ETS2MP(TruckersMP)のルールをてきとうに日本語訳してみた 2020年4月19日更新分まで
§1 - Service-wide rules (サービス全体の規約)
§1.1 - Account (TMPアカウントについて)
You are responsible for your own account. When rules are being broken, we will punish the account that broke them, no matter who was playing at that time.
§1.2 - Ban Evading (BANの回避について)
Creating or using another account to get around a temporary or permanent ban. If the evidence points that you have ban evaded, staff reserve the right to ban you again without notification. Evidence for ban evading cannot be disclosed due to it containing confidential server-side information.
§1.3 - Spamming or Abuse (スパム行為や迷惑行為について)
Using any of the report or communication systems provided on TruckersMP services inappropriately. This can include but is not limited to spamming them, reporting users multiple times with the same evidence and misusing the system for its intended purposes. Spamming forum/social posts or chat boxes with little to no content and/or useless content that adds nothing to a conversation is also classified as abuse. This can include but is not limited to the in-game chat, CB radio, horn spamming, our forum, support tickets, feedback tickets, appeals and reports.
§1.4 - Reporting users (ユーザー通報(Report)について)
Any violation of the following rules might result in a temporary or permanent ban from the web reporting system.
The evidence you provide cannot be older than 1 month.
You can not report players with evidence that has not been recorded in-game by yourself.
Spamming our report system with useless reports, reports using continuous freecam (Cam 0) to record or anything similar.
The evidence you provide us must be available for the length of the ban applied, plus one month. Evidence for permanent bans must be available forever.Any evidence you provide must not be cropped, retouched or blurred in any way that alters the evidence. Videos can only be cropped time-wise.
Evidence containing insults in the title, description or similar won't be accepted and the reporter might be banned for insulting, depending on the severity.
It is mandatory to fill in all required fields accurately when creating a report.
Blocking, Ramming and Incorrect Way reports must have video evidence.
Insulting in the text chat must be reported with the full chat open.
Ban Evading reports must contain evidence of eventual ban evading, reports cannot be made solely out of suspicion.
Asking for a staff's priority with handling a report is not permitted.
If a web-report has been declined, it's not permitted to create it again. The complaint must be addressed to the Game Moderation Management through the feedback system.
Reporting staff must be done through the feedback system.
For some basic guidelines on reporting, please refer to this article.
・無用なレポート、フリーカメラ(Cam 0)(0キーで使える自由移動カメラの事だと思われる)を使用したレポート、またはそれに類するものでスパム行為を行うこと。
・Blocking(道路を塞ぐなど)、Ramming(体当たり)、Incorrect Way(不正ルート走行)のレポートには、ビデオの証拠が必須です。
・Ban Evading(BAN回避)のレポートには、最終的な(明らかな?)BAN回避の証拠が含まれている必要があります。(疑いレベルではレポートできない)
§1.5 - Inappropriate use of language, communication and impersonation of any kind (不適切な言語の使用、コミュニケーション、およびあらゆる種類のなりすまし について)
Using insults of any sort to put another user down. This can include but is not limited to racism, discrimination, discussing/expressing (extreme) political views, illegal or inappropriate situations.
Light insults in chat such as "idiot" and "noob" are normally not punished, however, if abused they will be.
Profanity without any insult is punishable. Bans or kicks are issued at our staff's discretion.
Behaviour that is considered to be threatening towards any user of our service is not allowed.
Impersonating other users, staff members, political figures, law enforcement, leaders and authorities of any kind or acting like someone who is more superior. This can be through the way you drive, use the voice chat, your avatar, your license/interior plates, username and/or your in-game tag. Avatars, usernames and in-game tags need to be appropriate and cannot contain offensive content in any way and are not exempted from light insults. Your name must consist of only alphanumeric characters or else it will be changed by staff without notification.Linking or providing access to unsafe websites or content.
Any reference related to drugs, other illegal substances, pornographic or sexual content or otherwise illicit matters. This applies to any links posted, avatars, signatures, in-game tags, images uploaded or content written.
Sharing personal details, including links to social media accounts about other users is not allowed.
Depending on the situation, this can also apply to other services that we use to aid us within TruckersMP.
(wikipediaに「 価値観が異なる人からすると冒涜の基準が異なるため、ある行為や発言を冒涜と感じるかどうかは各個人によるものである」とあるように、感じ方には個人により異なるためだと思われる)
§1.6 - Law and piracy (法律と海賊版について)
No violation of international laws or national laws that can apply to TruckersMP is allowed.
You are not allowed to share, upload or otherwise enable software piracy using any of our platforms.
§1.7 - Backseat moderation
It is the role of our moderation staff to seek out and identify offences on our platforms while they are managing the TruckersMP community. Do not take matters into your own hands. If you see something that breaks the rules, please report the post, topic or user on the appropriate system.
§1.8 - Incitement (ルール違反への煽り・誘導について)
You are not allowed to use our platforms to provide content that encourages, assists or otherwise allows other members to break TruckersMP's rules.
