Ameba Ownd


nekonshize's Ownd

2020.04.20 04:02






ชอบมากๆๆตอนเล่นกระบี่เย้ยยุทธจักร เยิ่นเสียนฉี แสดงเป็น เล้งฮู้ชง.


Hui Bu Liao Bei Yan Mo Yi Wang Qing Shen. Laisse, ta peau contre ma peau. 4 millions de vue félicitations jenifer on t'aime fort ❤❤😘😘. I practise follo up u step by step fail... 🤔🤔. 时间过的真快,不知不觉就过去了7年,2019年还有人再听吗?. 2015/2016 les plus belles années avec PNL seule les vrai qui connaissent deja Ademo et N.o.s. This song is epic, no questions asked. though it's hard to understand because the song is written in some Shakespearean mething about a purple hairpin in the beginning.


我喜欢这个唱歌!我学中文.请问,你友同音乐吗?谢谢!(我希望是有道理的. Good job, thanks for the breakdown. Love these classic flicks and the voice overs they had. Anyone watching in 2018. Whos this by? o. Jackie Chan in my heart. @ppplll000999 by chaucer old english do you mean middle english or anglo saxon (old english. 愛している Wo ai ni. Hay ghê. I couldn't stop staring at ren😍😍.

Sofia mon cœur ! Je t'aime fooort 💍👫🥵.

Bonjour les abonnés comment ça va #👍

走在路上看著匆匆經過身旁的行人, 突然想起了這首歌. 曾經認為自己與眾不同, 現在卻迷失在茫茫人海之中. One of the best Carter Wong Classics that i can watch over and over again.👊.

  1. Columnist: Derek Winnert
  2. Biography: Derek Winnert is a leading UK film critic and author, and a member of the London Critics Circle.