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Gul Makai is an Indian biographical drama, directed by H. Khan and researched, written and screenplay by Bhaswati Chakrabarty. The film was produced by Sanjay Sangla, Preeti Vijay Jaju, Dhaval Jayantilal Gada and Aksshay Jayantilal Gada under the banners of Tekni films. And it was distributed by Pen India Limited. The film was theatrically released on 31 January 2020.
The film stars Reem Shaikh as Malala Yousafzai, Atuk Kulkarni Ziauddin Yousafzai, Divya Dutta as Toor Pekai Yousafzai, Om Puri as General Kayani, Arif Zakaria as Sufi Mohammed, Mukesh Rishi as Maulana Fazlullah, Abimanyu Singh as Hakimullah Mehsud, Pankaj Tripathi as Beitullah Mehsud, Sharib Hashmi as Ataullah Khan and Kamlesh Gill.
The film is based on true events. The film is written on the life story of Pakistani Teenager, Girl-education activist and Noble peace prize winner, Malala Yousafzai. The role of Malala Yousafzai is played by television Child actress Reem Shaikh. The movie works and impresses the audience only if the emotions in the film are right. A Biopic like this needs good emotions to make the film successful.
The music of the film by Amjad Khan with songs Amar Mohile with Background Score. The cinematographers of the film are Madhu Rao and Javed Ethesham and Edited by Praveen Angre. The film has a run time of 130 Minutes.
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और बहुत से लिबास देखे हैं, जिनके अंदर ईन्सान नही होता।. Finally. Waiting 31 jan. Download Gul malaise. ▼▼▼▼▼ ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ Director Amjad Khan.. genre Biography. 2020. Free Download Gul masai mara. Free download gul makai blog. This is actually my story 😭😭. Free download gul makai full. Please React Love Aaj Kal 2nd Song. Free download gul makai 8. This movie is so good i watched this movie twice a day😘😘. Free Download Gul maki. Free download gul makai 4. Free download gul makai song. Free download gul makai movie. Free download gul makai 6. Atleast in dis movie she is bk to her parents. Imagine how dos girls survive who doesn't hv parents support nd fighting all alone in such situations. Free Download Gul marais. Excitement level is huge for the film. Free download gul makai online. Free download gul makai 5. 🔝 Zurück nach oben Melden Sie sich an, um dieses Wort auf Ihre Merkliste zu setzen. Startseite ▻ Wörterbuch ▻ Makao ❞ Als Quelle verwenden Melden Sie sich an, um dieses Wort auf Ihre Merkliste zu setzen. Wortart INFO Substantiv, maskulin Häufigkeit INFO ▒ ░░░░ Wort mit gleicher Schreibung Makao (Substantiv, Neutrum) Rechtschreibung Info Worttrennung Ma, kao Bedeutung Info ein zu den Aras gehörender Papagei Herkunft Info Hindi-portugiesisch Grammatik Info Singular Plural Nominativ der Makao die Makaos Genitiv des Makaos der Makaos Dativ dem Makao den Makaos Akkusativ den Makao die Makaos Bibliographisches Institut GmbH, 2019 Wir verwenden Cookies für das beste Erlebnis auf unserer Seite. Weitere Informationen hier. Verstanden. Sirf SidArti real hai, o shru se ek jese hai... Rashami 🖤❤️♥️. I JUST WANT TO SAY JAI HIND. BBC: Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl. written under the pseudonym Gul Makai. (Early 2009, 7th class, aged 11. Urdu original English translation: Part 1 3 JANUARY: I AM AFRAID 4 JANUARY: I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL 5 JANUARY: DO NOT WEAR COLOURFUL DRESSES 7 JANUARY: NO FIRING OR FEAR 9 JANUARY: THE MAULANA GOES ON LEAVE? 14 JANUARY: I MAY NOT GO TO SCHOOL AGAIN 15 JANUARY: NIGHT FILLED WITH ARTILLERY FIRE Part 2 18 JANUARY: NO POLICE IN SIGHT 19 JANUARY: ARMY IN THEIR BUNKERS 22 JANUARY: VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION Part 3 24 JANUARY: NO NAMES ON THE HONOURS BOARD 26 JANUARY: HELICOPTER TOFFEES 28 JANUARY: TEARS IN THE EYES OF MY PARENTS Part 4 24 JANUARY: MAKING A GRAVE' 31 JANUARY: WHO WILL AVENGE THOSE KILLED? 2 FEBRUARY: SCHOOL CLOSED ON TALEBAN ORDERS Part 5 7 FEBRUARY: EERIE SILENCE 8 FEBRUARY: SCHOOL MEMORIES 9 FEBRUARY: PRECARIOUS 11 FEBRUARY: EXPLOSION WARNINGS 12 FEBRUARY: HEAVY SHELLING 13 FEBRUARY: FAZLULLAH CRYING 15 FEBRUARY: DON'T BE SCARED 16 FEBRUARY: REOPENING? 