of the flashback with Ben... that was probably the last time he held a lightsaber until Rey showed up. Makes sense that he would want nothing to do with it. The saber would just remind him of the moment where he monumentally fucked up with Ben and created Kylo Also cutting himself off from the force makes the most sense too. If he was still a practicing Jedi, it would make it look worse that he ran off to the island and did nothing when we know he could sense Han and Leia suffering in the other movies. He'd go back to help Personally I enjoyed watching grumpy Luke, maybe it would be less divisive if they toned some things down but I liked it. And with what TFA told us about where Luke was, I feel like he had to be in exile for a mistake he made and no longer using the force to fit that story. As we heard plenty of times from Yoda and other Jedi too, you can be the wisest Jedi master but you always have to be aware of the dark side. It is easy to slip and even the smallest thing can have major repercussions. That has always been a Star Wars thing. Stuff like the force tree and the voices Rey heard near it, what she sees when she reaches out on the cliff, I love that the force is treated more as a mystical thing again like it was in ESB instead of hearing about midichlorians Also hearing Luke talk about the failures of the Jedi Order in the prequels and how they led to the rise of the Empire was a very KotOR II-esqe thing that I was excited to hear. Luke says on the cliff, even though he thinks the Jedi needed to end, that doesn't mean the light dies either. You can still learn from what the Jedi did wrong and create something better. It doesn't need to be this stubborn and dogmatic thing. The Leia scene.... The way it was filmed looked goofy, I agree with that. But Leia using the force to pull herself back towards the ship? I like that. I'm glad we finally got to see her use the force, although I wish she was trained in the force more between RotJ and TFA. R2 replaying the message from Leia. So good I really like the idea of the force skype scenes and how it was portrayed in the movie, and from what I've heard I'm glad the concept will still be in TRoS Also: "You're not doing this, the effort would kill you" Foreshadowing! The Canto Bight sideplot was the weaker point of the movie for me like with most fans, but I actually didn't dislike it either. It actually grew on me the more I rewatched TLJ. But I also loved the Rey/Ben/Luke stuff so much that it was hard for everything else to live up to it. I also really like the Ben Swolo memes Favorite moment of the entire sequel trilogy so far: Yoda appearing to give Luke one last lesson. The moment that turned Exile-Luke back into the hero we remember, that reminds him how the "legend" of Luke Skywalker can inspire people to fight for good. Also Yoda is spelling out the entire point of the movie in that scene too. It isn't telling us to "let the past die. " It is that we can learn so much from failure, those mistakes can help us become the best versions of ourselves and realize what we need to be. So many people missed that, it is an optimistic message not a nihilistic one. After Poe finds out Holdos plan, instead of thinking about why she is doing it, he gets mad, runs off and tells Finn what Holdo is doing. When Finn/Rose/DJ are captured DJ uses the info to save his ass because he doesn't care about the Resistance/FO he only cares about himself. Hmmm I wonder why Holdo didn't trust him... Poe is a great pilot, but he rushes off to save the day wanting to win at all costs, but that led to a huge chunk of the Resistance getting killed. He learned that sometimes escape is the best option, and how to be a leader. Finn started off only caring about protecting himself and his friends, not the larger battle. He learned that he didn't want to be like DJ and there were more important things he could fight for instead of running away, that he could protect more people. This is easy shit that again I feel like a lot of people missed Andy Serkis was great as Snoke and I would've liked to have found out more of his backstory, but honestly besides a cool voice Emperor 2. 0 wasn't that interesting and having Ben kill him then taking over the First Order is a lot more interesting for the overall plot to me. (We still get Palpatine back anyway in the next movie lulz) I love this entire throne room scene too. No lightsabers actually clashing together, but the fight with the guards was brutal. One of the biggest hype moments for me in any of the 5 Star Wars movies I have seen in the theater. (not counting R1/Solo, they are their own thing) About the hyperspace suicide: You have to be pretty close to do it Snokes ship had a big fucking hole in it, but even though the engines were out parts of the ship still appeard to be functional. There were no life support systems failing warnings or anything when they cut back to the throne room. The size of the ship doing the ramming matters (so you can't take out the Death Star with it unless something MASSIVE is launched into it at least, bug on a windshield concept here). The rest of the destroyers only got wiped out because they were right behind Snokes ship If the FO would've fired on Holdo right away instead of disregarding her, they could've destroyed it before it jumped to hyperspace Ships are pretty expensive too, last resort maneuver In conclusion, damn the fandom menace for being nitpicky pains in the ass. I just want to enjoy something that visually looked amazing on screen instead of having to type out these rebuttals that were honestly just common sense thoughts to me. Trying to suck the fun out of Star Wars for me "You have no place in this story, you come from nothing, you're nothing. But not to me" Ben has some quality negging skills Hux getting ready to shoot Ben before he woke up in the throne room was a great little detail Vulptices (the crystal foxes) > Porgs Crait is basically the Hoth of this movie, but the visual of the red sand does look really cool The Luke/Leia scene is beautiful. And I love seeing the awestruck reactions of the Resistance as Luke goes to "face down the whole First Order by himself with a laser sword. " The legend is back When Yoda said a Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, not to attack... sounds like a great example of what Luke did with the force projection. We got to see an incredible feat with the force, and now Luke has become "more powerful than you can possibly imagine" I am really looking forward to seeing what they do with Force Ghost Luke in TRoS, especially after what we saw from Yoda in TLJ Broom-boi was a surprising thing to end the movie on, but it adds to what I loved about Rey being nobody. It doesn't matter if you come from some special bloodline, anybody can be special based upon their own actions and choices. Not everyone in the saga needs to be related. That is one of the main things I hope doesn't end up being changed somehow in TRoS. Reys parents can still be nobody, but if you change it so that THEY are the children of someone important it negates a big chunk of what was meaningful with the Rey parentage reveal..... Phew. Thats everything. Even though I snarked a bit on some parts of these movies, I loved re-watching them and in a way where I was thinking more about everything I was watching than I normally did. It really helps build up the excitment for the next movie. And I just love this series, I can't wait for next Friday, and whether I like TRoS or not I'm sure I will end up watching it countless times like I have with all the other ones too.
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