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Swallow Rated 4.4 / 5 based on 946 reviews.
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- Reporter - Tal Ana
- Resume: A vida é uma sopa e eu tô de garfo
Runtime: 94Minute /
release Date: 2019 /
Hunter, a newly pregnant housewife, finds herself increasingly compelled to consume dangerous objects. As her husband and his family tighten their control over her life, she must confront the dark secret behind her new obsession /
country: USA, France /
Creator: Carlo Mirabella-Davis /
score: 3849 Vote.
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Who's here after they won the Oscar.
I watched this film because IMDb had it categorized as a horror film and the actress Haley Bennett looked like a younger Renee Zellweger and Jennifer Lawrence. It turned out to be a drama, but I wasn't disappointed. Haley Bennett is a phenomenal actress and she really did a great job on this film. Her performance in my opinion outshine her co-actors. She carried most of the weight in this film.
That being said, the film is really about a woman who was born as a result of a rape of her mother. Certainly a horrific experience for any woman, but the film isn't what most would consider a horror film in the normal sense. This is a drama, but a quirky at first, and tense drama/thriller later. I really look forward to seeing more work from Haley Bennett. She is really good.
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The movie starts with a frustrated woman who swallow all kinds of objects.
Boring garbage from beginning to end, don't watch this stinker.
The best part was the end sequence from the ladies toilet where women where coming, leaving and washing their hands for approximately 5 minutes.
That maybe give you a clue about how interesting this movie is.
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What a perfect combination of beautiful voices! And this is the best movie of 2018 i think. It will get an Oscar for sure.
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This movie has potential but is done poorly, the first half is somewhat decent and watchable but it really goes downhill from there.
It's just boring, slow and predictable.
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