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2020.03.02 00:48

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96m; José A. Paxtor; directed by: Frank Perozo; Nicole and José Miguel's life in NYC becomes a whirlwind when Nicole suspects him of cheating on her while receiving the surprise that her father is getting married to a woman half his age. To reconcile their differences, they must fly back to DR and face their family issues, together; Casper Smart; genres: Romance, Comedy.

Watch full los leones para. Neta estoy deceando ser ellaaaaaaaa pinche morra ya me dio selos de ella esqie amo a maluma alv ajaja. 2018 sigo escuchando este tema. Viejos tiempo que no olvidare. Nuit educativo😃. Meguta esta pelicula mucha comedia. Watch full los leones de la. Buenas Película Made In Dominican Republic y un guio muy bueno. Los leones son unos en bidiosos a demás cuca también ya avía estado en la selección colombiana en tonces que no able lo que no debe.


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Period: 564. 18 days Submissions Comments Total 1000 16810 Rate (per day) 1. 77 29. 80 Unique Redditors 463 3222 Combined Score 200850 139238 Top Submitters' Top Submissions 0. 25994 points, 140 submissions: /u/andraip 0. Red Whistle Ozen (by UREC) (553 points, 16 comments) 0. Lyza & Ozen (517 points, 13 comments) 0. Orth (462 points, 8 comments) 0. Robomaid (by 湊 なお) (380 points, 14 comments) 0. Reg & Riko (by MIM) (358 points, 8 comments) 0. [Fanart] Nanachi and Mitty reunited (338 points, 10 comments) 0. Ozen in full gear (by ケト中佐) (335 points, 12 comments) 0. Abyss Cuisine (by FuriNuri) (321 points, 16 comments) 0. Hyperactive Lyza (321 points, 7 comments) 0. Fluffiness (by RK) (294 points, 11 comments) 0. 6918 points, 31 submissions: /u/o-temoto 0. Nanachi chainsaw carving (457 points, 12 comments) 0. Nanachi paper-cutting (421 points, 20 comments) 0. Long-haired Ozen (by Hwahwa_oAo) (379 points, 12 comments) 0. The Immovable Lord (by 木野花) (367 points, 5 comments) 0. Lyza and Torka (by tonao) (353 points, 16 comments) 0. Kono Subarashii Naraku ni Shukufuku wo! (328 points, 13 comments) 0. Ouzen and Maruruk heading home (by aQualitas) (308 points, 15 comments) 0. Nanachi and Mitty (by mmmentha) (287 points, 11 comments) 0. Many Mittys (by dgu) (278 points, 9 comments) 0. Nanachi and Mitty (by xofyjaji) (242 points, 1 comment) 0. 4614 points, 28 submissions: /u/easy_alpha 0. Cells in Abyss (314 points, 23 comments) 0. Riko's team- I think I've found my favorite fan-art to date. (288 points, 11 comments) 0. Rare photo of Orth Special Forces' and Aubade Militia's joint operation. (1999 by "Old Orth" Calendar, colorized) (273 points, 23 comments) 0. "Sorry I made you wait". Inktober #12 (272 points, 7 comments) 0. Remember kids, no running with Incinerators! It took me way longer to draw than I initially planned. (220 points, 17 comments) 0. Surprised Reg (217 points, 24 comments) 0. Raiders of the Lost Cave. Inktober #9 (195 points, 13 comments) 0. There supposed to be Riko, sitting next to Reg on the other pillar. Unfortunately i messed up the sketch and had to remove her from the picture. Originally Reg was smiling. Inktober #11. (195 points, 13 comments) 0. Riko the Cave Raider. Inktober #4 (183 points, 7 comments) 0. One of my favorite panels in the entire manga: rare moment of characters being happy. No dodgy stuff. Plus I love the framing. (173 points, 23 comments) 0. 4507 points, 19 submissions: /u/SaneForCocoaPuffs 0. Nanachi Looking at the Past (620 points, 25 comments) 0. Extra Cute Nanachi (387 points, 21 comments) 0. Lyza Colored (381 points, 7 comments) 0. Nanachi’s Giant Banana ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (323 points, 21 comments) 0. The Truth Behind the Mask (318 points, 19 comments) 0. Maruruk as an adult (304 points, 42 comments) 0. Nanachi Soup, by Tsukushi (300 points, 17 comments) 0. I want to drink Mitty (299 points, 32 comments) 0. Mitty, naked and showing EVERYTHING (213 points, 27 comments) 0. An Adventure... Together (201 points, 17 comments) 0. 4197 points, 21 submissions: /u/Leon-Solide 0. New visual for New Year’s! (399 points, 17 comments) 0. Nanachi figure by Ques Q going up for pre-order! (11/2019 release date & 18, 500 yen) (314 points, 23 comments) 0. By @inabababa (279 points, 6 comments) 0. Based bookstore: The MiA manga has been shown off like this ever since the anime started airing back in summer 2017 (Kinokuniya in SF) (272 points, 15 comments) 0. Riko and Reg 1/6 scale figures by Chara-Ani are up for PO! (June 2019 release) (261 points, 18 comments) 0. Amazing 3D render of Riko, Reg, and Nanachi based on the ending! (229 points, 17 comments) 0. All of Nanachi’s voice clips from the Five Kingdoms mobile game (222 points, 12 comments) 0. Nendoroid Riko and Reg revealed & are coming soon!!!! (Link in comments) (205 points, 13 comments) 0. New anime-related news to be revealed later today (tweet from official anime account) (204 points, 40 comments) 0. Official Nanachi plushie up for pre-order! (links in comments) (201 points, 11 comments) 0. 2861 points, 11 submissions: /u/Pichuunnn 0. Daft Bond (455 points, 12 comments) 0. Girl's Last Tour In Abyss (406 points, 52 comments) 0. S U B A R A S H I (393 points, 12 comments) 0. The White Whistle Sextet (334 points, 17 comments) 0. Relazing (by Tsukumizu, author of Girls' Last Tour) (269 points, 25 comments) 0. Bkub Nanachi (205 points, 7 comments) 0. "Pssh, hey hear the rumble of science triump? " (185 points, 5 comments) 0. Bkub Nanachonk 2 (181 points, 7 comments) 0. Looks like an old relic in the abyss. Dunno what it was used for. (156 points, 22 comments) 0. "FOR SCIENCE! " -Dr. Bondrew (147 points, 5 comments) 0. 