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2020.03.22 18:47

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Abstract=After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant. actor=Rene Auberjonois. country=USA. Audience score=48 vote. year=2019. Genres=Drama. Windows on the world download movie youtube. Windows on Read more on the website… Windows on the World Whatever Watch Win.d,o`W,s "on th,e W`OrLd Online Boxofficemojo. Ķhenhet is called the black land because of the soil brought by thei inundation of the Nile River from Blue and white nile in Africa. The Red land was the Desert that was an anathema to the Egyptians they regarded as the place of Death. Of course Black pharaohs were on the thrones at the most a hundred years but this was towards the end of Dynastic Egypt. The Nubians attacked the borders of Egypt and therefore for a 100 years the Nubians took over until they were defeated by native Egyptians. Z then along Came Alexander the Great and eventually Ptolomies ie Cleopatra the 7 th Did you know the the Hittites who are mentioned in the Bible quite often are not Middle Eastern but a indo European people whose territories stretched from caucus to Syria and Libya Their language belonged to the Indo-European set of languages. Also the Aton was not plucked out the air by Aķhenaten it was part of the Eygptian Pantheon ! RAMSES 1 was Commoner, he was a General in the Eygptian Army, he fathered apparently fathered 60 sons most he outlived, he was in eighties when he died. He was not a member of the 18 th Dynasty of pharaohs.

