✭Hindi✭ The Hate U Give
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casts Regina Hall, Amandla Stenberg
Starr Carter is a 16-year-old black girl who lives in the fictional, mostly poor black neighborhood of Garden Heights, but attends an affluent, predominantly white private school, Williamson Prep. After a gun goes off at a party Starr is attending one weekend, Starr is driven home by her childhood best friend, Khalil. On the way home, they are stopped by a white police officer. The officer has Khalil, who is black, exit the car; while outside the car, Khalil reaches inside his car via the open driver-side window to check in on Starr, and picks up a brush. The officer, thinking Khalil picked up a gun, fires three shots into Khalil, killing him. Khalil's death becomes a major national news story. Starr's identity as the witness is initially kept secret from just about everyone outside Starr's family - leaving Starr's two best friends, Hailey Grant and Maya Yang, and Starr's white boyfriend, Chris, who all attend Williamson Prep together, all unaware of Starr's connection to the news story. Having to keep this secret weighs on Starr, as does her need to keep her Williamson and Garden Heights personas separate
Runtime 133 min
writer Audrey Wells
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The Hate U Give
Премьера (МИР):
19 октября 2018
Рейтинг MPAA:
$23 000 000
Сборы (США):
$26 687 246
Рейтинг «Киномании»
6. 9
Рейтинг IMDb
6. 8
Рейтинг «КиноПоиска»
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Девушка-подросток из чёрного гетто Старр мечется между двумя мирами — своим домом в неспокойном бедном районе и благополучной школой, где она учится вместе с белыми детьми. Положение Старр осложняется, когда она становится единственной свидетельницей того, как полицейский выстрелил в её безоружного друга, подозреваемого в наркоторговле.
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Sessiz kamagra. This was the book to read in 2017, and I have to admit I kept putting off reading it. I was hesitant. First the reviews this book got were ridiculously positive, absolute rave reviews at every corner.... I thought no way can a book live up to this level of hype. Second of all, a novel discussing the Black Lives Matter Movement is in the genre of YA? I thought there is no way in hell a YA novel can properly capture the intricacy, emotions, and complexity of this topic. I assumed YA wouldn't be able to do this movement justice (I assumed wrong). And lastly just personally I knew a book about a black sixteen year old being shot by a cop was going to leave me emotionally drained, heart broken, and furious with the injustice in the world. Sometimes it is hard to force yourself to read those uncomfortable books but I think you have to in the end because its those uncomfortable books that actually transform you into a better and more understanding person. The Hate U Give is an amazing debut by Angie Thomas, this woman can write! The story follows our black protagonist Starr as she sees her childhood friend Khalil get shot by a white police officer. This happens pretty early on in the novel so the majority of this book is about the aftermath; about Starr finding her voice and lending hers to her friend that was wrongfully gunned down by a cop. I remember the first chapter Starr talks about her Dad having "the talk" with her when she was just a toddler. As a typical middle class white girl I thought oh this is 'stranger danger' conversation or the 'birds and the bees' type family discussion. NOPE, It was what to do when a cop stops you: No sudden movements, do everything they say, keep your hands where they can see them. A discussion that would never even have crossed my parents mind as middle class white people living in the suburbs. Angie Thomas does such an amazing job giving us, the readers, that feeling of unease and frankly fear towards an institution that is suppose to be there to protect us. You suddenly become very aware that behind the gun and badge is an individual with flaws and unknown bigotry. It reminded me of the movie GET OUT by Jordan Peele because he also made every white person in the audience suddenly feel extremely frightened when a cop car came on the scene. Which is not something white people are ingrained to feel. Will you feel White guilt when reading this novel? NOPE. Angie Thomas doesn't pit races against each other, or police against civilians. This book doesn't come from a place of hate. It comes from a place of open discussion. The fact one of her friends is white and completely ignorant to Starr's plight is just an example of those that don't want to venture out their privilege to be made uncomfortable by poverty. While other's like Starr's white boyfriend is desperate to be educated on everything important in his girlfriends life. Their are unfair police officers, and then their's Starr's Uncle who is a black police officer. The entire book is just Angie Thomas showing both sides of a coin. She shows the good in the police and the bad, the good in the impoverished community and the bad, the good in privileged white people and the bad. I appreciated the balance even though I just wanted Starr to start hitting the gym go through a Terminator 2 Sarah Connor transformation and murder everyone! I am so glad I finally picked up this novel. It is such well thought out debut that should be added to school curriculum across the nation! As much as I love George Orwell and Margaret Atwood I think this book is much more relevant in today's political climate. Angie Thomas shattered my stereotypes on YA novels, and I can't believe I ever doubted this novel would be anything but amazing. Highly highly recommend. I'm not kidding when I say this book should be mandatory reading. If you haven't read it, sit down, grab some tissues, and tuck into this amazing story. More Less Show More Show Less I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or law A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information is accurate, and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner Under federal law, if you knowingly misrepresent that online material is infringing, you may be subject to criminal prosecution for perjury and civil penalties, including monetary damages, court costs, and attorneys’ fees. We check all files by special algorithm to prevent their re-upload. Read Full screen.