2853 points, 13 submissions: /u/KimJongLewb 0. Ozen the Immovable [Colored Panel] (451 points, 10 comments) 0. Ozen The Salesman (342 points, 8 comments) 0. Colored a page from volume 6 (243 points, 19 comments) 0. Finally after 6 months and 1 delay of waiting. I got my Premium boxset (243 points, 13 comments) 0. Colored some Nanachi to brighten up ur Sunday! (233 points, 10 comments) 0. Second Layer: The Forest of Temptation [Colored Page] (227 points, 9 comments) 0. "Let us witness the dawn, together. " [Colored Page] (219 points, 5 comments) 0. Colored the end pages of Chapter 47. [Raw Spoilers Warning] (196 points, 51 comments) 0. Colored a page from chapter 5. Felt it was an aesthetically pleasing page. (164 points, 18 comments) 0. Colored Bondrewd from the end of Vol 3(ep 13) (153 points, 12 comments) 0. 2434 points, 8 submissions: /u/MauricioTainaka 0. The Abyss. (537 points, 17 comments) 0. Please select a payment method. (397 points, 20 comments) 0. Riko has found an Epic Relic (391 points, 18 comments) 0. Karaoke in Abyss (295 points, 16 comments) 0. Nanachi in a Mitty hood. (255 points, 18 comments) 0. Cute Riko & Reg (222 points, 4 comments) 0. Blessed Mitty & Nanachi. (199 points, 12 comments) 0. Made in Abyss manga will be published officially in Mexico this February! (138 points, 17 comments) 0. 2374 points, 9 submissions: /u/Ampersanders 0. Finished my Bondrewd Helmet, just need to do some extra wiring and such for the removable front and then will be ready for sealing/ painting! (405 points, 28 comments) 0. Our Made in Abyss White Whistle group we did for Anime Expo. I'm Bondrewd and I'll be upgrading him to proper parts of Version 2 Bondrewd by Youmacon. (346 points, 15 comments) 0. My Bondrewd cosplay from Anime Expo 2018. Plan on upgrading a lot of parts (the ascot part needs more poof) for Katsucon 2019 (339 points, 18 comments) 0. Completed my Bondrewd Helmet from Made in Abyss. Just gotta finalize the wiring and will be dandy! (314 points, 30 comments) 0. Process on my Bondrewd Helmet for ANime Expo 2018. Whistle is already done and the front visor is a placeholder till I make it from formed plastic! (297 points, 23 comments) 0. Check out my awesome Prushka cosplay I made! (252 points, 30 comments) 0. [Fanart] Finished completely the white whistles of Bondrewd, Lyza, and Ozen. (207 points, 9 comments) 0. [Fanart] Finished painting the White Whistles of Lyza, Ozen, and Bondrewd. Needs some washes for details but goes for the costumes. (119 points, 12 comments) 0. My very special, um, Bondrewd Power Cartridge prop is completed. Made from EVA foam (still has some more details to go. ) (95 points, 21 comments) 0. 1943 points, 6 submissions: /u/Hippoman12 0. WE DID IT! MADE IN ABYSS WON ANIME OF THE YEAR AND BEST SCORE (811 points, 84 comments) 0. Star Ship Trooper Riko (401 points, 15 comments) 0. Kevin Penkin on Bondrewd's theme (343 points, 19 comments) 0. r/MadeInAbyss HAS ENTERED THE 4TH LAYER (203 points, 17 comments) 0. Made in Abyss Opening 2 | Hana No Saku Basho - FANMADE by Mike Pickell (93 points, 4 comments) 0. Reg By ArtsbyCarlos (92 points, 17 comments) 0. 1736 points, 7 submissions: /u/Dragon_of_the_gods 0. Arm wrestling (583 points, 16 comments) 0. Riko and Reg (288 points, 24 comments) 0. Memories (213 points, 7 comments) 0. Made in abyss hurt my soul (194 points, 14 comments) 0. When the Made in Abyss manga isn’t in the top 5 anymore on Mal (175 points, 13 comments) 0. Land of the abyss! (Land of the lustrous and made in abyss crossover) (153 points, 16 comments) 0. Ozen and Lyza (130 points, 6 comments) 0. 1612 points, 10 submissions: /u/coniglietto_ 0. Good morning (colored page) (253 points, 25 comments) 0. Colored best girl! (231 points, 47 comments) 0. Colored panel of Reg (196 points, 11 comments) 0. Colored Reg (194 points, 10 comments) 0. Redo of an old coloring! (157 points, 10 comments) 0. Hug (133 points, 14 comments) 0. Colored picture of best girl in chapter 47 (131 points, 12 comments) 0. Drew my favorite character! (122 points, 28 comments) 0. Colored Flower of Dawn (100 points, 14 comments) 0. Colored Friendship (95 points, 18 comments) 0. 1516 points, 6 submissions: /u/TheRealCatchphrase 0. Never gets old (355 points, 17 comments) 0. WHOOPSIE (335 points, 6 comments) 0. Big if true (329 points, 14 comments) 0. Worst dad vs best dad (224 points, 37 comments) 0. LET THE SPOOKYING BEGIN (179 points, 15 comments) 0. [anime spoilers] Subarashi (94 points, 10 comments) 0. 1514 points, 3 submissions: /u/Narehate94 0. Surprised Nanachi (797 points, 14 comments) 0. Nanachi best bunni (610 points, 59 comments) 0. the cutest (107 points, 8 comments) 0. 1483 points, 8 submissions: /u/wolfy-woo 0. [Bondrewd] What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know... (325 points, 20 comments) 0. Wuzzup bois, it is I, Bondrewd (270 points, 14 comments) 0. Bondrewd the Science Dude (242 points, 10 comments) 0. [Bondrewd] What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I am a revered and renowned scientist and delver, and I've been involved in numerous raids into the Abyss (161 points, 8 comments) 0. Fucking traps is gay, Reg (158 points, 14 comments) 0. Wanna see a cool thing I can do with my eye? (118 points, 16 comments) 0. Nanachi's milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard (113 points, 5 comments) 0. Tell me, Nanachi: What are your favorite anime? (96 points, 6 comments) 0. 