✰Streaming✰ Uncut Gems
✰Streaming✰ Uncut Gems Rated 9.1 / 10 based on 763 reviews.
Resume: A charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime. Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win /
2 H 15m /
2019 /
24035 votes /
writers: Benny Safdie.
So I think if you heard a fast paced dark crime movie by the guys who did good time was being made, Adam Sandler is the last person you’d expect to star in it. I’ve only seen a trailer but god damn if it doesn’t look like it’ll work, and the 94% on rottentomatoes is a good sign. It got me thinking, who are some other actors you would like to see cast in a role they usually don’t play? I would love to see Jim Carrey in a dark thriller that’s actually GOOD. What about you guys? Pisses me off this got snubbed. A TEN and Sandler DESERVES every single ounce of praise. He should be so proud of this film. I was blown away. I imagine this is how Adam felt when he found out Uncut Gems got no love from the academy. Robbed. Big time. This movie will make a mark on Adams career and will always be remembered as a cult classic.
I love Him... Hes the BEST. Easily takes the cake for being the most composed. Did nobody realize he actually dabbed the entirety of the wings. And he even made Sean sweat a little.
Howard was SUCH a sleazy character. Very unlikable, but well played by Adam. You think we dont know what the bleep he was bleep saying you bleeping bleeps? Grow the bleep up! Until you stop ruining other peoples work. Im bleeping blocking your bleeping channel and I bleeping recommend everyone else do so as well. Level 1 He’s gonna need to break out his finest formal sweat pants level 2 Dude's wearing a $1, 000 winter coat in that pic. I think he'll be ok. level 2 Hope he rocks up to accept the Best Actor award in his shorts and t-shirt from Pixels level 2 Who does Kevin James play in the movie? level 2 Throw a nice athletic gray Manchester Central shirt on top and he's set. level 1 Obviously it's early but best actor race seems pretty much a lock with Driver, Pheonix, Dicaprio and De Niro scoring nods. The 5th spot is definitely up for grabs with Sandler a possibility but early reviews for Richard Jewell means I think Paul Walter Hauser will sneak in there. level 2 There's so much at the top. Sandler, Eddie Murphy, Jonathan Pryce, Antonio Banderas, Taron Egerton, Christian Bale, Paul Walter 's a tough year. level 2 Williem DeFoe needs an Oscar nom for the Lighthouse as well level 2 Jesus this year is stacked. level 2 Probably Banderas if I had to guess. level 2 You really think Phoenix is a lock? I don't think he'll get nominated for Joker. Driver, DiCaprio and De Niro? Yes. They all will be nominated. I do think Sandler has a shot. Eddie Murphy even has a chance. level 2 Why are people holding dicaprio's performance on such a high standard? I mean he was good but not a shoe-in for an oscar nominee good. level 2 Dicaprio's not getting in. That movie peaked in the summer. level 2 I honestly don't think Phoenix is a lock, since his film is very divisive amongst Academy members and Joaquin himself is prickly when it comes to campaigning. I think it'll be Driver De Niro Dicaprio Pryce Fifth slot, which is usually a surprise.
Great movie.
People talk over each other in this movie. Hmmm. kind of like in real life. 😂😂😂 For real though.
"Uncut Gems" has been marketed as a high pace, sports-centered thriller detailing the exploits of a sleezy con man always looking for a big score. It delivers on all fronts, while still preserving the same arthouse style that the Safdie's demonstrated in their 2017 film "Good Time." Gems will satisfy the casual movie-goer looking for an entertaining flick with an actor they're comfortable with watching. It also packs a loaded punch of indelible performances and fast-pace moments that are unforgettable for cinephile types. Bring your sports loving dad or your theater major cousin, both will get something out of this movie in large part because of the performances from Sandler and former NBA big man Kevin Garnett.
Gems is one of the more memorable movies of the year because of Sandler's strikingly authentic portrayal of a New York hustler jeweler. Sandlers often gets over-looked for his acting chops. In fairness he did make "Little Nicky" and "Jack and Jill" so it's understandable to knock him as a perfectionist of his craft. However, he had a dick-swinging performance in "Punch Drunk Love" that doesn't get near enough credit, and in Gems Sandler reminds us. In addition, the movie packs a thoughtful soundtrack that augments the interesting looks into existentialism and philosophies about individual success and struggle detailed in the movie. I'm looking forward to whatever the Safdie brothers make next, and with the backing of movie industry big guns, like executive producer Martin Scorsese, I'm sure they'll get plenty more opportunities.