Sessiz kalma sözleri. Average rating 4. 51 · 414, 066 ratings 51, 553 reviews | Start your review of The Hate U Give When you're reading books like The Hate U Give, you're reading someone's decision against silence. This book has made me feel every single possible emotion at the same time. It was truly incredible and I have SO MUCH to say about it I wish I could actually just send everyone a howler containing the entire script of this book instead. What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be? In all honesty, The Hate U Give has made me realize just how simply.. The truth casts a shadow over the kitchenpeople like us in situations like this become hashtags, but they rarely get justice. I think we all wait for that one time though, that one time when it ends right. Maybe this can be it. There are those books that are important and timely, worthy of reading because of the social and/or political message that they send. They fill a gap in the market; they make waves. They need to exist. And there are other books that are well-written, emotionally-charged.. This is a MUST READ for 2017 releases. I absolutely adored this book. I truly don't feel like it has a single flaw. Every topic addressed was approach so wonderfully and did not hold back. If you're looking for a diverse read that stands out amongst most YA, The Hate U Give is the book for you. I love Starr Carter so much. She's honestly such an inspiration to girls looking to find their voice. She is resilient, authentic, and everything we need in adolescents today. Although she is not.. What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be? Every white person on this planet needs to read this book. "Lack of opportunities. Corporate America don't bring jobs to our communities, and they damn sure ain't quick to hire us. Then, even if you do have a high school diploma, so many schools in our neighbourhoods don't prepare us well enough. Our schools don't get the resources to equip you. It's easier to find some crack than it is to find a good.. A hairbrush is not a gun. This doesnt make any sense. And I hope that to you, too, it will not make any sense. Starr may only be sixteen, but she has already witnessed two murders in her life: the first of a young black girl in a drive by and the second of a young black boy shot multiple times by a cop. While she was in the car. Even though they didnt do anything wrong. Even though he was unarmed. A hairbrush is not a gun. Does that make any sense to you? You cant just kill someone because, to.. This was such a heartbreakingly honest account of what is happening in America right now. As a white reader, the experience this story affords its readers cannot be taken for granted. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this book takes you into the heart of Garden Heights after the main character has witnessed the wrongful murder of her best friend Khalil by a police officers. Being Canadian, as well as being white, I have the privilege of not having to deal with any of the things Starr.. A thoughtful, honest and fantastic book. One of 2017's shining stars for sure. Highly, highly recommend. 4. 5/5 ⭐ Full review on my Blog: The Dacian She-Wolf 🐺 At an early age I learned that people make mistakes, and you have to decide if their mistakes are bigger than your love for them. CONFESSION: I saw this book, I liked its cover, but when I read the synopsis I was like uhmI dont really think this is my type of book. But I added it to my TBR pile and forgot about its existence. But here we are now. The Hate U Give. That stands for THUG, right? Well, it does because Tupac said so. The book.. Privilege is invisible to those who have it I dont know if I can say anything about this book that hasnt been said before, and better. Sometimes, a book transcends the typical criteria for a rating or review. Its not the plot, or prose, or characters that count, but the story itself. The sheer significance of the work negates any need to dwell on the details that tend to make a book what it is. This is the best example of that phenomenon I can think of. This is a story of unreal importance that came out exactly when it was needed and made.. It has taken me a long while to compose this review, because this book is the most powerful book I've ever read. It is important, educational, and happening in our world right now as you're reading this review. If you can only read one book in 2017, please pick this one. This book is inspired by the #BlackLivesMatter movement, where sixteen-year-old Starr witnesses her best friend, who is an unarmed black boy, be killed by a police officer. Starr is scared to speak up, constantly battling what.. This is one of the best audiobooks I've listened to all year. If you are considering reading this one, listen to it. You wont regret it. Wow. Just wow. In my life so far, I've had the opportunity to experience many different things, but there are certain things I'll never get/have to experience. For example, I'll never experience childbirth, not that I'm complaining, although I once had a cortisone shot in my hip flexor, and my orthopedist said she thought those hurt just as badly. (You can debate on that. ) I'm also fortunate enough that I'll never have to worry about the police viewing me as a threat as soon as they see me, just.. This has got to be one of the most hyped books in the existence of YA evers. And you know what? It is 5000% WORTHY of that hype and more and basically get thee to this book and read it as soon as possible. It perfectly combines a really important story about #BlackLivesMatter and speaking up for it with absolutely excellent writing and storytelling. Like, dude, this book is important and one of the best contemporaries. So I have to admit: the character are what makes it that just something.. Audiobook: A VERY NON-TRADITIONAL REVIEW: - just really a review... My typical days are like boot camp lately -walking between 7-10 miles a day -PLUS an hour circuit weight resistance class ( 4 mile walk to class from my house) -- then I often walk to a cafe - eat & drink something - check-in with Goodreads -- try to touch base with this community- a few 'one-on- one' chatting exchanges--during my sitting break. Sometimes I try to talk into the phone while I walk. Typos.. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Martin Luther King Jr. If you ask me there is no quote that would describe the essence of The Hate U Give better than this one. Heaven knows, to speak up for yourself and your beliefs is never easy, but if you dont do it your voice wont be heard and things will continue to go on the way they were before. Its a lesson our heroine Starr learns the hard way and its a more than just important lesson as well. I always said.. When you read a 444 page book in one day bc you cant put it down. Powerful. Yeah, I dont think I can write a review for this one other than to say everyone (of a certain age/maturity) should read this. Poignant, important and timely... congratulations, 2017 goodreads choice winner in both best YA fiction AND best debut goodreads author!! i rarely read realistic YA - if im going to read YA, i prefer fantasy or survival stuff where teens are in peril. but this was recommended to me by too many people to put aside "for later, and while there are plenty of teens in peril, this sure aint fantasy. it earns every one of its rave reviews; its an important, timely book that doesnt feel as though it was thrown together in order to cash.. "We are with you not against you We only hope you got the common sense to Realize we're unified And realize we are here to back you And not let anybody else attack you So you know we're on your side We're unified" The Mighty Mighty Bosstones The Hate That U Give is an important story about humanity. As much as we think life is "us against them" it is really "us against us". Across all races there are good and bad people, wise and reckless decisions are made, opinions formulated, etc. But, in the end,.. Wow. This book was phenomenal. it completely lived up to the hype. I have a lot of thoughts on this so here they are (keep in mind this is coming from an Asian American from the Bay Area): I loved how educational it was. It really made you understand the Black Lives Matter movement and the reality of it. It hit every single point and put you right in the middle of it. I also liked how Angie Thomas made brought up big points in really subtle ways. For example, Funny how it works with white kids.. What can you say when you've read the book of the year, and one of the books of the decade? That's what most people would say. I am going by the consensus. Personally, I didn't think this book is a masterpeice. I still don't, after some headscratching. This book is good, but is it 'To Kill a Mockingbird' good? I don't think so. There are some glitches in the book. There is an unnecessary mystery, where for the most part we don't know what really happened to Starr's friend. But as you see, I gave.. After reading this book, I can certainly see what all the uproar is about. 'The Hate U Give' addresses the very sensitive issues of race relations and police brutality in a time when the nation is torn over these issues. Most of my friends are at one extreme or the other when it comes to the #Blacklivesmatter movement. Since I don't want to incite an online mobbing, I'm going to do my best to avoid that movement specifically, while sharing my thoughts and opinions on this wonderful book. First of.. Wow, talk about a book that can hit you with every emotion possible. Starr's character was so well written that every time she had to interact with her high school friends I cringed at their responses. This is an incredibly powerful book, not just for its political message but for the internal conflict Starr is struggling with. The story was so much deeper than that initial conflict, it really dug into who Starr is and why she feels guilty even though the reader is screaming at the pages "You.. More like a 4. 5:). I loved this book so much. It made me see things from a different perspective. It educated me. For all the white people who said this book was racist, let me tell you one thing: racism was invented by white people. You can feel prejudiced or discriminated against, but dont call it racism. Im a biracial person - hi my dads familys from Vietnam. And as a biracial person I found this book quite hard to read sometimes mostly because of all the comments on interracial relationships. But now again, the way I have to deal with racism isnt the same way Black people have to deal with it, so.. UPDATE DEC 4/5, 2017 Yesterday I found out that this book has been banned in a Texas school district (Katy ISD). And honestly??? Im so angry right now. Yall probably dont know this, but I was born and currently live in Texas (hence my use of the word yall), so Im just extremely!! frustrated!! with the state I call home!!!! The hypothetical reasons for this ban are really, truly, insanely stupid. They say that it might be because of sexual contentsex was literally mentioned only TWICE in this.. whats the point of having a voice if youre gonna be silent in those moments you shouldnt be? this book is an important and necessary portrait of culture and community, as well as a much needed inspection of the injustice of racism and violence. its a hard-hitting story about a difficult subject which spares no courtesy in regards to the readers feelings. this book will make you uncomfortable and angry and sorrowful. it will make you re-evaluate how you see the world, others, and yourself. and.. While attending a Spring Break party, high schooler, Starr Carter, runs into her childhood best friend, Khalil. They haven't seen each other in a while and Starr is happy to catch up with him. They used to be real close but drifted apart once Starr started attending a private school out of their neighborhood. After a violent incident erupts, Khalil offers to give Starr a ride home, which she accepts. On the way, they get pulled over. A nightmarish scene then plays out in front of Starr's eyes... The hate you send out into the world... it always comes back. In this novel we learn the story of "Starr Carter", a young african american girl who lives in the poor and dangerous suburbs of Garden Hights, and one of the only color people in a privileged school. One fateful night, after leaving a party, she and a friend are stopped in a random police vehicle stop. A death will change young Starr's life forever, and, ultimately, the life of everyone in her neighborhood. A very, very memorable..
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