Windows on the World download movie. Roko was hero. God bless him. When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside. Windows on the world download movie watch. Thanks sir. Just makin' the rounds of the old videos here as I post them to a Face Book page. Windows on the world download movie full. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Windows on the World Vue du restaurant depuis la tour sud du World Trade Center, en 1979. Présentation Coordonnées 40° 42′ 41″ nord, 74° 00′ 48″ ouest Pays États-Unis Ville New York Adresse Tour nord du World Trade Center ( 107 e étage) Fondation 19 avril 1976 Fermeture 11 septembre 2001 (destruction) Site web Informations Chef cuisinier Michael Lomonaco modifier Le Windows on the World (de l' anglais signifiant littéralement « fenêtres sur le monde ») était un restaurant de luxe, situé au sommet de la tour nord du World Trade Center ( 106 e et 107 e étages), sur l'île de Manhattan sur laquelle il offrait une vue panoramique, à New York aux États-Unis. Il a été détruit lors des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 contre le complexe, au moment de l'effondrement de la tour à 10 h 28. Caractéristiques [ modifier | modifier le code] La tour nord du World Trade Center (à gauche), où le restaurant occupait les derniers étages. Le restaurant en 1999. D'une superficie de 4 600 m 2, le restaurant Windows on the World a ouvert le 19 avril 1976 aux 106 e et 107 e étages de la tour nord du World Trade Center, soit à près de 400 mètres de haut. Conçu initialement par Warren Plattner, il était situé sur le côté nord, offrant à la clientèle une vue sur la ligne d'horizon de Manhattan. Le code vestimentaire obligatoire pour les hommes était la veste; il était strictement appliqué, et pour anecdote, un homme qui arrivait avec une réservation, mais sans veste, était assis au bar. Le bar s'étendait le long du côté sud de la tour, ainsi qu'au coin de la partie est. Le code vestimentaire du bar était plus détendu et les prix étaient allégés. Le moment le plus populaire était le mercredi lorsque se tenait le Happy Hour Wednesday, quand les consommations étaient gratuites. On pouvait profiter de la vue sur la pointe sud de Manhattan, où l' Hudson et l' East Rivers se rencontrent. En outre, on pouvait voir le Liberty State Park à Ellis Island et Staten Island, avec le pont Verrazano. Le restaurant a fermé suite à l' attaque à la voiture piégée perpétrée le 26 février 1993 contre les Twin Towers dans laquelle un employé du restaurant a été tué. Il a rouvert en 1996 après une rénovation ayant coûté 25 millions de dollars. Avec 37, 5 millions de dollars de bénéfices pour l'année 2000, le Windows on the World était le restaurant dont l'exploitation rapportait le plus d'argent aux États-Unis [ 1]. Attentats du 11 septembre 2001 [ modifier | modifier le code] Le Windows on the World a été détruit lors des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 contre le World Trade Center, au moment de l'effondrement de la tour nord, à 10 h 28, touchée plus tôt dans la matinée par le crash du vol 11 American Airlines. Au moment de l'impact de l'avion, à 8 h 46, le restaurant accueillait le Waters Financial Technology Congress, une conférence du Risk Waters Group, avec seize employés présents, ainsi que leurs soixante-et-onze invités [ 2] et une dizaine d'autres clients, en plus des 73 employés du restaurant travaillant à ce moment-là. Parmi ces derniers, le manager Christine Anne Olender appela à différentes reprises la police du port autonome pour demander du secours [ 3]; après 9 h 40, les appels de détresse depuis le restaurant cessèrent. Le restaurant se trouvant au-dessus de la zone du crash aérien, les personnes présentes au Windows on the World n'ont pas eu la moindre chance de sortir du bâtiment, les escaliers ne permettant plus de descendre en dessous de la zone d'impact; l'accès au toit était par ailleurs bloqué et aucun appareil de secours ne pouvait s'y poser. Ces personnes ont alors trouvé la mort soit en inhalant les fumées provoquées par l'incendie, soit en se défenestrant, ou bien à cause de l'effondrement en lui-même. La personne se trouvant sur la célèbre photographie de l'homme en chute libre ( The Falling Man) pourrait être un employé du restaurant du nom de Jonathan Briley, mais rien ne permet d'établir son identité avec certitude [ 4]. Michael Nestor, Liz Thompson, Richard Tierney et Geoffrey Wharton sont les dernières personnes à avoir quitté le restaurant avant l'impact du vol AA 11, à 8 h 46 [ 5]. De plus, Larry Silverstein, propriétaire du bail du World Trade Center, avait pour habitude de prendre son petit déjeuner au Windows on the World mais ne fut pas présent ce jour-là, sa femme insistant pour qu'il se rende à un rendez-vous chez son dermatologue [ 6]. Postérité [ modifier | modifier le code] Le 4 janvier 2006, les survivants du personnel du Windows on the World ont ouvert, en hommage à leurs collègues disparus, un restaurant coopératif du nom de « Colors », toujours à New York, dont le menu se veut représentatif de la diversité des membres de l'ancienne équipe. Un projet de réouverture du Windows on the World dans les derniers étages du nouveau One World Trade Center était prévu une fois la tour achevée; le restaurant devait couvrir deux étages de l'immeuble avant d'être limité à un seul niveau. Finalement, le projet est annulé le 7 mars 2011, en raison notamment d'un problème de financement [ 7]. Bibliographie [ modifier | modifier le code] 2003: Windows on the World, roman de Frédéric Beigbeder, racontant l'histoire d'un père et ses deux enfants, âgés de 7 et 9 ans, présents dans le restaurant; le roman débute peu de temps avant le crash aérien, à 8 h 29, et se termine peu après l'effondrement de la tour, à 10 h 30; 2012: The Restaurant at the End of the World, roman de Kenneth Womack, s’intéressant aux personnalités du restaurant - employés et clients - au matin du 11 septembre 2001. Notes et références [ modifier | modifier le code] ↑ (en) Howard G. Goldberg, « Windows on the World, The wine community's true north », sur Wine News. ↑ (en) « Risk Waters Group releases a list of missing staff & companies thought to have had delegates at our conference in the World Trade Center. », Risk Waters Group, 16 octobre 2001. ↑ (en) « 'We need to find a safe haven, ' WTC restaurant manager pleads », sur USA Today, 28 août 2003 ↑ Henry Singer, 9/11: The Falling Man, documentaire télévisé, 2006. ↑ (en) Tom Leonard, « The 9/11 victims America wants to forget: The 200 jumpers who flung themselves from the Twin Towers who have been 'airbrushed from history' », sur Daily Mail, 11 septembre 2011 ↑ (en) « Larry Silverstein: Silverstein Properties », sur Daily Mail, 13 mars 2013 ↑ (en) Douglas Feiden, « Plans to build new version of Windows on the World at top of Freedom Tower are scrapped », sur New York Daily News, 7 mars 2011 Voir aussi [ modifier | modifier le code] Articles connexes [ modifier | modifier le code] World Trade Center Liens externes [ modifier | modifier le code] L'ancien site web du restaurant (versions archivées par Internet Archive): Avant sa destruction Après sa destruction.

