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105320 votes;
star=Josh Gad;
7,6 / 10;
Chris Buck.
Stan Lee last filmed cameo was in ENDGAME that movie was the best to finish it off captain marvel on the other hand was old used audio and cgi to make stan lee R.I.P EDIT: I was wrong the last FILMED CAMEO was captian marvel but ENDGAME was the last RELEASED CAMEO.
Anyone notice the line “well arent you curious?” when that spirit thing went in and out their clothes lol. I wish Iduna was my mother. We want a short film on Anna and christoff's marriage ceremony too. I love you anna.
I just realized that this was released a hour ago
Get woke go broke! This movie was also a complete rip off of Green Lantern even the NIN shirt was ripped off from Green Lantern, they should of stuck to her actual origin story.
When Anna says “i like you better in leather” to kristoff. we love kinky queen lmao
0:38 Corona killing half of humanity since humans cant clean the earth themselves. Watched it on Apple TV. The HD price was cheaper. IMO this movie was near the bottom compared to other entries in the MCU. Character development was poor. Protagonists character development was left way too late in the movie. Then theres the inconsistent application of her powers, a twist that wasnt given the gravitas it should have given the rest of movie. Youngifying effects on Fury and Coulson were really good though. And as usual, visuals were top notch.
Disney's best magic- frozen 2 Who agrees... Press the like button.
I'm just a girl who's happy when it rains on my celebrity skin.
If Frozen II can be summed up in one sentence, it would be this: it doesn't quite hit the same skyrocketing highs of the first Frozen, but it also doesn't hit the same nagging lows.
The animation is phenomenal, definitely an improvement over the first movie (not that the first had bad animation or anything. Possibly the most incredible animation put out by Disney ever.
Most of the characters are wonderful. Elsa is a much better character this time around, and the relationship between Elsa and Anna is genuinely beautiful here. Olaf's comic relief was sometimes hit-or-miss, but he's funny for the most part. The only character let down was that Kristoff and Sven had way less purpose than the first Frozen, which was a bit disappointing. The new characters are all decent as well.
The music is very well done, but not quite as catchy as the first Frozen, which is okay. Elsa's new song is stunning and catchy though, and in my opinion, is right up there with Let It Go.
The only weaker part of the movie is the story. I'm one of the few people who actually thinks the story is passable. Neither of the Frozen movies have great stories, but I have to give the edge to the first one. Something that I really did like is that the story of Frozen II is much darker and more emotional than the first, which captivated my attention slightly more.
Elsa's powers are also somewhat explained in this movie. I won't spoil it, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting, and it still leaves some unanswered questions. I guess it'll all get answered in the next movie.
Overall, Frozen II is quite good and enjoyable. Disney has a habit of making bad sequels, but this one is definitely a good movie, and definitely the best Disney sequel ever made. If you liked the first Frozen, you'll like this one too. The story isn't great, but the animation, characters and music make up for it.
Was anyone eles more worried about the cat then the people. At least the Rock had relatives on the It. rOcKs Edit: wow. This has to be the most overrated comment ever😂.
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