1448 points, 7 submissions: /u/mistermann31 0. Regu #inktober finished (340 points, 10 comments) 0. 3 musketeers #inktober (304 points, 3 comments) 0. Can your prushka (229 points, 14 comments) 0. Unfinished regu #inktober (201 points, 7 comments) 0. Fapoota (164 points, 7 comments) 0. Fluffy (116 points, 3 comments) 0. <3 (94 points, 0 comments) 0. 1447 points, 6 submissions: /u/Kowzz 0. Chapter 48 Discussion (347 points, 297 comments) 0. Chapter 50 Discussion (296 points, 241 comments) 0. Character Alignment Chart (290 points, 14 comments) 0. The Made in Abyss OST is now on Spotify (181 points, 15 comments) 0. Chapter 46. 5 (178 points, 93 comments) 0. Chapter 48 - Fan Colored Release (155 points, 40 comments) 0. 1369 points, 3 submissions: /u/MindfulCreativity 0. A little Switcheroo (759 points, 29 comments) 0. What a fluffy dream (417 points, 24 comments) 0. Pretty Accurate (193 points, 7 comments) 0. 1326 points, 7 submissions: /u/Helvegr 0. "I wish I was home at Idofront doing experiments" (225 points, 18 comments) 0. White Whistle Band (223 points, 11 comments) 0. Lord of Annihilation (196 points, 8 comments) 0. Nanachi Nendoroid figure announced (193 points, 9 comments) 0. Cheers! (189 points, 4 comments) 0. Just got volume 2 in English! (186 points, 23 comments) 0. It's finally here! (114 points, 30 comments) 0. 1320 points, 6 submissions: /u/Derpytaco64 0. Regg (374 points, 22 comments) 0. Hit or Miss? (299 points, 35 comments) 0. Yeenaa (228 points, 8 comments) 0. Soveriegn of The Dawn of Dawn (207 points, 10 comments) 0. Nanatree? (106 points, 5 comments) 0. Reg after using incinerator on Mitty (106 points, 13 comments) 0. 1248 points, 10 submissions: /u/Heini_2012 0. Do you remember the pain? (173 points, 15 comments) 0. Who's the better daddy? (162 points, 15 comments) 0. Faputa Fanart (148 points, 13 comments) 0. Reg Fanart (146 points, 4 comments) 0. Best Dad (115 points, 9 comments) 0. Faputa Fanart (113 points, 17 comments) 0. Lyza Fanart [Fanart] (106 points, 6 comments) 0. Cute Regu (99 points, 7 comments) 0. Reg's Dream (95 points, 7 comments) 0. Mitty and Nanachi (91 points, 10 comments) 0. 1237 points, 6 submissions: /u/iamlunasol 0. I finished watching MIA for the first time last night. Had to draw this world's #1 sad pair. (362 points, 10 comments) 0. I made some neritantan buttons (234 points, 10 comments) 0. Here's the little Ozen I made to go with the 4 pin designs I posted the other day (214 points, 9 comments) 0. The MIA enamel pins I designed arrived! (160 points, 28 comments) 0. In the spirit of spooky month, I drew Nanachi making a pot of nasty soup (154 points, 4 comments) 0. I designed a series of MIA enamel pins! (113 points, 8 comments) 0. 1219 points, 6 submissions: /u/loobysoft 0. The one and only, immovable & irredeemable. (315 points, 15 comments) 0. Tiny Riko I drew in class a few days ago (285 points, 19 comments) 0. Truly irredeemable! (222 points, 7 comments) 0. First post here; what do you think? (185 points, 13 comments) 0. Tried drawing Reg from memory today. How did I do? (117 points, 10 comments) 0. I don't think i'm too good at colouring, but since you really liked the first version I tried mt best. Tell me if there is something else I could do to make it better (95 points, 6 comments) 0. 1192 points, 5 submissions: /u/DefinitelyNotKuro 0. Science is all you need (674 points, 24 comments) 0. Loli stimpacks mildly MHA/MiA spoilery (164 points, 6 comments) 0. Frankenstein Shiggy (161 points, 4 comments) 0. TFW MiA shows you a new fetish (99 points, 13 comments) 0. Take a good look at my adventures! (94 points, 8 comments) 0. 1189 points, 5 submissions: /u/rorinth 0. Buntober (342 points, 9 comments) 0. Yep (273 points, 28 comments) 0. A nanachi Halloween (232 points, 11 comments) 0. Buntober fun (219 points, 6 comments) 0. A nanachi pun (123 points, 10 comments) 0. 1158 points, 4 submissions: /u/grizzchan 0. Made in Konosuba (468 points, 24 comments) 0. After two explosions [x-post /r/Konosuba] (306 points, 12 comments) 0. Oira wa Meguchi! [x-post /r/Konosuba] (208 points, 8 comments) 0. Made a transparent gif of the hug in the opening (176 points, 18 comments) 0. 1105 points, 6 submissions: /u/Tallest9 0. Cave Explorer (324 points, 9 comments) 0. me irl (269 points, 8 comments) 0. Science Trick (158 points, 7 comments) 0. Somewhat similar (141 points, 16 comments) 0. Bondrewd the Snovel (107 points, 10 comments) 0. MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! (106 points, 12 comments) 0. 1093 points, 6 submissions: /u/Splatulated 0. Merushae (236 points, 18 comments) 0. down anyone know where to find the original sauce for this and the others? (224 points, 15 comments) 0. I hope this meme isn't dead yet (221 points, 6 comments) 0. Mitty mitty mitty (162 points, 13 comments) 0. Shadow Puppet Lyza (Episode 2) (130 points, 6 comments) 0. Check out this sweet map I got from LtTim (120 points, 19 comments) 0. 1074 points, 5 submissions: /u/ccandids 0. Chapter 48 inspired me to illustrate this wholesome thing (377 points, 27 comments) 0. I drew and painted a sad Riko... (225 points, 26 comments) 0. [OC] Sketched and painted Riko from Chapter 46! (212 points, 17 comments) 0. [OC] I painted a cinematic mockup of the latest arc! (165 points, 20 comments) 0. For human progress! [Ep. 13 Spoilers] (95 points, 0 comments) 0. 1015 points, 7 submissions: /u/the_pasemi 0. Mittent (289 points, 32 comments) 0. Maruruk's appreciation letter (162 points, 3 comments) 0. Every friend group has them (135 points, 9 comments) 0. Made in Spaghetti (124 points, 29 comments) 0. ASMR: Wazukyan forces you to drink sprite cranberry (102 points, 11 comments) 0. Animated discord icon (102 points, 10 comments) 0. Tasty beverage (101 points, 11 comments) 0. 