Windows on the World Download movie page. Windows in this language is ramen. The updated version has tags how tf do i see the videos? One doesnt work and the other sends me to a page. Windows on the world download movie app. Ive got a great idea lets blow up the moon 🌒 just to see if we really are powerful creatures. Windows on the world download movie free. Windows on the world download movies.


Watch Windows on the World Movie Online Free Download. Windows on the World Download movie page imdb. This was in a different time, before people crusaded for political views, when people were not triggered over “sexism”, before people thought they could chose their race, when people were not treating the president as a threat, and is mostly began when these buildings were destroyed. Windows on the World Download movie. I couldn't care less about global warming in the face of the total toxification of the total environment. Every time I hear that phrase without specifics of other related more pressing problems I know someone is trying to control and exploit me. Anybody with real concerns about the environment should search Derek Jenson (End Game is a good place to start. Climate notwithstanding the news/outlook isn't good.

I do believe the Awakening is happening right now in our era regardless of our different positions re politics, religion, etc etc. The paramount issue is WHY WE have allowed this to happen and how deep/far and wide, we as humans have succumbed to this manipulation because of affluence and power domineering our every has to stop.

God bless your dad, and or the other Innocents who perished

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Windows on the World, New York City --- Reservations: 212-524-7011.

Following the money will lead you to the fossil fuel industry. Why else have such a response to the fact of man made climate change that almost parallels that of extreme religious fervor? The money argument makes no sense at all. Only played at movie festivals at this time (unfortunately) Windows on the World is a great movie that will appeal to many of us. It is well written, new in perspective and very moving.
Along with Burning, it is the best movie that I have watched so far this year. Still cant believe this is 18 years ago. I was 12 and just coming back from school in manchester uk and remember coming home and this was on the tv. RIP TO EVERYONE AFFECT ON THAT DAY.