He died like walter white. With a smile in his face. بدنا مراجعة dc legends of tomorrow. Hmm. I like what he's wearing... Level 1 The top ten Swearnet: The Movie: 935 Fuck: 857 The Wolf of Wall Street: 569 Summer of Sam: 435 Nil by Mouth: 428 Casino: 422 Uncut Gems: 408 Straight Outta Compton: 392 Alpha Dog: 367 End of Watch: 326 level 2 That page has a “fucks per minute” count lol. I think this is peak internet for today. level 2 lol of course two Scorsese movies are in the top ten, didn't realize Summer of Sam held the record for a while! level 2 I'm surprised Boondocks Saints was only number 33. I remember that movie being real fucking fucky. level 2 Surprised Tarantino didn’t crack the top ten. level 2 Pretty sure The Big Lebowski was once on this list, but was knocked down by more recent films. level 2 Swearnet: The Movie Fuck I dont know what i expected.... level 2 Swearnet rules btw. Trailer Park Boys actors doing a nice raunchy comedy for hungover Sundays. level 2 Straight Outta Compton, a crazy motherfucker named Ice Cube level 2 Lots of quality movies on that list, which is kinda unexpected level 2 If each f word is a second long then the number one movie has 15. 5 minutes of constantly saying the f word without taking a breathing.
Level 1 The Safdie Brothers wanted to make this film since 2009 and prior to Good Time (2017), but couldn't get the project off the ground due to lack of financing. During that waiting period, Robert Pattinsoncontacted the brothers after he discovered the photo/poster of actress Arielle Holmes covered in pink neon light from their previous film Heaven Knows What (2014) on the internet. He was so intrigued by the energy of the photograph, that he wrote an email to the directors without knowing them and said he wanted to work with them. After they met with Pattinson, liking him and being inspired by his energy, the Safdie's spontaneously started to write Good Time (2017) with him in mind. After the film's premiere in Cannes and the following success, the brothers found themselves getting calls from Hollywood executives with offers including a big-budget superhero movie, which they declined and instead secured financing for Uncut Gems. The first draft of the script was written in 2009. In 2012, the Safdie Brothers gave Adam Sandler the screenplay of Uncut Gems, which he declined. Found this on IMDB, I'm glad that this movie finally happened. level 2 im glad they turned down the superhero flick heres hoping they forever do these grimy crime flicks level 2 Interesting that Sandler initially declined. Anybody know what made him change his mind? Happy that he did! he gets a lot of shit from the film community, but he’s shown that he can deliver the goods when working with a competent director(s) level 2 Good Time blew me away when I saw it, that rarely happens anymore for me. the kind of movie I wish Refn would still make. this one seems a continuation of that. hope I'm right, can't wait to check it out level 2 I'm curious to which superhero movie they were offered after Good Time, I think someone mentioned The Flash? Edit: Nvm, it was a "superhero sequel" level 2 Can someone link to that picture? level 2 the Safdie Brothers gave Adam Sandler the screenplay of Uncut Gems, which he declined. Damn. Sandler would have been great in this. level 2 Dude Good Time, what a movie. I can see how it is too "grimy" for some people but I loved it. The brother that acted in it was amazing. Pattinson was incredible in it too. Fan for life of these dudes. level 2 I have read 2 reviews for this movie so far and both gave really good reviews. Also, Sandler does a great job of you hating him as he like a real dirt bag. level 2 In 2012, the Safdie Brothers gave Adam Sandler the screenplay of Uncut Gems, which he declined. Jonah Hill was attached for a while. I was just re-listening to an interview with the Safdie's promoting Good Time, and even as recently as mid-2017, they were still talking about Jonah Hill starring in their next movie. level 2 He appears to be SECOND BILLED in the film. Crazy. level 2 Dude use to come into my old work (KFC) in Wayzata MN. He would buy meals for the whole team, coaches and trainers included, before EVERY home game (it seemed) dude would spend like $500 on KFC shit was bonkers, but he would come in, himself, and get it. Always thought that was legit. Dude is MASSIVE btw.
It sounds dreadful.