1004 points, 4 submissions: /u/chidaruma_ 0. chad Kevin Penkin (393 points, 26 comments) 0. Turned out okay (227 points, 36 comments) 0. LOOK WHO'S THERE (212 points, 62 comments) 0. Riko's Soup (172 points, 12 comments) 0. 1002 points, 5 submissions: /u/Myronal 0. I Colored this Panel of Lyza from the manga (336 points, 11 comments) 0. PADORU PADORU (286 points, 15 comments) 0. Prushka Colored (146 points, 12 comments) 0. Scientific Rumble (121 points, 5 comments) 0. Colored best dad showing off his goods (113 points, 4 comments) 0. 937 points, 2 submissions: /u/RegRiko 0. Oh no (522 points, 25 comments) 0. Hoping (415 points, 24 comments) 0. 920 points, 4 submissions: /u/Sunday_Fox 0. I'm just watching you eat. Don't look at me like that. (281 points, 8 comments) 0. Nanachi, how old are you? (251 points, 13 comments) 0. Sly face Nanachi. (208 points, 10 comments) 0. We miss Nanachi. Come on, 49 ch. (180 points, 13 comments) 0. 907 points, 4 submissions: /u/kernelmap 0. I folded Nanachi in origami! (444 points, 21 comments) 0. I folded Reg in origami! (180 points, 15 comments) 0. Just finished building my new bookcase, decided to dedicate one shelf for Made in Abyss:) (164 points, 21 comments) 0. This made my day... Volume 4 in english + Nanachi and Mitty figure arrived! (119 points, 14 comments) 0. 905 points, 5 submissions: /u/xiAsoomY 0. Riko (223 points, 12 comments) 0. Riko & Reg (212 points, 13 comments) 0. Hmmmmmmmm🤔🤔🤔 (189 points, 8 comments) 0. Riko and Nanachi (175 points, 13 comments) 0. [Chapter 46. 5] Reg colored (106 points, 12 comments) 0. 872 points, 7 submissions: /u/The_Perfect_Child 0. sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.... (161 points, 24 comments) 0. CHAPTER 43 IS OUT!!! (154 points, 3 comments) 0. This Isn't Even My FINAL FOOORRRMMM! (146 points, 8 comments) 0. We past 3, 500 y'all!! (116 points, 9 comments) 0. When Made In Abyss Isn't In The Top 5 On Mal... (113 points, 17 comments) 0. We Past 4, 000 Y'all (93 points, 7 comments) 0. Congrats on 6, 000 Y'all (89 points, 3 comments) 0. 821 points, 3 submissions: /u/KovalTheNarehate 0. Meme 3 (sfmbe) (310 points, 20 comments) 0. Meme (sfmbe) (302 points, 2 comments) 0. The best Reg cosplay I've ever seen (sfmbe) (209 points, 8 comments) 0. 783 points, 3 submissions: /u/Not-Shy 0. Ozen (By eaka_zin) (358 points, 15 comments) 0. Nanachi (by HydrozoA) (260 points, 10 comments) 0. Mittsette (165 points, 11 comments) 0. 781 points, 2 submissions: /u/VrucewithV 0. Hi, i'm new to the subreddit. Here is a Nanachi. (425 points, 14 comments) 0. This guy's art is amazing! (356 points, 5 comments) 0. 756 points, 3 submissions: /u/Mighty_Thomby 0. So I Asked My Friend to Draw Something... (438 points, 23 comments) 0. T-Thanks, Amazon... (200 points, 28 comments) 0. My Friend Drew This. Thought You Guys Might Appreciate It. (118 points, 6 comments) 0. 755 points, 3 submissions: /u/Kalhiki 0. My brother made me the best Christmas gift. (454 points, 24 comments) 0. Long time lurker, new time member. Introducing myself with my drawing of Best Girl. (201 points, 18 comments) 0. Dub premiers this Tuesday on Hidive (100 points, 18 comments) Top Commenters 0. /u/Alpatron99 (4568 points, 512 comments) 0. /u/Backwards_Anon (2318 points, 221 comments) 0. /u/easy_alpha (1382 points, 225 comments) 0. /u/HiddenSelfMcM (1262 points, 101 comments) 0. /u/weddle_seal (1068 points, 154 comments) 0. /u/devastationz (1033 points, 94 comments) 0. /u/andraip (1013 points, 220 comments) 0. /u/nechronius (939 points, 87 comments) 0. /u/SaneForCocoaPuffs (890 points, 61 comments) 0. /u/o-temoto (771 points, 83 comments) 0. /u/Hippoman12 (751 points, 83 comments) 0. /u/sorenant (731 points, 79 comments) 0. /u/rorinth (713 points, 43 comments) 0. /u/Flying_Genitals (710 points, 52 comments) 0. /u/JosebaZilarte (667 points, 55 comments) 0. /u/trulyascumbag (661 points, 41 comments) 0. /u/CyberPunkStreetArt (651 points, 99 comments) 0. /u/Ritter_Rook (637 points, 35 comments) 0. /u/xiAsoomY (619 points, 55 comments) 0. /u/Myronal (592 points, 76 comments) 0. /u/currentlyquang (561 points, 71 comments) 0. /u/TyoPepe (557 points, 48 comments) 0. /u/Neverius (536 points, 41 comments) 0. /u/KingOfOddities (532 points, 49 comments) 0. /u/MadotsukiInTheNexus (530 points, 83 comments) 0. /u/Baconinvader (529 points, 108 comments) 0. /u/SalmonJEDl (517 points, 19 comments) 0. /u/iKill_eu (513 points, 36 comments) 0. /u/Kowzz (508 points, 43 comments) 0. /u/dumagil22 (497 points, 51 comments) 0. /u/sb12083 (488 points, 46 comments) 0. /u/LordXamon (485 points, 96 comments) 0. /u/Mr_Zaroc (484 points, 43 comments) 0. /u/Derpytaco64 (479 points, 63 comments) 0. /u/Ratstail91 (476 points, 61 comments) 0. /u/Aeris_24 (473 points, 63 comments) 0. /u/Klicethereal (468 points, 46 comments) 0. /u/ccandids (466 points, 49 comments) 0. /u/laidshade (466 points, 47 comments) 0. /u/mofumofu_fuwafuwa (461 points, 36 comments) 0. /u/ArgonBorn (446 points, 37 comments) 0. /u/tomytronics (445 points, 43 comments) 0. /u/LostDelver (431 points, 38 comments) 0. /u/SummerSatellite (410 points, 38 comments) 0. /u/SgtRuy (408 points, 40 comments) 0. /u/tivinho99 (404 points, 43 comments) 0. /u/HalloBruce (403 points, 24 comments) 0. /u/Nokipeura (395 points, 40 comments) 0. /u/blubaru_0619 (391 points, 39 comments) 0. /u/threedaysmarch (391 points, 12 comments) Top Submissions 0. WE DID IT! MADE IN ABYSS WON ANIME OF THE YEAR AND BEST SCORE by /u/Hippoman12 (811 points, 84 comments) 0. Surprised Nanachi by /u/Narehate94 (797 points, 14 comments) 0. A little Switcheroo by /u/MindfulCreativity (759 points, 29 comments) 0. Science is all you need by /u/DefinitelyNotKuro (674 points, 24 comments) 0. Curse of the Abyss by /u/Breadfruits (621 points, 13 comments) 0. Nanachi Looking at the Past by /u/SaneForCocoaPuffs (620 points, 25 comments) 0. Who wants some blessing? by /u/Lenrivk (614 points, 46 comments) 0. Nanachi best bunni by /u/Narehate94 (610 points, 59 comments) 0. Idk who has done this but it's pretty accurate by /u/nkhn_ (594 points, 22 comments) 0. Arm wrestling by /u/Dragon_of_the_gods (583 points, 16 comments) Top Comments 0. 