Windows on the world download movie mac. Windows on the World Restaurant information Established April 19, 1976 Closed September 11, 2001 (destroyed in September 11 attacks) Previous owner(s) David Emil Head chef Michael Lomonaco Street address 1 World Trade Center, 107th Floor, Manhattan, New York City, NY, U. S. City New York City, New York Postal/ZIP Code 10048 Country United States of America Seating capacity 240 Website Windows on the World was a complex of venues on the top floors (106th and 107th) of the North Tower (Building One) of the original World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. It included a restaurant called Windows on the World, a smaller restaurant called Wild Blue, a bar called The Greatest Bar on Earth, and rooms for private functions. Developed by restaurateur Joe Baum and designed initially by Warren Platner, Windows on the World occupied 50, 000 square feet (4, 600 m²) of space in the North Tower. The restaurants opened on April 19, 1976, and were destroyed in the September 11, 2001, attacks. [1] Operations [ edit] Interior of Windows on the World on November 4, 1999 The main dining room faced north and east, allowing guests to look out onto the skyline of Manhattan. The dress code required jackets for men and was strictly enforced; a man who arrived with a reservation but without a jacket was seated at the bar. The restaurant offered jackets that were loaned to the patrons so they could eat in the main dining room. [2] A more intimate dining room, Wild Blue, was located on the south side of the restaurant. The bar extended along the south side of 1 World Trade Center as well as the corner over part of the east side. Looking out from the bar through the full length windows, one could see views of the southern tip of Manhattan, where the Hudson and East Rivers meet. In addition, one could see the Liberty State Park with Ellis Island and Staten Island with the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. The kitchens, utility and conference spaces for the restaurant were located on the 106th floor. Windows on the World closed after the 1993 bombing, in which employee Wilfredo Mercado was killed while checking in deliveries in the building's underground garage. It underwent a US$25 million renovation and reopened in 1996. [3] [4] In 2000, its final full year of operation, it reported revenues of US$37 million, making it the highest-grossing restaurant in the United States. [5] The executive chefs of Windows on the World included Philippe Feret of Brasserie Julien; the last chef was Michael Lomonaco. September 11 attacks [ edit] Windows on the World was destroyed when the North Tower collapsed during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. That morning, the restaurant was hosting regular breakfast patrons and the Risk Waters Financial Technology Congress. [6] World Trade Center lessor Larry Silverstein was regularly holding breakfast meetings in Windows on the World with tenants as part of his recent acquisition of the Twin Towers from the Port Authority, and was scheduled to be in the restaurant on the morning of the attacks. However, his wife insisted he go to a dermatologist's appointment that morning, [7] whereby he avoided death. Everyone present in the restaurant when American Airlines Flight 11 penetrated the North Tower perished that day, as all means of escape and evacuation (including the stairwells and elevators leading to below the impact zone) were instantly cut off. Victims trapped in Windows on the World died either from smoke inhalation from the fire, jumping or falling from the building to their deaths, or the eventual collapse of the North Tower 102 minutes later. There were 72 restaurant staff present in the restaurant, including acting manager Christine Anne Olender, whose desperate calls to Port Authority police represented the restaurant's final communications. [8] 16 Incisive Media -Risk Waters Group employees, and 76 other guests/contractors were also present. [9] After about 9:40 AM, no further distress calls from the restaurant were made. The last people to leave the restaurant before Flight 11 collided with the North Tower at 8:46 AM were Michael Nestor, Liz Thompson, Geoffrey Wharton, and Richard Tierney. They departed at 8:44 AM and survived the attack. [10] Critical review [ edit] In its last iteration, Windows on the World received mixed reviews. Ruth Reichl, a New York Times food critic, said in December 1996 that "nobody will ever go to Windows on the World just to eat, but even the fussiest food person can now be content dining at one of New York's favorite tourist destinations. " She gave the restaurant two out of four stars, signifying a "very good" quality rather than "excellent" (three stars) or "extraordinary" (four stars). [11] In his 2009 book Appetite, William Grimes wrote that "At Windows, New York was the main course. " [12] In 2014, Ryan Sutton of compared the now-destroyed restaurant's cuisine to that of its replacement, One World Observatory. He stated, "Windows helped usher in a new era of captive audience dining in that the restaurant was a destination in itself, rather than a lazy byproduct of the vital institution it resided in. " [13] Cultural impact and legacy [ edit] Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund was organized soon after the attacks to provide support and services to the families of those in the food, beverage, and hospitality industries who had been killed on September 11 in the World Trade Center. Windows on the World executive chef Michael Lomonaco and owner-operator David Emil were among the founders of that fund. It has been speculated