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Writer=John Krasinski; Country=USA; actor=Cillian Murphy;
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Ill be the English comment lol it's called Ghost in the grave yard not quite place however it's a really good and kinda scary.
صاحب القناة يجنن ماشاءالله 😂😂😂💔شيفت صورته من انستا.
Fand den ersten nicht schlecht, hoffe aber sie machen beim zweiten nicht wieder so viele Logikfehler.
I really need to watch this film already and stop spoiling myself. xd.
In this movie the mute people is the survivor. In the movie Bird Box. All the blind people are the survivor. Next movie will be who.
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Alien: exists America: Can it be weaponized? Africa: Is it worth something? China: is it edible.
If they even fart they r done.
Ohh könnte tatsächlich ein richtig Guter Film sein.
Its called ghost in the graveyard so a scam.
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He just STOPS in the middle of the road to play with a rocket.
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It scary. Why in the world would you have another baby when these things are on the loose ready to kill you. Great movie other than that. That was a good movie 🤷. YES 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫. 無聲絕境2 Download movies. E7 84%a1 e8 81%b2 e7 b5 95%e5 a2 832 download movie for sale. “We're on the longest silent streak in office history! Nobody has said anything in. 90 min!”. Habe voll Angst bei Horrorfilmen meine gleich alten Freunde nicht ist das normal. 無聲絕境2 download movie full. 無聲絕境2 download movie download.
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My question is how the monsters couldnt hear this loud ass piano music in the background.
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