202 points: /u/trulyascumbag 's comment in Chapter 46 Discussion 0. 201 points: /u/alexmlamb 's comment in Chapter 48 Discussion 0. 198 points: /u/coffcra 's comment in Chapter 50 Discussion 0. 192 points: /u/LuisN 's comment in Chapter 42 discussion 0. 182 points: /u/Draco_silas 's comment in Chapter 47 Discussion 0. 177 points: /u/Baneofarius 's comment in Chapter 50 Discussion 0. 174 points: /u/HiddenSelfMcM 's comment in Chapter 50 Discussion 0. 174 points: deleted 's comment in Chapter 49 Discussion 0. 171 points: /u/laidshade 's comment in Chapter 45 Discussion 0. 163 points: /u/Nome_de_utilizador 's comment in Chapter 49 Discussion Generated with BBoe 's Subreddit Stats ( Donate).

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Watch Full Los leonel. Watch full los leones videos. Watch Full Los lonesome. Watch Full Los leone. Es Alanbazas para mi Dios. Watch full los leones movies. 24368 points, 106 submissions: /u/andraip Exploring Orth (584 points, 12 comments) Red Whistle Ozen (by UREC) (553 points, 15 comments) Lyza & Ozen (539 points, 13 comments) Lyza & Torka (516 points, 24 comments) Orth (460 points, 8 comments) Robomaid (by 湊 なお) (387 points, 14 comments) Waiting for the Catbus (383 points, 8 comments) Reg & Riko (by MIM) (357 points, 8 comments) The Abyss (356 points, 12 comments) Winged Ozen (by ヌタ) (341 points, 13 comments) 14791 points, 33 submissions: /u/Kedamono1st Ozen! Strike the Pose! (826 points, 25 comments) Ozen and Lyza (719 points, 10 comments) "See You! " (701 points, 54 comments) A pleasant walk in the Abyss (649 points, 3 comments) My Neighbor Nanachi (646 points, 9 comments) All the places we will go... (643 points, 15 comments) Marulk's day is never done... (614 points, 19 comments) The Immovable Sovereign (610 points, 20 comments) Ozen the Immoveable (609 points, 11 comments) Where have you gone? (520 points, 11 comments) 6646 points, 26 submissions: /u/Leon-Solide Tsukushi live-drawing at Italy's Comicon yesterday (667 points, 31 comments) Kevin Penkin at the 1st recap movie’s red carpet premiere in LA (461 points, 24 comments) New visual for New Year’s! (410 points, 17 comments) Irredeemable Mass Production of Buns (332 points, 25 comments) Official mug that changes picture with temperature (323 points, 37 comments) Nanachi figure by Ques Q going up for pre-order! (11/2019 release date & 18, 500 yen) (313 points, 23 comments) Nanachi & Mitty Art by Tsukushi for the Lepus Bakery (284 points, 8 comments) By @inabababa (278 points, 6 comments) Based bookstore: The MiA manga has been shown off like this ever since the anime started airing back in summer 2017 (Kinokuniya in SF) (273 points, 15 comments) Riko and Reg 1/6 scale figures by Chara-Ani are up for PO! (June 2019 release) (262 points, 18 comments) 6506 points, 15 submissions: /u/Narehate94 Surprised Nanachi (930 points, 15 comments) Simply the best. (706 points, 19 comments) Nanachi best bunni (681 points, 63 comments) Feels proud (647 points, 28 comments) Oya, oya! Subarashii!!! (589 points, 11 comments) Best dad is hyped and moved by her motivation (547 points, 28 comments) Good times. (497 points, 15 comments) I made this for you..!!! (407 points, 13 comments) That feeling when you watch MiA for the 1st time and you reach ep 10 (329 points, 32 comments) the big sad (264 points, 31 comments) 6393 points, 26 submissions: /u/o-temoto Nanachi chainsaw carving (462 points, 12 comments) Nanachi paper-cutting (422 points, 20 comments) Long-haired Ozen (by Hwahwa_oAo) (383 points, 12 comments) The Immovable Lord (by 木野花) (369 points, 5 comments) Lyza and Torka (by tonao) (351 points, 16 comments) Kono Subarashii Naraku ni Shukufuku wo! (333 points, 13 comments) Ouzen and Maruruk heading home (by aQualitas) (311 points, 13 comments) Nanachi and Mitty (by mmmentha) (280 points, 11 comments) Many Mittys (by dgu) (274 points, 9 comments) MIA's animation process: layout, key animation, touch-up & background & timing, and shooting (247 points, 5 comments) 5260 points, 21 submissions: /u/KimJongLewb Official Prushka Design for Movie 3! (718 points, 141 comments) Ozen the Immovable [Colored Panel] (455 points, 10 comments) One of my colourings (359 points, 7 comments) [Chapter 51 News] Chapter confirmed to release on March 30th (344 points, 48 comments) Ozen The Salesman (336 points, 8 comments) Finally after 6 months and 1 delay of waiting. I got my Premium boxset (249 points, 13 comments) Colored a page from volume 6 (244 points, 19 comments) Colored some Nanachi to brighten up ur Sunday! (236 points, 10 comments) Second Layer: The Forest of Temptation [Colored Page] (231 points, 9 comments) [Colored] The Rumble of Scientific Triumph (221 points, 30 comments) 4719 points, 17 submissions: /u/SaneForCocoaPuffs Nanachi Looking at the Past (698 points, 25 comments) Extra Cute Nanachi (399 points, 21 comments) Lyza