that The Falling Man, a famous photograph of a man dressed in white falling headfirst on September 11, was an employee at Windows on the World. Although his identity has never been conclusively established, he was believed to be Jonathan Briley, an audio technician at the restaurant. [14] On March 30, 2005, the novel Windows on the World, by Frédéric Beigbeder, was released. The novel focuses on two brothers, aged 7 and 9 years, who are in the restaurant with their dad Carthew Yorsten. The novel starts at 8:29 AM (just before the plane hits the tower) and tells about every event on every following minute, ending at 10:30 AM, just after the collapse. Published in 2012, Kenneth Womack 's novel The Restaurant at the End of the World offers a fictive recreation of the lives of the staff and visitors at the Windows on the World complex on the morning of September 11. On January 4, 2006, a number of former Windows on the World staff opened Colors, a co-operative restaurant in Manhattan that serves as a tribute to their colleagues and whose menu reflects the diversity of the former Windows' staff. That original restaurant closed, but its founders' umbrella organization, Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, continues its mission, including at Colors restaurants in New York and other cities. Windows on the World was planned to reopen on the top floors of the new One World Trade Center, when the tower completed; however, on March 7, 2011, it was cancelled because of cost concerns and other troubles finding support for the project. [15] But successors of Windows on the World, One Dine, One Mix and One Cafe, are located at One World Observatory. [16] See also [ edit] List of tenants in One World Trade Center Top of the World Trade Center Observatories References [ edit] ^ "Trade Center to Let Public In for Lunch At Roof Restaurant". New York Times. April 16, 1976. Retrieved October 15, 2009. ^ Chong, Ping. The East/West Quartet. p. 143. ^ "New Windows on a New World;Can the Food Ever Match the View? ". The New York Times. June 19, 1996. Retrieved May 18, 2018. ^ "Windows That Rose So Close To the Sun". September 19, 2001. Retrieved May 18, 2018. ^ The Wine News Magazine Archived 2012-02-20 at the Wayback Machine ^ "Risk Waters Group World Trade Center Appeal". ^ "Larry Silverstein: Silverstein Properties". New York Observer. Archived from the original on October 2, 2013. Retrieved April 2, 2013. ^ " ' We need to find a safe haven, ' WTC restaurant manager pleads". USA Today. August 28, 2003. Archived from the original on October 23, 2012. Retrieved June 26, 2014. ^ "Risk Waters Group archived home page". Archived from the original on August 2, 2002. ^ "9/11: Distant voices, still lives (part one)". The Guardian. London. August 18, 2002. Retrieved September 17, 2015. ^ Reichl, Ruth (December 31, 1997). "Restaurants; Food That's Nearly Worthy of the View". ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved February 22, 2018. ^ Grimes, William (October 13, 2009). Appetite City: A Culinary History of New York. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. p. 281. ISBN 978-1-42999-027-1. ^ Sutton, Ryan (June 30, 2015). "Everything You Need to Know About Dining at One World Trade". Eater NY. Retrieved February 22, 2018. ^ Henry Singer (director) (2006). 9/11: The Falling Man (Documentary). Channel 4. ^ Feiden, Douglas (March 7, 2011). "Plans to build new version of Windows on the World at top of Freedom Tower are scrapped". Daily News. New York. ^ "One Dine". One World Observatory. External links [ edit] Windows on the World (Archive) Archived snapshot of the former WotW website, August 2, 2002 Last pre-9/11 archived snapshot of the former WotW website, February 1, 2001 v t e World Trade Center First WTC (1973–2001) Construction Towers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Windows on the World Mall The Bathtub Tenants Art Bent Propeller The Sphere The World Trade Center Tapestry World Trade Center Plaza Sculpture Ideogram Sky Gate, New York Major events February 13, 1975, fire February 26, 1993, bombing January 14, 1998, robbery September 11, 2001, attacks Collapse Timeline Victims Aftermath Rescue and recovery effort NIST report on collapse Deutsche Bank Building St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Second WTC (2001–present) Site, towers, and structures One Performing Arts Center Vehicular Security Center Liberty Park Westfield Mall Artwork ( ONE: Union of the Senses) Rapid transit PATH stations Transportation Hub New York City Subway stations Chambers Street–WTC/Park Place/Cortlandt Street ( 2, ​ 3 ​, A, ​ C, ​ E ​, ​ N, ​ R, and ​ W trains) WTC Cortlandt ( 1 train) Fulton Street ( 2, ​ 3 ​, 4, ​ 5 ​, A, ​ C ​, J, and ​ Z trains) Fulton Center Corbin Building Dey Street Passageway 9/11 memorials 9/11 Tribute Museum National September 11 Memorial & Museum Competition Memory Foundations Tribute in Light America's Response Monument Empty Sky To the Struggle Against World Terrorism Postcards memorial The Rising memorial Relics from original WTC Cross Survivors' Staircase People Minoru Yamasaki Emery Roth & Sons Larry Silverstein Austin J. Tobin David Childs Michael Arad THINK Team Daniel Libeskind Leslie E. Robertson Other Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Silverstein Properties Park51 Project Rebirth Take Back The Memorial West Street pedestrian bridges In popular culture Film Music 9/11-related media Featuring One WTC Silver dollar 10048 ZIP code Former: IFC Former: Twin Towers 2 Brookfield Place 200 Liberty Street 225 Liberty Street 200 Vesey Street 250 Vesey Street Winter Garden Atrium New York Mercantile Exchange.

