Curiosity Stream Doctor Sleep Full Movie
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release Year: 2019
Runtime: 2hours 32 min
Mike Flanagan, Stephen King
liked it: 99195 Votes.
I'll admit that when "Doctor Sleep" was announced I was skeptical: how can anybody possibly make a film that lives up to "The Shining, one of the greatest horror movies ever made? But having finally seen "Doctor Sleep" I'm won over: this movie is an absolute blast. It isn't perfect by any means - it's maybe 20 minutes too long and the ending didn't fully work. But I was blown away by the incredible performances (especially from Ewan McGregor and Kyliegh Curran) engaging story, and the flawless incorporation of Kubrick's visual style into a fresh and enjoyable sequel.
"Doctor Sleep" does what every follow-up needs to do: it builds upon the world established by the first movie and goes off in new directions while staying true to the spirit of its predecessor. So much effort was put into developing the original characters while updating them for a new generation without becoming a retread of old material. By the end, I truly cared about Dan Torrance even more than I did while watching the original, and I came to love new characters just as much. In particular, Rebecca Ferguson plays a great villain who's menacing without going over the top like many horror antagonists. Also, look for Henry Thomas (Eliot from "E.T. in a surprise role that I won't dare spoil.
"Doctor Sleep" shouldn't have been this good. But it is. This is a horror movie done right. 8/10.
Although a bit long and at times tedious, Mike Flanagan makes a good attempt to connect two visions of the same story: King's and Kubrick's. However, although King was happy with the result, references to Kubrick's work are left over, so much so that in the film we can see in flashes Jack Nicholson and another actor who looks like Jack Nicholson. When the movie moves forward without relying on the previous movie "it shines" it is when it tries to emulate what Kubrick did when the panorama is clouded. It is appreciated to see the inventiveness of Flanagan in the different sequences of "astral travel" and especially in the way he guided Mc Gregor and Ferguson who perform very convincing performances.
In general it is very enjoyable, although I think it was left over half an hour.
My favorite part: The baseball boy.
Interesting throughout. Borders on a superhero film but keeps in touch with the real world. Great performance by ewan McGregor.
Definitely swayed away from the horror genre. Very few scares.