Ameba Ownd


takujikaku's Ownd

Tenki No Ko K2S

2020.03.28 05:56






Makoto Shinkai

directors=Makoto Shinkai

synopsis=Tenki no ko is a movie starring Kotaro Daigo, Nana Mori, and Shun Oguri. A high-school boy who has run away to Tokyo befriends a girl who appears to be able to manipulate the weather


actor=Nana Mori

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot. How to recreate the movie 0:00 normal volume 3:50 +1 volume 4:18 another +1 4:45 +1 again Enjoy.

Why do I get goosebumps to this song everytime? so precious. Tenki no ko blu ray. I finished clannad clannad after ylia,anohana,silent voice,grave of fireflies in 1 week. i know its just an anime but hey sometimes i wanna die. Saw it in japan. hope hollywood won't touch this one. All 1.1K dislikes are from Muzan, the demonic Michael Jackson. ANIME OF THE DECADE. Tenki no ko torrent. Kimi no nawa in my mind is a solid 9, and weathering with you is a solid 8, its still great but there are some things which irritates me and makes me just go "why. just. WHY. some HUGE spoilers are ahead though ill be as vague as i can
The Story (huge spoilers. br> its good i tell you, the simplest backstory i can give is that the main character story are similar, trying very hard to live & survive in tokyo
but there is a huge, i mean HUUGE foreshadowing early on, and somewhere in the middle, there is another foreshadowing/explanation which IMO kills the element of surprise/twist, when the characters met for the second time she didnt hide her skill, she just shows it to him & he understands because of the huge foreshadowing early on.

moving on to the next bit
because of what both of them did, some stuff happens and after she was told by another character about something then she told him that "something" is happening to her
reaching the climax of the story, he confesses to her, she ask his wish, she granted his wish but he changes his mind and blame himself for that "wish" and try to "turn things back as it were"
oh also i should mention that this movie plays a lot with morals during the climax, and its that bit which plays with your emotion
its very good and there are lots of attention to detail
but still, because the setting is on a capital city, there is not much creative freedom before it doesnt look like a capital city, unlike your name, which has more freedom because countryside, and the setting/weather, i know right, very obvious) most of the time its gloomy and rainy but it fits the theme for most part of the movie (again obvious)
one thing i hate the most is the cut to black with a "long" interval, because it tends to switch a scene which is bright AF without any fading, its blinding
i like it, but then again its personal opinion by this point, it fits the "gloomy&rainy" style of the movie but your name OST is better & more memorable IMO, sound design in pretty much excellent as i cant really see a flaw in it, like the visuals, there are lots of attention to detail
final thoughts:
its a solid movie, the ending is pretty much a clear happy ending romance wise but a huge "ummm" for the consequences to get that happy ending and its kinda depressing but the side characters tries to convice the protagonist that "the world is a crazy place" and not their fault
i kinda like this ending, its clear, not indecisive like your name,
the shots of the city near the ending is a possible worst case scenario of what could happen if we just keep doing what we are doing and do nothing to try to change the global climate.

Tenki no ko blu ray release. Look ahead (look ahead) look ahead (look ahead) and you'll see. I cried so hard when Mitsuha was gonna write her name on his hand, then the pen just, fell and she was gone. Tenki no ko bt. 29일 8시 타임 보고왔습니다. 개연성은 확실히 떨어집니다 (주변인물의 추가, 스토리텔링의 빈약) 다만 역시 이번에도 기대를 저버리지 않는 갈아넣은 작화, 신카이 마코토 특유의 운명론과 복선, 특별카메오 출연 등등 돈이 아깝지 않은 영화였습니다 당부드리고 싶은건 너무 큰 기대는 안하셨으면 좋겠습니다. 가볍게 보시면 여운을, 기대하고 보시면 실망을 얻으 실 거 같네요 p.s ost 역시 전작은 스냅샷처럼 ost가 주가 되고 스토리가 나왔다면 이번작은 ost보다는 대사를 중심으로 스토리텔링이 되다보니 ost에 대한 몰입도가 떨어질 수 있습니다. Tenki no ko cz titulky. This time we will be alright. There will be something to protect. Tenki no ko google drive. Probably one of the most interesting movies. The story was really good, this was the first time an anime movie premiered here in my country. I'm glad I got to watch this movie. I absolutely recommend to watch this movie.

I'm surprised that Your Lie in April wasn't here. Its been a long 311 month wrist grab (and pull. It started when someone walked next to a scare crow and saw it shivering. And without thinking the scare crow said: would it be possible for you to love a tiny sphere of air that longs through the ocean and accidentally bumps into a dolphin. And without thinking the person tattoos two exact shapes close together on their shoulder. The next thing that happened was a chopper flew so low that its air force sculpted the exact shape of a ford f-150 into some wide open grass plains. The helicopter pilot was rich. He smiled like Richard Hampton.

