youtube Download Movie A Quiet Place
Genre Drama;
Audience score 376290 votes;
Country USA;
Stars Emily Blunt;
Release Year 2018.
A quiet place izle.
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Could've been a good movie, but instead it was just terrible. I filmed sketches as a 10 year old that made more sense than this.
Tried to give it a chance after every utterly stupid part, but when the baby was finally born I was just done. What do you know, the quietest baby in the world, born without vocal chords. Except he wasn't.
They seriously couldn't whisper in their house? But they can walk around. Brilliant.
Loved the so so clever part of giving morse code to the radio. Damn, I was so impressed! The clicking of the device made more sound than a quiet whisper!
And the baby being brought to life when they can't even make a small
Later on in the movie it turns out, they have a sound proof room in the house after all! Sealed with a mattress just laying there. So they rather spend their time in constant danger not talking to each other than in the room they are so very safe.
Felt like I was watching a movie made by a 5-year-old trying to be clever. This movie is so bad. I was about to give this movie a 2 stars for the idea. But I changed my mind, it doesn't even deserve that.
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