Colored (393 points, 7 comments) Nanachi Taking a Selfie (344 points, 9 comments) Nanachi’s Giant Banana ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (330 points, 21 comments) Maruruk as an adult (327 points, 43 comments) The Truth Behind the Mask (321 points, 19 comments) I want to drink Mitty (303 points, 32 comments) Nanachi Soup, by Tsukushi (300 points, 17 comments) Mitty, naked and showing EVERYTHING (216 points, 27 comments) 4305 points, 21 submissions: /u/easy_alpha Reg changed his old cape for something a little more stylish. #abyss2077 (327 points, 19 comments) Cells in Abyss (316 points, 23 comments) Riko's team- I think I've found my favorite fan-art to date. (286 points, 11 comments) Rare photo of Orth Special Forces' and Aubade Militia's joint operation. (1999 by "Old Orth" Calendar, colorized) (280 points, 23 comments) Riko's Team, colored to the best of my abilities. It's still a WIP, as I'm trying to figure out how to color the background.... (278 points, 16 comments) "Sorry I made you wait". Inktober #12 (272 points, 7 comments) Remember kids, no running with Incinerators! It took me way longer to draw than I initially planned. (222 points, 17 comments) Surprised Reg (222 points, 24 comments) Raiders of the Lost Cave. Inktober #9 (197 points, 13 comments) There supposed to be Riko, sitting next to Reg on the other pillar. Unfortunately i messed up the sketch and had to remove her from the picture. Originally Reg was smiling. Inktober #11. (195 points, 13 comments) 3718 points, 9 submissions: /u/ioens A very smol ozen (580 points, 33 comments) Ozen-san wearing Maruruk-style clothes (576 points, 51 comments) Maid and Lolita Ozen (492 points, 12 comments) Ozen with black hair (479 points, 20 comments) Ozen fanart by harau (420 points, 15 comments) An AU with young Lyza and Ozen (410 points, 10 comments) Ozen mousepad (346 points, 29 comments) Ozen in full armor (279 points, 7 comments) A rare picture of Ozen smiling (136 points, 11 comments) 3534 points, 13 submissions: /u/Pichuunnn Daft Bond (495 points, 12 comments) Girl's Last Tour In Abyss (415 points, 52 comments) S U B A R A S H I (408 points, 12 comments) Riko's fear came true (400 points, 13 comments) The White Whistle Sextet (360 points, 19 comments) Relazing (by Tsukumizu, author of Girls' Last Tour) (268 points, 26 comments) Bkub Nanachi (210 points, 7 comments) Bkub Nanachonk 2 (186 points, 6 comments) "Pssh, hey hear the rumble of science triump? " (179 points, 5 comments) Looks like an old relic in the abyss. Dunno what it was used for. (170 points, 22 comments) 3386 points, 9 submissions: /u/TheRealCatchphrase Ara ara (784 points, 18 comments) I'm sorry (501 points, 37 comments) Hanezeve Caradhina plays (475 points, 19 comments) Never gets old (385 points, 17 comments) WHOOPSIE (345 points, 6 comments) Big if true (331 points, 14 comments) Worst dad vs best dad (235 points, 37 comments) LET THE SPOOKYING BEGIN (178 points, 15 comments) Drawing I made way back when it aired (152 points, 10 comments) 2998 points, 12 submissions: /u/Splatulated I think i found some really top quality fan art (595 points, 11 comments) scientific Triumph (351 points, 18 comments) do you ship? (319 points, 35 comments) the HD map recreation Lttim made (291 points, 34 comments) Merushae (236 points, 18 comments) I hope this meme isn't dead yet (223 points, 6 comments) down anyone know where to find the original sauce for this and the others? (221 points, 15 comments) Monthly Nnaa (because shes fun to pose and i was told changing it daily might wear out teh nubs) (173 points, 11 comments) Nnnaaa (167 points, 1 comment) Mitty mitty mitty (165 points, 13 comments) 2464 points, 8 submissions: /u/xiAsoomY two cuties 💞 (632 points, 16 comments) we need to share the pain (508 points, 15 comments) the whole gang (288 points, 28 comments) Bondrewd best dad (239 points, 9 comments) Riko (223 points, 12 comments) Riko & Reg (211 points, 13 comments) Hmmmmmmmm🤔🤔🤔 (189 points, 8 comments) Riko and Nanachi (174 points, 13 comments) 2435 points, 8 submissions: /u/MauricioTainaka The Abyss. (539 points, 17 comments) Please select a payment method. (394 points, 20 comments) Riko has found an Epic Relic (392 points, 18 comments) Karaoke in Abyss (296 points, 16 comments) Nanachi in a Mitty hood. (254 points, 18 comments) Cute Riko & Reg (220 points, 4 comments) Blessed Mitty & Nanachi. (201 points, 11 comments) Made in Abyss manga will be published officially in Mexico this February! (139 points, 17 comments) 2371 points, 10 submissions: /u/coniglietto_ Waking up (Colored page) (536 points, 9 comments) Her eyes overflowing with aspiration... (Colored panel) (317 points, 15 comments) Good morning (colored page) (257 points, 25 comments) Colored best girl! (235 points, 47 comments) Colored Reg and Nanachi! (208 points, 16 comments) Colored panel of Reg (199 points, 11 comments) Colored Reg (198 points, 10 comments) Redo of an old coloring! (154 points, 10 comments) Hug (138 points, 14 comments) Colored picture of best girl in chapter 47 (129 points, 12 comments) 2171 points, 7 submissions: /u/Ampersanders Finished my Bondrewd Helmet, just need to do some extra wiring and such for the removable front and then will be ready for sealing/ painting! (403 points, 28 comments) My Bondrewd cosplay from Anime Expo 2018. Plan on upgrading a lot of parts (the ascot part needs more poof) for Katsucon 2019 (351 points, 18 comments) Our Made in Abyss White Whistle group we did for Anime Expo. I'm Bondrewd and I'll be upgrading him to proper parts of Version 2 Bondrewd by