17 FEBRUARY: HUSTLE AND BUSTLE 18 FEBRUARY: HOPE SMASHED 19 FEBRUARY: PEACE NOT WAR Part 6. Key excerpts: 21 FEBRUARY: situation in Swat is calming down gradually. Fazlullah announced. that he is lifting the ban from female education. 22 FEBRUARY: Today we went to Mingora's 'cheena' market. shocked to see that there were only a few women there" 23 FEBRUARY: very happy knowing that I will go to school today. very sad. Four of my friends have already left and the last one is also leaving. 25 FEBRUARY: Nowadays helicopters don't appear frequently nor do we discuss much about the army and Taleban. 27 FEBRUARY: glad to see my two friends in school today. 1 MARCH: We sleep well because there is no shelling these days. 3 MARCH: heard the sound of mortar shells. scared that the peace may not last for long" 4 MARCH: The helicopters fly very low over our school. Girls called out to the soldiers and they waved back. Soldiers seem to be tired of waving now. The New York Times documentary: Class Dismissed [Video: 32 min. Summer of 2009, aged 11/12. Quote in the title of this post taken from this documentary. Here are some mirrors: The New York Times - Slow, but works. Youtube mirror Yet another mirror Pakistan mirror, but doesn't seem to work NBC News mirror - Works very smoothly, but is only the first half of the documentary. Malala's participation in UNICEF-supported 'Child Assembly' Early 2011, aged 12. Youtube - 3 min. video. BBC: After the Taliban: Swat women on changing life (Late 2011, 8th class, aged 13. Link BBC interview [Video: 2 min. End of 2011, aged 13. BBC Youtube mirror More speeches/interviews. Most of these are youtube links, sorry! 2011: Morning show interview [24 min. I think of it often and imagine the scene clearly. Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrong, that education is our basic right. As translated by The New Yorker. 2011: Malala can't hold back tears, recounting Taliban days, when giving speech as guest of CM, Punjab [4 min. 2011: CNN interview [2 min. 2011: Public speech, with dad sitting next to her. [7 min. 2011: TV report [2 min. 2009: TV interview - Part 2 of 2. Cant find part 1. Jan 2012: TV interview (hosted on Facebook. Part 1; Part 2; Part 3 [Total 18 min... Free Download Gul makijaż. Press alt. to open this menu. Great finally we can see something different in movies. waiting to watch this movie & The Manisha Koraela & Pakistani Madiha Imam👏👍☺️. Seeing the poster of the movie, i thought its about Hinterkeifeck family murder mystery lolz. Veer was eating while mother were fighting 😂😂. Free download gul makai 7. I cried my eyes out. This is so inspirational. Free Download Gul makati city. Free download gul makai. Free Download Gul malaisie. Free download gul makai full movie. Gul Makai Directed by H. E. Amjad khan Produced by Sanjay Singhla Preeti Vijay Jaju Dhaval Jayantilal Gada Aksshay Jayantilal Gada Screenplay by Bhaswati Chakrabarty Starring Reem Shaikh Atul Kulkarni Divya Dutta Om Puri Arif Zakaria Mukesh Rishi Abhimanyu Singh Pankaj Tripathi Music by Amjad Khan (Songs) Amar Mohile (Background Score) Cinematography Madhu Rao Javed Ethesham Edited by Praveen Angre Production company Tekno Films Distributed by Pen India Limited Release date 31 January 2020 Running time 130 minutes [1] Country India Language Hindi Urdu Gul Makai is a 2020 Indian biographical drama, directed by H. Amjad Khan (Goodwill Ambassador IIMSAM-UN- ECOSOC [2] and researched n written by Bhaswati Chakrabarty. [3] The film is based on the life and struggle of a Pakistani teenager, girl-education activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai. [4] Popular Indian television child actress Reem Shaikh makes her film debut, playing the lead role of Malala. [5] The film also features the late Om Puri (in his final film) Divya Dutta, Atul Kulkarni, Mukesh Rishi and Pankaj Tripathi. The film was released on 31st January 2020. [6] Produced under the banner of Tekno Films and Pen Studios, and presented by Dr. Jayantilal Gada, Gul Makai is the first Malala Yousafzai biopic to be made. Changemaker Priya Ramesh Samant is the impact advisor to this film. Plot [ edit] Gul Makai accounts the courageous journey and struggle of 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, starting from her humble upbringing in the Swat Valley in northwestern Pakistan