
2020.04.21 10:01

QUEENESS初となるオリジナル曲、You're Not Alone - Stay Home and Stay Safeのトレーラーを公開しました!フルバージョンは今週末発表予定です。

(English Massage follows Japanese)




メッセンジャーや電話でメンバー同士で話し合い、1つの方向として、オリジナルを含めた楽曲をビデオで発表するということを考えました。そして、QUEENESSとしてのオリジナル曲第1作目 ” You’re Not Alone” のレコーディングが完成しました。現在ビデオの制作を行っていますが、予告編としてこの動画を公開します。



2020年4月21日 QUEENESSメンバー一同

You're Not Alone - Stay Home & Stay Safe
Music by Kazuo Shimizu
Lyrics by Yohei "Freddie" Eto
Performed and Recorded by QUEENESS
Special Thanks to Maica and Eseta Sherman

(English Message)

How are you all doing?

We, QUEENESS, would like to express our sincere gratitude to all medical people, the police and fire fighters/emergency and rescue team member, those who are working for public transportation, distribution, and the sale of daily necessities etc. In addition, We think that there are many people who still have to commute to work. Everyone, please stay safe.

Under the given circumstances, QUEENESS have been thinking about what we can and we should do. We are a "Tribute band" and performing in live-concert is the main “product” at normal times. But we think that you’d agree that we all are not in a situation where you can perform for at least a while. It's a difficult time for to meet face-to-face at a meeting, let alone doing gigs. We talked on messenger and phone, and we came up with an idea to release our original song with video. Then, the recording of this first work was completed. We are currently working on a video. We'll publish this video as a trailer.

This song is all done remotely. Composed by Kazuo Shimizu, the guitarist. He delivered basic tracks to QUEENESS members, then each member download the tracks. The members then recorded each part at their homes. And, the recorded tracks were returned to Kazuo and got “mixed”.

Yohei “Freddie” Eto wrote the lyrics. "Let's win this ‘battle’ and sing a triumph together in the sun. Until then, let's stay home. You’re not alone…" is the message. After completion, Eto’s American friends refined the lyrics.

We think you'll be able to see the finished video by this weekend. We will inform you as soon as the final video is finished. For now, please take a look at this trailer.

Please Stay Safe, You are NOT Alone!
21 April, 2020

You're Not Alone - Stay Home & Stay Safe
Music by Kazuo Shimizu
Lyrics by Yohei "Freddie" Eto
Performed and Recorded by QUEENESS
Final Mix by Kazuo Shimizu
Video by Takeshi Nishimura
Special Thanks to Maica and Eseta Sherman