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Coauthor: Scott R Charney
Genres Documentary 95 Minutes Countries USA Audience score 70 Vote Ofra Bloch 2018. Very awesome. Lyrics to sing along: Zi zi hua, bai hua ban Luo zai wo lan se bai zhe ju shang Ai, ni, ni qing shen shuo Wo di xia tou, wen jie yi jen fen fang Na ge yong hen de yea wan Shi qi shui xong xiao Ni wen wo de, na ge yea wan Rang wo wang hou de shi guang Ni dou ru he hui yi wo Dai zhe xiao huo shi hen je muo Zhe xie nian lai You mei you, ren neng rang ni bu ji muo Hou lai, wo zong suan xue hui le, Ru he qu ai ke qing Zhao yi yuen qu, xiao shi zai ren hai Hou lai, zong yue zai yien lei zhong, ming bai You xie ren, yi dan chuo guo jiu bu zai Zai zhe xiang si de shen yea li Ni shi fou yi yang Yea zai jin jin jue hui dang shang Ru guo dang shi wo men neng Bu na me jue jiao Xian zai ye, bu na me yi hai Ni ru he hui yi wo Ni chuo shi hen je muo Zhe xie nian lai You mei you, ren neng rang ni bu ji muo Hou lai, wo zong suan xue hui le, Ru he qu ai ke qing Zhao yi yuen qu, xiao shi zai ren hai Hou lai, zong yue zai yien lei zhong, ming bai You xie ren, yi dan chuo guo jiu bu zai Hou lai, wo zong suan xue hui le, Ru he qu ai ke qing Zhao yi yuen qu, xiao shi zai ren hai Hou lai, zong yue zai yien lei zhong, ming bai You xie ren, yi dan chuo guo jiu bu zai Mei dang you gan tang Zong xiang qi, dang tian de xing guang Na shi hou, de ai qing Wei shen me jiu neng na yang jian dan Er you shi wei shen me Ren nian shao shi Yi ding yao rang shen ai de ren shou shang Dai zhe xiao huo shi hen je muo Zhe xie nian lai You mei you, ren neng rang ni bu ji muo Hou lai, wo zong suan xue hui le, Ru he qu ai ke qing Zhao yi yuen qu, xiao shi zai ren hai Hou lai, zong yue zai yien lei zhong, ming bai You xie ren, yi dan chuo guo jiu bu zai Yong, yuen bu, hui zai chou lai You yi ge nan hai, ai jiu, na ge nu hai.
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Not a huge Kristen Stewart fan. I do like the concept
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Dont blame the campaign... the American people are programmed to believe we dont deserve better
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Enough of the femdom movies for Goodness' sakes
The trailer doesn't give a justice for this movie. its one of the best top 10 Christmas movies of all time.
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