to her becoming the champion for free education to all women. When Swat Valley was seized by Taliban gunmen in 2009 and Sharia law was imposed upon its people, Malala spoke out for the rights of girls, especially the right to receive a complete education. She started blogging on the BBC Urdu website under the pseudonym Gul Makai, against the oppression faced by them in the Swat Valley. As she continued her activism, gaining worldwide recognition and support, she was hunted down and shot by a Taliban gunman as part of the organization's violent opposition to girls' education. Cast [ edit] Reem Shaikh as Malala Yousafzai Atul Kulkarni as Ziauddin Yousafzai Divya Dutta as Toor Pekai Yousafzai Om Puri as General Kayani Arif Zakaria as Sufi Mohammed Mukesh Rishi as Maulana Fazlullah Abhimanyu Singh as Hakimullah Mehsud Pankaj Tripathi as Beitullah Mehsud Sharib Hashmi as Ataullah Khan Kamlesh Gill as the Grandmother Production [ edit] H. Amjad Khan, who is a Permanent Intergovernmental Observer to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, decided to make a film on Malala's life and struggle in 2012, right after the assassination attempt on her by Taliban gunmen. [7] He announced the film in late 2012. Then writer Bhaswati Chakrabarty, spent the next 4 years researching and writing the script. [8] To cast the right girl for the role of Malala, several hundred actresses were auditioned. Finally, the director announced a newcomer for the role, 16-year old Bangladeshi student from Dhaka named Fatima Sheikh. [9] 10] Although no photographs showing Fatima Sheikhs face or other details about her were released to ensure her safety and security, her identity got leaked. Her family started receiving threats from religious extremists, who also threw stones at their house in Dhaka. Fatima Sheikh's family decided to back out due to the pressure. The search for Malala continued and finally Indian television child actress Reem Shaikh was cast for the role of Malala. [11] Veteran Bollywood actors like Om Puri, Divya Dutta, Mukesh Rishi and Arif Zakaria were cast in other important roles. According to the director, physical resemblance with the real life person was given special consideration while casting all of the characters. [12] The film went into production in late 2016. The first schedule of the film was filmed at locations in Bhuj (Gujarat) and Mumbai. [13] The 2nd schedule of the film which was to be shot in Kashmir was deferred due to the strained circumstances there. [14] As the conditions got back to normal in Kashmir, the shoot resumed in January 2018 amidst tight security in Ganderbal district of Kashmir. [15] 16] 17] The shooting wrapped up by end of January 2018 [18] and the film has been in post-production since then. The film has been edited by the national award-winning editor, Praveen Angre. The film has gone through extensive VFX work to re-create Swat Valley landscape and war scenes between the Taliban and Pakistani Army. The background score for the film has been composed by Amar Mohile, who has also done the background scores for Bollywood films like Dilwale and Shootout at Wadala. All the songs in the film except the title song have been written and composed by the director H. Amjad Khan himself. The title song has been written by Bhaswati Chakrabarty. References [ edit] "Gul Makai (2019. British Board of Film Classification. Retrieved 29 January 2020. ^ Jan 10, Mumbai Mirror, Updated; 2019; Ist, 10:23. "United Nations organises special screening of Malala Yousafzai biopic. Mumbai Mirror. Retrieved 31 August 2019. ^ The film chronicles the journey of Malala (Yousafzai. Gul Makai' director Amjad Khan - Republic World. Republic World. Retrieved 2 July 2018. ^ Malala Yousafzai biopic 'Gul Makai' being shot in Kashmir - Times of India. The Times of India. ^ TV actress Reem to play Malala Yousafzai in Amjad Khan's GUL MAKAI. ^ Malala Yousafzai's biopic 'Gul Makai' to release on January 31. Retrieved 20 December 2019... Radio Mullah' sent hit squad after Malala Yousafzai, The Express Tribune. The Express Tribune. 