Windows on the World Download. Now that the climate change hoax has been exposed, should governments cut fuel duty, and stop trying to peddle electric cars. When Formula One starts using electric cars, it might be time to consider one. Alarms were there when the twin towers we're hit god blessed gods Childerns rip.

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Windows on the World is an engaging film that captures viewers attention and relates the reality of millions of immigrants living in the U.S. It is a must watch. Unfortunately the restaurant closed recently. They have resigned but still on the payroll. Windows on the world download movie tv. Windows on the world download movie 2016. Hello dear Andres Barilla!   I am your subscriber and I would like to ask you some questions. I hope you answer me! 1. Have you worked in the North Tower of the World Trade Center? if so, by whom? 2. If you worked there, in what year did you get a job there? 3. How long do you think you worked there before 9/11? how did you survive?   These questions torment me, and I would be very happy if you answered me. Good luck.

Amazing. Windows on the World Download movie database. This song plays everyday at a company called Tuesday Morning. Only one I like really. Wish I could have gone to window on the world someday, such a shame, classy beautiful restaurant and RIP to everyone who died there. Burn in hell to the evil attackes. Windows on the World Download movies. Extinction Rebellion = controlled by mi5 mi6 ect lol middle classes getting ripped off, mind and money. Windows on the world download movie torrent.


Disagreed with much of what he said and reeked of clerico-fascism but would uphold his right to say it. Same tired old, idolatrous Mariolatry being spouted as the official Catholic church. Mary is not the mediator between man and God, Jesus Christ is. Salvation is by faith alone in Christ's Finished Work alone. Windows on the world download movie trailer. Windows on the world download movie list. I hate looking at the view down towards the street because I remember the people falling, how horrified they must have been 💔 may we never forget ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸. Glad to hear from Piers Corbyn again! 👍.

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Windows on the World Download movie reviews