§1.9 - Ambiguity (規約上の曖昧な表現について)
If, for any reason, there are ambiguous terms in the rules, or terms which could be "open to interpretation", punishments may be issued as interpreted and agreed upon by TruckersMP Management. Any ambiguity falls on the side of TruckersMP, and not individual players. If an ambiguity is reported to us, we will work to remove the ambiguity. Loopholes are treated in the same way, exploiting loopholes will be punished for in the same way as the rule you are exploiting - you should report loopholes, not exploit them.
§2 - Game only rules (ゲーム内のみのルール)
Rules marked with an Asterisk (*) do not apply on Arcade servers with 'Arc' or 'Arcade' in their title. Traffic laws and road signage must be obeyed. This means European road laws and signage must be followed in ETS2 and American road laws and signage must be followed in ATS. Failure to adhere to the respective road laws and signage could result in a punishment. Traffic lights and stop signs can be ignored if no other users are in the immediate area. Also, overtaking can be done if no other users were put in any risk. Speeding, while allowed, is not recommended. Speeding can lead to accidents and therefore factor in a punishment decision.
→つまり、ETS2 ではヨーロッパの道路法と標識が、ATS ではアメリカの道路法と標識が守られなければなりません。
§2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing - PERMANENT BAN (ハック/バグ・機能の悪用 →永久BAN)
Using any kind of tool to change gameplay, including but not limited to using the in-game console, trainers or cheat engine in order to bypass the speed limiter, to jump hack, no collision hack or anything similar. Bypassing the server-sided auto kick system via save editing. Misusing features such as ghost mode to cause damage to others while connecting to the servers.
§2.2 - Ramming* (体当たり行為について)Arcadeには非適用
Causing a collision with another player intentionally or due to negligence. Attempting to cause a collision by steering towards their vehicle.
§2.3 - Blocking* (ブロッキングについて) Arcadeには非適用
Restricting a user's travel path, blocking entrances to highways or other entry points or anything similar. Failure to use the service feature (F7+Enter) when needed might result in a punishment.
§2.4 - Incorrect Way / Inappropriate Overtaking* (不正進路/不適切な追い越しについて) Arcadeには非適用
Driving the incorrect way down a road. Overtaking or undertaking another player in an area of extremely low FPS and/or in areas with large amounts of traffic, overtaking resulting in an accident or anything similar. This also includes overtaking on any one-lane in each direction road where there is excessive traffic such as a traffic jam. Areas with a large amount of traffic are considered to be 25+ players.
§2.5 - Reckless Driving* (無謀運転について) Arcadeには非適用
Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe and that puts other players in danger, driving backwards, ignoring traffic lights and road signage, speeding, racing other users (except Tucson, Phoenix, and Södertälje (ProMods) race tracks), ignoring other players and rules. Being outside of the map boundaries, this includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. In the ProMods map it's allowed to drive on unlocked roads or paths. Attempting to use desync lag or quick saves in order to cause damage to another user's vehicle is forbidden. Using the ghost mode feature to go around traffic jams. Even if you have the right-of-way you must make reasonable efforts to avoid all collisions. Even if someone else is in the wrong, you must take actions to avoid a collision.
§2.6 - Inappropriate Convoy Management / Car Abuse* (不適切なConboyの管理・誘導/迷惑行為 について) Arcadeには非適用
Convoy pilots are not permitted to slow down, block or control traffic, acting as a moderator and otherwise abusing the pilot scheme paint job. You are not permitted to take a convoy into highly populated area intentionally. This can include (but is not limited to) Calais, Duisburg, Calais-Duisburg road or surrounding areas.
§2.7 - Event Servers (イベントサーバーについて)
All rules apply to any event server unless approved temporary rules override for a certain event.
Event server requirements can be found here.
Temporary rules for events can be found here.
§2.8 - How bans are issued (どのようにBANが適用されるかについて)
The first 3 bans issued are at Game Moderator discretion.
The 4th ban is 1 month.
The 5th ban is permanent with no chance of unban.
Any bans older than 12 months at the time of the new ban being issued are ignored, this 12 month period is the ban cooling-off period. Ban extensions are based on the active (less than 12 months old) bans at the time of expiration and will not be altered if a ban goes over the 12 month period while the ban is active. If you have at least two active history bans in your ban history, Game Moderators will extend your next ban to a permanent ban, regardless of how many bans you have had in the last year. Bans that are extended due to it being your 4th or 5th ban cannot be removed, they are strictly 1 month and permanent.
§2.9 - Bans issued by the Game Management (ゲーム管理によるBAN適用)
If the Game Management thinks that a user joins TruckersMP with the sole purpose to violate the rules, "§2.8 - How bans are issued" can be bypassed and the ban length will be at the Game Management's discretion. Further punishments can be given following attempts to copyright claim the ban evidence or anything similar. In accordance to our Terms of Service staff is allowed to re-use evidence sent in our reports. In specific cases, the Game Management reserves the right to keep ban evidence private upon review of the banned player.