12 October 2012. ^ Mncvideo. "Director Amjad Khan And Producer Sanjay Singla On Gul Makai, Biopic On. ^ Bangladeshi student Fatima Sheikh to play the role of Pakistani. The Independent. ^ India, Press Trust of (31 May 2013. Amjad Khan ropes in Bangladeshi girl to play Malala Yousufzai. Business Standard India. ^ TV Child Actor Reem Sheikh to Play Malala Yousafzai in 'Gul Makai. The Quint. ^ Desk, Entertainment (2 September 2017. Gul Makai's First Poster Has Reem Shaikh Bearing A Strong Resemblance With Malala Yousafzai. ^ Shooting of 'Gul Makai' biopic on Malala resumes in September. ^ The filming of Malala Yousafzai's biopic to resume from September. 8 August 2017. ^ The Quint (19 January 2018) Malala Yousafzai's Biopic 'Gul Makai' Being Shot in Ganderbal, J&K, The Quint, retrieved 1 July 2018 ^ WION (16 January 2018. Gul Makai' A biopic film on the life of Pakistani activist and Nobel laureate, Malala Yousafzai, retrieved 1 July 2018 ^ Bollywood recreates Malala's Swat valley at Sindh valley near Sonamarg - The Sunday Guardian Live. The Sunday Guardian Live. 13 January 2018. ^ Poster of Malala Yousafzai's biopic 'Gul Makai' unveiled, The Express Tribune. 3 September 2017. Retrieved 1 July 2018. External links [ edit] Gul Makai on IMDb Gul Makai at Bollywood Hungama Gul Makai at Rotten Tomatoes. This trailer gave me goosebumps, Sach main Zindagi Tamasha h This make my eyes wet... Free download gul makai games. Avneet is bestest. Free download gul makai 2017. Impressionnant. Vraiment du très bon travail. Free download gul makai 1. Free download gul makai beach. Free download gul makai episode 1. Gul Makai Times Of India's Rating 1. 5/5 avg. users' rating 4. 4/5 Rate Movie Cast: Reem Shaikh, Atul Kulkarni, Divya Dutta, Om Puri, Mukesh Rishi, Abhimanyu Singh Direction: H. Amjad Khan Genre: Drama Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes Gul Makai Movie Review Filmfare Times Of India critic's rating: 2. 0/5 Nobel prize winner Malala Yousafzai. at 14 she was she was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. survived an attack on her life and emerged as a stronger voice of dissent against the forces of Taliban. The Swat Valley in North-Western Pakistan where she lived was totally under the yoke of the Taliban who were dead against a secular education for girls. Malala blogged for the BBC Urdu service under the pseudonym Gul Makai, the name of a heroine from a Pashtun folk tale. In 2012 a militant boarded her school bus and opened fire, wounding her as well as two of her friends. She was taken to a military hospital and was later flown to Birmingham for further treatment. The timely action saved her life. Hers is an inspiring life indeed and kudos to director H. Amjad Khan for attempting to showcase it. His heart certainly was in the right place when he started the project. It went through a severe development hell and took many years in the making and as a result the end product is a disjointed piece of work. Attention to detail was sorely missing. For instance, in a scene where textbooks were being burnt by the militants one could see that they were of Navneet Publications. How hard was it to acquire some genuine Pakistani textbooks? Some characters speak with a distinct Marathi accent and even look like they belong to Maharashtra police rather than being members of the Pakistani army. Instead of making a film about a sensitive girl the director has chosen to give it a masala potboiler treatment. The terrorists lurk around carrying huge guns like B movie villains killing anyone they dislike on a whim. And the whole counter strike by the Pakistani army gets so much glorification that you feel like you're watching a war film. It's Uri part two but with Pak army as the hero. We're sure that wasn't the director's intention. After you get over the shock of inadvertently watching a war film under the guise of watching a Nobel Laureate's biopic, you spare a thought towards Atul Kulkarni and Divya Dutta, two eternally professional actors having the ability to rise above insipid scripts. They play Malala's father and mother and have given the film everything they have got and more. The scene where they break down hearing news of an attack on her gets to you. Newcomer Reem Shaikh tries hard to become Malala but the effort shows. There is a clip from a speech by the real Malala at the end credits which offers more impact about education of girls worldwide than this two hour film because it showed a person's burning desire to bring about a change. Sadly that intensity was absent in this popcorn version of events. Trailer: Gul Makai Pallabi Dey Purkayastha, January 31, 2020, 12:14 AM IST critic's rating: 1. 