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Couchtuner™ The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Free Stream

2020.05.02 20:22

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Average Ratings: 9,2 of 10 star. . Director: Nick Morris. genres: Romance. 137 Min. 2011. If you can't go see it live, this DVD is an excellent substitute. Though nothing compares to the live experience, this is a life saver for people like me who live in places where traveling productions of this caliber are few and far between. Little else can be said in it's favor simply because this is the genuine Lloyd Webber Phantom in all it's phantomy goodness, that alone ought to sell the product.
The special ending is almost tear-jerking for longtime fans of the show. It was unreal to see the epic guest appearances, albeit mildly somber by the obvious lack of Mr. Barton, may the generous and kind gentleman rest in peace.
As for the quality of the performances specifically, the vast majority were as wonderful and memorable as fans have come to expect from this show. Lovely, witty, perfectly pitched. I have only two complaints and bear in mind that these are merely my personal opinion and I hope that you go out and grab this DVD and judge for yourself.
I thought the character of Raoul seemed more pushy and abrasive, more like the Love Never Dies version, less like the romantic "hero" of Phantom. And as for the title role, although Ramin is a phenomenal singer who has played this role so successfully for so long, I found this particular performance of his to be more shouting and less singing, unwittingly conjuring up horrible visions of Gerard Butler's teeny bopper Phantom, much to my distaste. With significantly more emotion to his acting, of course.
All in all, those little complaints do very little to bring down the quality of this DVD. If you don't already own this, why in the world are you still reading reviews in IMDb? Go buy it.

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The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Free stream. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall free stream site. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall free stream live. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Free streams. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall free stream online.

I always play the drums in the air in the beginning at 0:25 - best part. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Free stream new. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Free stream new albums. I was in that performance and the whole Albert Hall knew it, these were not first time fisitors but afficionados. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall free stream movies. By far the best Christine and Phantom... I get chills every time I hear them 😍.

Its good and than i see the phantoms cape sparkle and it ruins it

I lowkey want Brendon Urie to sing this. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Free streaming. What's the outro song. Where is Michael Crawford the number one Phantom of The Opera. I think I was 9 or 10 somewhere around there when i first saw this and Moulin Rouge... My sister fell for Moulin Rouge and I fell for Phantom of The Opera. My sister loved the chaotic, dangerous love and I was more of a fan of dark, sensual, hypnotic love. I know Christine didn't end up with Erik and it broke my heart, still does to this day. I understand what was wrong with Erik almost possessing Christine with music and beautiful words of a dark love. Whereas Raoul was more of cute, childhood love; that he only wanted to protect and cherish Christine.

The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall free stream full. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Free stream.nbcolympics. Kinda ruined it by having Butler singing at the end :p. Dear The Shows Must Go On: please give us more Évita.