Youmacon. (344 points, 15 comments) Completed my Bondrewd Helmet from Made in Abyss. Just gotta finalize the wiring and will be dandy! (318 points, 30 comments) Process on my Bondrewd Helmet for ANime Expo 2018. Whistle is already done and the front visor is a placeholder till I make it from formed plastic! (295 points, 23 comments) Check out my awesome Prushka cosplay I made! (252 points, 30 comments) [Fanart] Finished completely the white whistles of Bondrewd, Lyza, and Ozen. (208 points, 9 comments) 1990 points, 5 submissions: /u/Alpatron99 Goblets of Giants (891 points, 17 comments) Lyza ASCII-art animation (457 points, 13 comments) Pixel-art collection by ByNEET (291 points, 12 comments) 9000 souls are now lost to the Abyss. (201 points, 21 comments) Flag of Orth (150 points, 12 comments) 1786 points, 7 submissions: /u/Affanita Nanachi tattoo done last week (444 points, 18 comments) Stabbed best bun onto myself after work. @affanita for tattoos n art (439 points, 34 comments) Faputa drawing for inktober, gonna do reg and nanachi soon too ~ Art and tattoos @affanita on instagram 🖤✨ (273 points, 17 comments) Nanachi fanart from a few weeks back, more of my art and tattoos @affanita 🖤✨ (214 points, 12 comments) (Receding hairline) Nanachi cosplay WIP (159 points, 29 comments) Nanachi cosplay update, hair and eyebrows finished, removable helmet will be next (133 points, 28 comments) Nanachi fanart (repost since good dood pointed out lack of watermark) - tattooing her tomorrow. (124 points, 9 comments) 1769 points, 4 submissions: /u/Hippoman12 WE DID IT! MADE IN ABYSS WON ANIME OF THE YEAR AND BEST SCORE (820 points, 84 comments) Star Ship Trooper Riko (401 points, 15 comments) Kevin Penkin on Bondrewd's theme (344 points, 18 comments) r/MadeInAbyss HAS ENTERED THE 4TH LAYER (204 points, 17 comments) 1721 points, 7 submissions: /u/Dragon_of_the_gods Arm wrestling (572 points, 16 comments) Riko and Reg (288 points, 24 comments) Memories (207 points, 7 comments) Made in abyss hurt my soul (193 points, 14 comments) When the Made in Abyss manga isn’t in the top 5 anymore on Mal (177 points, 13 comments) Land of the abyss! (Land of the lustrous and made in abyss crossover) (151 points, 16 comments) Ozen and Lyza (133 points, 6 comments) 1696 points, 6 submissions: /u/KovalTheNarehate Sorry, I'm late (331 points, 28 comments) Meme 3 (sfmbe) (320 points, 20 comments) Keep your rod/pole in a safe space, or THIS will come to you! (306 points, 13 comments) Meme (sfmbe) (304 points, 2 comments) Chapter 5? "leaked footage" (228 points, 8 comments) The best Reg cosplay I've ever seen (sfmbe) (207 points, 8 comments) 1679 points, 6 submissions: /u/loobysoft Still getting the hang of this new sketchbook; hope you like it! (495 points, 25 comments) The one and only, immovable & irredeemable. (328 points, 15 comments) Tiny Riko I drew in class a few days ago (290 points, 19 comments) Truly irredeemable! (227 points, 7 comments) First post here; what do you think? (186 points, 13 comments) We'll meet again very soon... I promise (153 points, 8 comments) 1619 points, 6 submissions: /u/Magnidraw Bondrewd in my "drawing style" (526 points, 24 comments) Bondrewd in Blame! style (418 points, 16 comments) I try to improve my colorations skills... (246 points, 7 comments) Reg with color pen (152 points, 5 comments) Another reg in the Blame! style (143 points, 4 comments) Too much time at class lmao (134 points, 6 comments) 1602 points, 7 submissions: /u/Kowzz Chapter 48 Discussion (345 points, 296 comments) Chapter 50 Discussion (306 points, 251 comments) Character Alignment Chart (291 points, 13 comments) Chapter 46. 5 (183 points, 93 comments) The Made in Abyss OST is now on Spotify (183 points, 15 comments) Chapter 48 - Fan Colored Release (157 points, 40 comments) Made in Abyss Movie 3: Dawn of the Deep Soul is coming to Japanese theaters in January, 2020! (137 points, 34 comments) 1507 points, 4 submissions: /u/aroma_o Wait. That's illegal. (471 points, 11 comments) It be like that sometimes (458 points, 14 comments) NNAA INTENSIFIES (419 points, 20 comments) Riko LITERALLY called Reg her B*ITCH UwU (159 points, 6 comments) 1494 points, 6 submissions: /u/iamlunasol I finished watching MIA for the first time last night. Had to draw this world's #1 sad pair. (364 points, 10 comments) My Made in Abyss ita bag is finally FULL! (363 points, 20 comments) I made some neritantan buttons (233 points, 10 comments) Here's the little Ozen I made to go with the 4 pin designs I posted the other day (213 points, 9 comments) The MIA enamel pins I designed arrived! (163 points, 28 comments) In the spirit of spooky month, I drew Nanachi making a pot of nasty soup (158 points, 4 comments) 1363 points, 3 submissions: /u/MindfulCreativity A little Switcheroo (755 points, 29 comments) What a fluffy dream (419 points, 24 comments) Pretty Accurate (189 points, 7 comments) 1339 points, 5 submissions: /u/Derpytaco64 Regg (400 points, 22 comments) Hit or Miss? (302 points, 35 comments) Yeenaa (229 points, 8 comments) I'd like to make note of the true translation. (205 points, 65 comments) Soveriegn of The Dawn of Dawn (203 points, 10 comments) 1268 points, 5 submissions: /u/chidaruma_ chad Kevin Penkin (409 points, 26 comments) Prushka scene in the second movie (236 points, 29 comments) Turned out okay (236 points, 36 comments) LOOK WHO'S THERE (216 points, 62 comments) Riko's Soup (171 points, 12 comments) 1248 points, 5 submissions: /u/mistermann31 Regu #inktober finished (350 points, 10 comments) 3 musketeers #inktober (304 points, 3 comments) Can