2:27 that's when everyones life has ended. Honestly I wasn't expecting many footfalls a the cinema in my city but boy I was surprised by the attendance "IT WAS F@ING HOUSEFULL"
Never thought this much people will come to watch an anime movie and they were not wannabes or 1st time anime watchers who were just AWESTRUCK WITH THAT BEAUTIFUL AND FANTASTIC know the importance of the techniques, technology,small details and hard work the people put in to make THIS MASTERPIECE.


너의 이름은이 사랑의 애틋함을 정말 잘 담아 표현했다면 날씨의 아이는 사랑하는 사람이 갖는 무게와 그 사람을 위한 선택이란 주제를 잘 표현한 것 같아요 전 둘 다 다른 매력을 가진 좋은 영화라고 생각합니다. まだ聴いてる人❗️❗️ いないか. Tenki no ko blu ray release date. I want to know if people are happy to hear this song. Best cameo moments in anime history. wish mitsuha's lasted a bit longer. Producer: How much raw emotion and feels are you going to put in this song? RADWIMPS: Yes.

Tenki no ko korean.

Fcking greatest movie i've seen this year

When they started playing grand escape i was the only one who tried to sing it little bit embarrassing but i am proud of myself. Tenki no. Imagine watching the anime while the live orchestra is playing as the back soundtrack Yes. Japan does that. Tenki no ko full movie. 億行くことを確信している人の数 ↓.

INTRODUCTION 今や、世界的に注目されるアニメーション監督・新海誠。 叙情的な男女の物語を、美しい色彩と繊細な言葉で紡ぎ出す“ 新海ワールド” は、 国内外問わず多くの人々に支持され、生み出された作品は高く評価されてきた。 そして、前作『君の名は。』から3年― 待望の最新作が、ついに始動する。 新作『天気の子』は、天候の調和が狂っていく時代に、運命に翻弄される少年と少女が自らの生き方を「選択」するストーリー。 東京にやってきた家出少年・帆高が出会った、不思議な力を持つ少女・陽菜。ふたりの恋の物語は、美しく、切なく、新たな時代を迎えるあらゆる世代、そして全世界へのメッセージとして描かれる。 声の出演として、主人公・帆高に醍醐虎汰朗、ヒロイン・陽菜に森七菜が決定。2000人を超えるオーディションの中から選ばれた二人の声に大きな注目が集まる。更には、本田翼、倍賞千恵子、小栗旬ら、まさに豪華キャスティングが実現。 そして、主題歌「愛にできることはまだあるかい」を始め、劇中全ての音楽を担当するのはRADWIMPS。今作での新たなチャレンジとして、心の機微を神秘的に歌い上げるアーティスト・三浦透子をボーカルに迎え、複数の楽曲を制作。共に紡がれた、その“詩”は、新海ワールドに、より大きな感動をもたらした。 STORY 「あの光の中に、行ってみたかった」 高1の夏。離島から家出し、東京にやってきた帆高。 しかし生活はすぐに困窮し、孤独な日々の果てにようやく見つけた仕事は、 怪しげなオカルト雑誌のライター業だった。 彼のこれからを示唆するかのように、連日降り続ける雨。 そんな中、雑踏ひしめく都会の片隅で、帆高は一人の少女に出会う。 ある事情を抱え、弟とふたりで明るくたくましく暮らすその少女・陽菜。 彼女には、不思議な能力があった。.

Finally saw it. Fantastic movie. Better then “Your name” imo. 9:36 We can figure out Mitsuhas moms name just by searching for a Japanese naming ending with suha meaning two leaves. Tenki no ko radwimps. I watched 'your name' yesterday and I couldn't stop crying 😭🥰. After I watch this movie I can't stop looping bgm and trailer. Although the story is not much good as Your Name. but it's also a incredible anime after Your Name. The bgm was appear on the right time, good sound effects and you can experience this beautiful scene same like Your Name. And... I am planning to watch it again in the cinema because it's too fantastic.

Tenki no ko watch online. After 20 minutes watched this, i feel outside already rain the whole days. Tenki no ko tickets. Tenki no ko india. Just saw this somewhere: Before listening to the song, from full volume, decrease the volume 2 times and increase it as you finish the song... Click increase volume once in mou sukoshide 2:15 And click again in yume ni bokura 2:28 Works so good in both speaker and earphones❤ i get goosebumps in both 😩😭 U should try too 😉.

Why every time I listen to this song I almost cry. a song that doesn't bore me in 2020. I saw Weathering with You before I had ever seen Your Name, and after watching the two of them (which were both AMAZING) I gotta say, I think I liked Weathering with You better.


This movie is absolutely amazing. I love how they had Mitsuha and Taki from Your Name, in this film as well. I almost cried seeing them again. Tenki no ko celebration. In this movie we have todoroki voice. I love Makoto Shinkai. Dont like this comment until you have cried and repeated this song over 10 times.

Coauthor: Sleepy Jay

Resume: Posts about life and WIP drawings are done here. Completed stuff posted on IG (at)sleepyjay94 or Tumblr. 😺 Follow me on Twitch!