∑Hindi She's Missing Movie Watch
She s Missing Rated 9.5 / 10 based on 623 reviews.
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release Year=2019
1hours, 40 Minutes
rating=176 votes
writer=Alexandra McGuinness
When her best friend goes missing at a rodeo, Heidi goes on a search across the desert, digging up secrets and encountering the violence of life on the road
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This is a hard film to review as it is both entrancing and mesmerising in its use of music and visuals but it ultimately disappoints and becomes another artsy fartsy vanity project and disappears up its own hosepipe!
Started off well and has the amazingly talented Lucy Fry doing her thing; always a delight but it just does not seem to know what it is all about. Throw in Josh Hartnett for some inexplicable reason; what was he doing in this?
The whole film evokes a Peyote/Acid trip quite well in its use of aural and visual effects and even the inexplicable acting throws the viewer into trance mode but it ultimately goes nowhere, says nothing much and leaves the viewer cold as ice. A comment on the lives of women in small town America?
I have seen a few films written and directed by women recently and if this is the standard that the #metoo movement aspire to then I think they should leave it to the men to write and direct after seeing the also lamentable Captain Marvel as this one has not got a clue how to make a movie either.
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How can a director get things so bad with such a good cast. It's the proverbial question when people go on quiz shows and clearly do not have an understanding of trivia let alone knowledge. This film shows that the director has basically seen the same film over and over again, nothing new at all and no ability.
Ooooh look, petulant, misunderstood young girls either madly dancing or sitting in a circle with other equally drugged girls angry at everything, nope never seen that before. Drama it is not, dross it is, take note Irish Film Board, parents and husband ability does not equate to all family members being talented.
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- Correspondent: Alan Lewis