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When an iridescent meteorite plummets from outer space and into the property and foundations of a remote New England estate, a malignant force begins to insidiously permeate the lives of an unassuming family. The effects are gradual - time begins to dilate, nature assumes an otherworldly hue - and all things bright and beautiful eventually mutate and corrupt under its influence. So proceeds this eerie adaptation of the short story by H.P. Lovecraft, one of horror's most haunting, here presented by the enigmatic South African filmmaker Richard Stanley. Returning to Midnight Madness 29 years after his hypnotic killer-robot fandango Hardware first premiered in the section, Stanley summons his uniquely hallucinogenic sensibilities to envelope his endearing characters in surreal, incremental dread. At first, their domestic bliss is quietly fraught with an undercurrent of unnerving tension, before eventually boiling over into delirious, acid-fueled terror. The patriarch of this doomed brood is none other than Nicolas Cage, continuing his recent renaissance as a midnight-movie staple with an increasingly unhinged performance that reliably ricochets among every technique in the Stanislavski playbook. The rest of the ensemble, which includes Joely Richardson and Tommy Chong, play effective foils to Cage's delirium, but the real star of the show is the alien entity itself. This all-consuming, dispassionate menace manifests itself in a series of grotesque, body-horror, and psychedelic spectacles, worthy of its ineffable literary origins; directors - Richard Stanley; Liked it - 5030 Votes; 7,1 of 10; cast - Joely Richardson; genres - Horror.
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Initially when I heard about this 2019 movie adaptation of the classic Lovecraft story, I must admit that I was more than thrilled. Then I found out that Nicolas Cage was set to star in it, and my excitement plummeted. Granted, Nicolas Cage is definitely not an actor whose performances I am particularly fond of. But this was a Lovecraft adaptation, so it had to be watched.
And I am glad that I did. Despite having Nicolas Cage in the lead, I will say that director Richard Stanley really managed to pull together a blast of a movie. The story starts out slowly, setting the mood and introducing the characters. And gradually more and more layers were added to the story, that being after the impact of the celestial object, that is. And I loved the subtle changes that took place both in the environment, but also with the characters. It was so nicely done, very subtle, but still very noticeable and enjoyable.
I was very entertained with "Color Out of Space" and the movie really turned out a lot more enjoyable and entertaining than I had anticipated.
Nicolas Cage acted well enough in the movie, although there is that classic and archetypical Cage style to it, for better or worse, like it or not. The movie held some really nice performances by Joely Richardson and Madeleine Arthur. And as for having Tommy Chong in the movie, well. I will just let that be up to you to judge upon.
Now, Color Out of Space" had some impressive special effects, and the CGI team really managed to pull it off quite nicely. The special effects were really good and helped bring the movie to life on the screen in that particularly cosmically dreadful manner that was needed to carry with it the Lovecraftian feel.
If you enjoy the Lovecraft story, then I can warmly recommend that you sit down and watch the 2019 movie adaptation. And my rating of the movie is a solid seven out of ten stars. Yes, I was entertained, and watched the movie twice; once for the story, and the second time for the details in the shots and to absorb the atmosphere and minute details better.
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Nic 'Wait For Me To Lose My S. Cage plays to his own unique type in this initially interesting but ultimately dull chiller/thriller. A meteorite lands in his front garden and strange things start to happen in his isolated woodland family home, so far so very 80s. Animals and people and plants start to behave differently as whatever it is infects more and more of the environment, and there's a really nice build up of oddness.
At least for the first half of the film. Then it just gets very silly. Too silly. The ham gets turned up to 11. The atmosphere moves from chiller to thriller with all the moodiness thrown aside for third rate blood and gore. This kind of schlock horror movie was common-place in the 70s and 80s, and that's where it belongs.
Points for the first half of the film, but after that you and your better judgement are on your own.
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