・もしゲーム管理者が、プレイヤーがルールに違反するというだけ目的でTruckersMPに参加していると考えるならば、「§2.8 - How bans are issued (どのようにBANが適用されるかについて)」の部分を無視することができ、禁止の長さはゲーム管理者の裁量であるだろう。
§3 - Save Editing (セーブデータ改造について)
Causing extreme lag or game crashes by save editing is not permitted. Extreme lag will not occur from duplicate parts unless the amount is truly excessive. If you save edit to create a very long trailer combination but cannot safely handle it, you are liable to be banned for reckless driving / blocking and recommended to remove the particular mod.
§4 - Forum only rules (フォーラムのみのルール)
§5 - Disclaimer & Information (免責事項と情報)
§5.1 - Server Auto Kicks (サーバーによる自動キックについて)
Ping - If your ping is over 600ms to the server, you will be disconnected from the server in order to avoid desync issues for others. This ping check is taken as an average.
Away from keyboard - Being inactive for over 10 minutes.
Car with trailer - Attaching a trailer to your car (not including the caravan.)
Truck with caravan - Attaching the caravan to your truck.
Headlights - Headlights must always be on between the hours of 21:00 (9 PM) - 05:00 (5 AM).Unsupported accessories - Using police accessories or any other unsupported items (Special Cargo DLC trailers for ETS 2 and ATS).
Too many trailers - Using a modified trailer combination with more than 3 parts for ETS2 or 5 parts for ATS will cause the server to kick you, regardless of location on the map.
Negative cargo mass - Using a trailer with a mass lower than 0.
Mixing vehicle items - Using car parts on a truck, truck parts on a trailer or car parts on a trailer, and vice versa for each case.
Ping - サーバーへのpingが600msを超えると、他の人のdesync(不完全同期)問題を避けるためにサーバーから切断されます。このpingチェックは平均値です。
Away from keyboard - 10分以上操作していない状態です。
Car with trailer - 車にトレーラーを取り付けている状態です。 (キャラバンは含まれていません)
Truck with caravan - トラックにキャラバンを取り付けています。
Headlights - 21:00 (PM9:00) - 05:00 (AM5:00) の間は、ヘッドライトを常に点灯していなければなりません。
Unsupported accessories - 警察のアクセサリーやその他のサポートされていないアイテムを使用しています。(ETS 2とATSのスペシャルカーゴDLCトレーラー)。
Too many trailers - ETS2では3つ以上、ATSでは5つ以上のパーツを使用した改造トレーラーを使用すると、マップ上の位置に関係なくサーバーからキックされます。
Negative cargo mass - 貨物の質量が0以下のトレーラーを使用した場合。
Mixing vehicle items - トラックに車のパーツを、トレーラーにトラックのパーツを、トレーラーに車のパーツを使用した場合と、その逆の場合があります。
§5.2 - Staff and TruckersMP (スタッフとTruckersMP)
Staff reserve the right to kick or ban you from the Truckers MP servers at any point if needed. Project Management has the right to exempt individuals from rules under special circumstances. We ask you to create a ban appeal if you are banned instead of messaging any member of the team privately. The servers, mod and staff are provided free of charge for everyone and in that sense, everyone is a guest on the servers and it is a privilege that can be removed at any time. No form of persecution or offence toward any other members or staff team members will be permitted. We reserve the right to remove your right to access the servers at any time and at our discretion. Please note that the creators of the TruckersMP mod are not linked to SCS in any way, shape, or form. TruckersMP staff can be exempted from these rules if deemed necessary for their duties.
・TruckersMP Modの作成者は、どのような方法、形でもSCSにリンクしていないことに注意してください。
§5.3 - Appealing and filing a complaint (不服申し立て及び訴状の提出)
If you have been banned, you have the right to appeal the ban at - If you feel that your ban appeal is not handled correctly or that you want to file a complaint against a staff member, use our feedback system. Prior to contacting feedback, your ban appeal must be Accepted, Modified or Declined. This feedback system is your last option. Any decision made by high ranked staff members will be final and cannot be appealed in another way. Any abuse of the feedback system can result in a ban from its use. Evidence for bans is required to be available for the duration of the ban plus 1 month. It is not possible to contact any member of the TruckersMP staff about bans that expired over a month ago.
・もしあなたがBANされている場合は、 でBANに異議を申し立てる権利があります。
§5.4 - TruckersMP assets and logo (TruckersMPのロゴと資産)
Our assets, including our logo, are copyrighted. You are allowed to use our logo accordingly to our brand guidelines.
§5.5 - Changing these rules (これらのルールの変更について)
TruckersMP can change these rules at any time given. If one of those rules does not apply anymore, the others will still do. By using our mod, you agree to all of these rules. You have no excuse that you didn't know about them.
§5.6 - Terms of Service & Privacy Policy (利用規約とプライバシーポリシー)
By agreeing to these rules, you also agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy.
§5.7 - Additional rule sets (その他の追加ルールなど)