5/5 STORY: ‘Gul Makai chronicles the life and struggles of Pakistani Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, leading up to her notorious shooting in the hands of Taliban on October 9, 2012. REVIEW: Born in a small hamlet named Mingora, near the beautiful Swat valley of Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai (Reem Shaikh) has been academically inclined from a tender age. But, despite her father Ziauddin Yousafzais (Atul Kulkarni) unwavering faith in her and his community, their world comes crumbling down when the anti-education extremist group, Taliban, hijacks their otherwise peaceful valley and puts an indefinite ban on education for the girl child. The mood of ‘Gul Makai is focused on the brutality that the local town-dwellers were subjected to during the Taliban occupation of Swat. Its tonality emphasises on one little girls unabashed and unquenchable thirst to acquire knowledge – not just for her own sake, but for every other girl child around her. True, the subject of this biographical piece is fascinating but, H. E Amjad Khans approach towards the same does not translate onto the big screen. For one, the narrative is messy from the word go and although Khan tries to juxtaposition Malalas inner turmoil with the war waged by the Talibans, he ends up concocting a story that is half-baked, and riddled with glaring flaws and discrepancies. And, barring seasoned actors Atul Kulkarni and Divya Dutta, the star cast (including the protagonist) has failed to deliver believable performances. In fact, Reems version of Malala neither renders a cathartic experience for its viewers, nor does it evoke any sense of real emotions. Also, the background score is a replica of the 80s war films in a not-so-flattering way and the haphazard writing goes on for 132 minutes, making ‘Gul Makai a tedious watch. It is quite disappointing that the film does not mention any of the controversies Malala has courted along the way, which is hard to overlook given the fact that the film is biographical in nature. ‘Gul Makai could have been a very strong story, but the initial spark fizzles out when translated on screen; the takeaway here is close to nothing. Pr Malala hindu girls pr nhi bolti hi😡😡😡. Perfect laughter package. Avneet best hai and beautiful hai 🥰. Very good. 😠😈👿👿👹👺👺👺👻👾👾🙉👦👨👨👩👩🙈🙉🙉🙈🙈🙈🙉🙉🌌🌁🌄🌆🌆🌅🌄🌄🏸🏸🏑🚮🐵🐒🐶. Only 1-10 (half) episodes are steaming. what the. Very very very very very very super super super duper duper 👌 👌 amazing very nice lovely movie 😍😍😍😍😍😍👌 nitin you are the best. Free download gul makai movies. And then Pak Army saved the swat valley 💘🇵🇰 #shukriyapakarmy Can never forget their sacrifices ♥️ sab shuhada ko salam 🇵🇰💘. I am proud of Malala Youfazai for such a brave and courageous work. Free Download Gul making. Free download gul makai 2. Imagine Salman Khan going to court after sonakshi's petition on thapar see daar nehi lagta. Free download gul makai 3. Free Download Gul makai. Just For old Days Doordarshan. Who loves nithin ♥️♥️. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up 1 1 Posted by 15 days ago comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/sairadm03 Karma 1 Cake day January 17, 2020 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved. Free download gul makai songs. Free Download Gul marais poitevin. When does this come out? i couldn't find any info on it. Omg karan has bought the movie now the movie will going to flop 😂😂😂😭. Un sab ki frndship bht achi hai. 1 1 Posted by 13 hours ago gul makai movie download Click Here: DOWNLOAD NOW comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/Piyush8090 Karma 1 Cake day January 6, 2020 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. Free Download Gul malaise. Loving the FEEL everytime I watch it. ♥️. Free download gul makai 9. Quran ( 8:17. And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. Quran (9/111. 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- Correspondent: An Nguyen
- Bio: I like weight lifting and reading.