The layout was designed to give guests a sense of privacy despite the 350-seat capacity of the restaurant. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Baum+Whiteman International Restaurant Consultants and Dennis Sweeney On Sept. 11, 2001, 79 workers lost their lives to the terrorist attack. The layout was designed to give guests a sense of privacy despite the 350-seat capacity of the restaurant. Photo Credit: NYPD In “The Most Spectacular Restaurant in the World” — a new soup-to-nuts history of Windows on the World — one bittersweet recollection involves cases of Champagne. The bubbly was to be served at the silver anniversary of the glorious dining destination atop the North Tower of the World Trade Center, where guests ascended to feast, particularly on the jaw-dropping views of Manhattan and beyond. “The restaurant was going to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary with a big event, ” author Tom Roston writes, with “500 cases of Veuve Clicquot, specially bottled for the restaurant…” The labels for the occasion read: WINDOWS ON THE WORLD, 1976-2001. In retrospect, the words send an eerie chill. Guy Tozzoli, center, who oversaw construction of the World Trade Center, enjoys a meal at Windows on the World in 1976. Serving Tozzoli and his guest is Captain Claudette Fournier. Photo Credit: Claudette Fournier “The party never happened, of course, ” Roston tells amNewYork. “The bottles survived. ” On 9/11, 79 workers at Windows on the World did not survive, lives lost to the terrorist attack. Roston’s crisply written, deeply researched work opens a wide window to the famous sky-high eatery, reaching back to its conception, while simultaneously taking stock of what the restaurant meant to New York City. “It’s not necessarily a 9/11 book, but Windows on the World attains this beyond-iconic status because of the tragic way it ended, ” says life-long New Yorker Roston, who was a kid on the Upper West Side when Windows opened in 1976. “I wanted to tell the story of an incredible restaurant. ” And he does, starting with its visionary creator Joe Baum, of Four Seasons fame, a “celebrated restaurateur who was said to be the only man who could outspend an unlimited budget, ” according to the book. The book recalls and interviews a who’s who of foodies. When Windows on the World — a complex of venues on the top two floors (106th and 107th) — opened on April 19, 1976, the price tag was a soaring $14 million, Roston reports. It wasn’t a time to think small, says one restaurant insider. “Windows was so successful in so many ways, ” says New York- and Los Angeles-based restaurant consultant Clark Wolf. “It was all about the wow, and without question, that was necessary at the time. “New York was in bad shape in the 1970s, ” Wolf adds. “To turn that around wouldn’t take small steps. It was going to take something big. Windows was big. And glitzy. And sparkly. And it worked hard to stay big. ” High in the sky, the restaurant became a shining symbol of how NYC could rise — even during the ’70s, when the city was infested by crime, filth and lousy leadership. In short order, the restaurant became a magnet for power players of every stripe — business, politics, showbiz. Among the celebrity sightings: Mick Jagger, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Andy Warhol and Cher, writes Roston, who considers an anecdote involving the tongue-wagging rockers of KISS a telling favorite. They were shown the door after doodling on a table cloth. “That defines Windows on the World, ” says Roston. “From the top down, details mattered, whether it was the lightness of the croissants or the pristine table cloths. ” Mere mortals, not just celebs, made Windows their celebration destination — for birthdays, anniversaries, bar mitzvahs. And even if the food — which evolved from baroque dishes like aspic to farm-to-table fresh ingredients over the restaurant’s life — didn’t always ascend to the splendor of the cloud-hugging views, it was always an experience. “Restaurants have their own personality, ” says chef and restaurateur Michael Lomonaco, a former cab driver-turned a-list chef who stepped up to the stove and turned around the Windows kitchen in the late ‘90s and, thanks to running a personal errand, eluded death on 9/11. “Restaurants are a living thing made up of all of the people who bring it to life every day, ” adds Lomonaco, currently chef-partner at Porter House Bar and Grill and Hudson Yards Grill. “And that includes the guests. Windows drew people from around the world to the top of the greatest city in the world. “The story of Windows on the World takes us through some of the best and worst days in New York, ” he continues. “And the worst day our nation will ever see. I’m very happy that someone has realized the impact that Windows had on New York City. ” Eighteen years after 9/11, Roston says whenever he “looks at the bottom of Manhattan, ” he sees “the absence. It’s so important not to forget. Not just how `it all ended but what happened before — and after. The story of Windows on the World is, to me, ” he adds, “the story of how New York endures. ” Author Tom Roston will discuss his book on Sept. 16 at Rizzoli Bookstore, 1133 Broadway from 6-8 PM.

Windows on the World, despite the fact that it takes place in the weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, is a film that is urgently for our time. It is a hero's journey of a son trying to find his father in that grief-stricken landscape and the characters stand in for the millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, who contribute in their everyday lives, to the American landscape. The film seeks to counter the narrative that's all-too-prevalent in today's political and media landscape by telling a story set in America's biggest and most diverse city, at its darkest time. The script by playwright and novelist Robert Mailer Anderson (who also produced the film) is wise and completely engaging; he creates indelible characters who are ultimately inspiring and uplifting. Edward James Olmos gives what he considers to be the performance of a lifetime, and the rest of the cast is terrific as well-with a special shout-out to Glynn Turman. The direction, by Olmos's son Michael, is sure-handed, getting terrific performances from his cast, including his father, in this father-son story, and it's beautifully lensed. The music, including jazz and a title track written by Anderson, is pitch-perfect, supporting the story without getting in the way. This film should be seen by everybody-and I'm sure it will be in mainstream distribution soon, as this is a time when, although the major studios may have turned their backs on substance, terrific indie films like this one have many other possible venues. If you can't see it at a film festival, like I did, keep a keen eye out for it. Terrific and inspiring.



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㆗Solar Movies㆙ Windows on the World Download Movie