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1337x Download Full Inglourious Basterds

2020.05.03 05:32


nonton film




Directed by=Quentin Tarantino. . countries=USA. Star=Diane Kruger, Eli Roth. 153Min. Writed by=Quentin Tarantino. The ass Face of shoshanna its awesome. Sally Menke was the editor of the a very funny and creative way to keep her company while she edits the film. Harvey Weinstein? insert RedLetterMedia slide whistle. Man what a sexy gentleman there! With all due respect, Mr. Waltz. I like his voice ! As a french, I like the fact that he used his real voice to do the french voice on the french version. Looks like in some way, the villain does win. But at a price, of course.

And I want my scalpes. No one seems to talk about how at the end it cant be a dream since he was never able to see his kids faces in his dream, he wasnt able to call out to them but since at the end he was finally able to see them it was reality, also the father was in it and he is only scenes in which Cobb is not dreaming, if you dont believe me look it up. Lol when all the people died in the bar I was so confused. So did everyone die? There were like three main characters there.

I want to watch this movie again.

Tarantino's master piece.

When he says „bravery“ the music fits so damn good. Still gives me goosebumps every time.

Wonder who would have won if he was against Heath Ledger's Joker the year prior. Both performances of villains were stellar and iconic.

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This movie was/is a masterpiece. Christoph waltz best actor ever. I really love that the cast and crew made this outtake so adorable and genuine. RIP Sally Menke. WatCH,Inglour*ious& B'asterds,fulL,moVIe,vietsub,hd Looking. Inglourious Basterds Movie English Full Watch Online. Mélanie Laurent is absolutely beautiful. Love this girl. Ironic how in Django Unchained he played the enlightened Dr King Schultz, also a German, the most unracist individual movie cinema has ever portrayed.


The kid who reminds the teacher there's homework. To think this was almost Adam Sandler. Scalp Hermann. NEIN, I remember being 8 when I saw this and Wowwie that theatre massacre scene sure did traumatized me for a few hours 😂😂😂.


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