your prushka (231 points, 14 comments) Unfinished regu #inktober (201 points, 7 comments) Fapoota (162 points, 7 comments) 1216 points, 6 submissions: /u/Helvegr "I wish I was home at Idofront doing experiments" (226 points, 18 comments) White Whistle Band (223 points, 11 comments) Nanachi Nendoroid figure announced (197 points, 9 comments) Lord of Annihilation (196 points, 8 comments) Cheers! (188 points, 4 comments) Just got volume 2 in English! (186 points, 23 comments) 1194 points, 4 submissions: /u/Smear_D The Orb Piercer (426 points, 15 comments) Ozen The Immovable (Fanart) (382 points, 20 comments) Nanachi and Mitty Fanart (196 points, 8 comments) Made in Abyss fanart (190 points, 28 comments) 1188 points, 3 submissions: /u/DefinitelyNotKuro Science is all you need (863 points, 24 comments) Loli stimpacks mildly MHA/MiA spoilery (164 points, 6 comments) Frankenstein Shiggy (161 points, 4 comments) 1182 points, 5 submissions: /u/kernelmap I folded Nanachi in origami! (441 points, 21 comments) Faputa, made in origami! (198 points, 7 comments) Riko, made in origami! (192 points, 15 comments) I folded Reg in origami! (184 points, 15 comments) Just finished building my new bookcase, decided to dedicate one shelf for Made in Abyss:) (167 points, 21 comments) 1174 points, 4 submissions: /u/Academic1721 The anime battle I want to see (393 points, 21 comments) I'm going to hell for this aren't I? (359 points, 31 comments) I truly am a sadist at heart (291 points, 27 comments) For those of you concerned about the cover pages. (131 points, 44 comments) 1160 points, 4 submissions: /u/grizzchan Made in Konosuba (474 points, 24 comments) After two explosions [x-post /r/Konosuba] (302 points, 12 comments) Oira wa Meguchi! [x-post /r/Konosuba] (209 points, 8 comments) Made a transparent gif of the hug in the opening (175 points, 18 comments) 1151 points, 5 submissions: /u/wolfy-woo [Bondrewd] What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know... (321 points, 19 comments) Wuzzup bois, it is I, Bondrewd (264 points, 14 comments) Bondrewd the Science Dude (244 points, 10 comments) [Bondrewd] What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I am a revered and renowned scientist and delver, and I've been involved in numerous raids into the Abyss (162 points, 8 comments) Fucking traps is gay, Reg (160 points, 14 comments) 1135 points, 3 submissions: /u/Asper2002 HYPE! (523 points, 45 comments) Hi it's dness (430 points, 29 comments) I see this meme used a lot for Shou Tucker but what about our best dad Bondrewd (182 points, 34 comments) /u/Backwards_Anon (5987 points, 609 comments) /u/Alpatron99 (4487 points, 463 comments) /u/HiddenSelfMcM (1394 points, 96 comments) /u/devastationz (1230 points, 111 comments) /u/Derpytaco64 (1193 points, 138 comments) /u/easy_alpha (1169 points, 181 comments) /u/weddle_seal (1002 points, 135 comments) /u/dumagil22 (964 points, 99 comments) /u/Neverius (954 points, 80 comments) /u/andraip (863 points, 168 comments) /u/JosebaZilarte (840 points, 70 comments) /u/nechronius (817 points, 70 comments) /u/TheRealCatchphrase (792 points, 71 comments) /u/Flying_Genitals (781 points, 52 comments) /u/Ritter_Rook (774 points, 46 comments) /u/KingOfOddities (771 points, 60 comments) /u/sorenant (709 points, 81 comments) /u/SaneForCocoaPuffs (701 points, 50 comments) /u/Leon-Solide (700 points, 81 comments) /u/o-temoto (694 points, 71 comments) /u/FractalEldritch (684 points, 104 comments) /u/jake_j_jung (660 points, 68 comments) /u/TranscendVirtual (650 points, 86 comments) /u/Hippoman12 (646 points, 64 comments) /u/TrueJusticeDefender (633 points, 52 comments) /u/TyoPepe (632 points, 48 comments) /u/LostDelver (622 points, 51 comments) /u/Myronal (620 points, 75 comments) /u/rorinth (619 points, 33 comments) /u/CyberPunkStreetArt (573 points, 75 comments) /u/trulyascumbag (571 points, 26 comments) /u/DeathwishDandy (560 points, 34 comments) /u/tivinho99 (553 points, 39 comments) /u/ArgonBorn (547 points, 49 comments) /u/Xaevier (541 points, 53 comments) /u/Baconinvader (526 points, 94 comments) /u/xiAsoomY (525 points, 53 comments) /u/sb12083 (511 points, 41 comments) /u/blubaru_0619 (506 points, 44 comments) /u/SalmonJEDl (504 points, 18 comments) /u/Kowzz (495 points, 43 comments) /u/tomytronics (482 points, 50 comments) /u/iKill_eu (480 points, 32 comments) /u/KimJongLewb (467 points, 72 comments) /u/Desolaice (466 points, 18 comments) /u/Kalhiki (461 points, 40 comments) /u/Splatulated (456 points, 118 comments) /u/LordXamon (455 points, 91 comments) /u/ccandids (449 points, 46 comments) /u/feedmebakedgoods (449 points, 23 comments) Surprised Nanachi by /u/Narehate94 (930 points, 15 comments) Goblets of Giants by /u/Alpatron99 (891 points, 17 comments) Science is all you need by /u/DefinitelyNotKuro (863 points, 24 comments) Ozen! Strike the Pose! by /u/Kedamono1st (826 points, 25 comments) WE DID IT! MADE IN ABYSS WON ANIME OF THE YEAR AND BEST SCORE by /u/Hippoman12 (820 points, 84 comments) Ara ara by /u/TheRealCatchphrase (784 points, 18 comments) Im not sorry:p by /u/Silverblade52 (764 points, 22 comments) A little Switcheroo by /u/MindfulCreativity (755 points, 29 comments) Where men cried by /u/Terrakhaos (737 points, 33 comments) Ozen and Lyza by /u/Kedamono1st (719 points, 10 comments).

Watch full los leones en espanol. Watch full los leones 1.

  1. About The Author Juan Antonio Tirado
  2. Biography: Periodista. Onda Cero. Editor de iBooks, director de @Stonewall_iBook; Radio Inter, Onda Madrid, Radio Voz, City Fm; Prensa4, El Telegrafo y Fotos; PopularTV...