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∥YouTube Free Movie Online Call Me by Your Name

2020.05.03 23:09

Audience Score=187941 Vote

release Year=2017

Cast=Armie Hammer

8,5 / 10


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My favorite movie along with Rocketman. Don't go anywhere, stay right here you know i'm not going anywhere walks 20 steps.

Watched this today. It was so good. I love it so much. The ending made me want to cry. So good. 💕.


Im crying. To me, independent movies are sooooo much more intense, interesting and makes them the best movies of all time. A good example is this CMBYN <3. This reminded me of the scene between Captain Von Trapp and Maria when they are about to profess their love for one another and then proceed to sing Something Good, same dreamy scenario. I don't know if subconsciously, Luca is alluding this scene to that scene in The Sound of Music.

It almost feels as like in another universe/lifetime, they would be exactly like their characters in the movie. Its so beautiful to see the ppl behind the camera. Cant Even stress How this movie Made me feel. Elio elio I remember everything. My heart hurts so much 😭. You know I'm not going anywhere. oh god ♥️. When Oliver answered back, Oh, Oliver. I literally screamed out loud and I yelled OH C'MON They both sounded. I freakin love when oliver is out the song starts and when he is in the song stops. It's like I see elio's dream. I was crying myself to sleep after ive watched the hole movie. Its the greatest and saddest movie ive ever watched.

This interviewer seems so nervous. makes it hard to watch even though i love these two. I wish they were in love with each other in real life too. 2:24 : And it was incredibly ANALOGOUS to what happened in the movie...

This scene is a true is perfect

This is a war movie that may be as good as Apocalyse Now though the focus is far narrower. I watched this movie for the first time yesterday and this scene has stuck with me! It hurts so much. Will they ever get asked about something other than the sex scenes though. If you watch the moment Elio says I miss you., he touches his hand to his body - I know it's Timothee acting, but that's classic body language for self-comfort - as if hugging oneself to feel safe or to provide oneself with support. Perhaps it subconsciously Elio misses being held by Oliver and combined the sound of his lover's voice with the sensation of being held. Whatever it is, we've all been there and it's devastating.

This film astounded me. I'm a young viewer, who has been in love before and this film took me back. It took me back to all the emotions I felt during the different stages. It made me remember summer and warmth, but also the harsh dread of the impending cold. This film left me in tears, for hours on. I can't flaw it. Reading the book is now my top priority, I'm really routing for Timothee Chalamet's oscar nomination to be a win, his performance revealed such passion and raw raw emotion it left me breathless. This film deserves awards, and so so much recognition. Amazing.

Elio Elio Elio Elio. Oliver? I waiting for find me but italy is not available damn it covid19. A passion story resembles Death in Venice as a matter of fact. The film gives a good sense of exclusion. I would recommend to those who want to watch different love story. Definitely my favorite movie of the year, possibly of all time. I just want to watch it over and over.

Those neck kisses get me every time. I loved Elios relationship with his parents. Not all teens are disconnected from their parents rebellious all the time. I liked the mutual respect and love they had for each other throughout the whole movie. This movie is about a retreat, but I can't deny the fact of some of the most heroic moments in WWII combat arenas, like the civilian boat owners going into harms way to ferry home their troops, the very few Spitfire pilots grossly outnumbered but fighting on to the end, and the one pilot that continued protecting his brothers on the ground, even when he no longer had fuel in the tank. Another amazing gesture was from Commander Branagh who stayed behind honoring the sacrifice of the Frech soldiers that wouldn't abandon or surrender their fighting positions until all the Britt's were safely away. Vive La France! Kind of brings back the speech by King Harry, how does it go. gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Do you mind? Oliver didn't call just to give the news. He wanted to be stopped. And I think of that line in the book where Elio regrets. I should, could, have seized him. Personally, I analyze this scene as something that's truly beautiful in how it portrays the queer love experience. Nothing's ever clear. They speak in code, and later talk about the small signals they pass on to each other like Oliver touching Elio on the shoulder. In my experience, that's gay language without words! That's how it is! You try to send signals to the other see if they catch on. Then you wait for their signal back. Did you miss it? Are they missing your signal. The way he said: you know what things. omgg.

This scene is so intense! Just look at the way Elio is breathing, he seems nervous, anxious because he's happy and nostalgic at the same time. I do hope Timothee gets the Oscar he deserves so much. He's a talented promising young actor, no doubt about that. This disgraceful film is beautifully filmed and acted. That makes it all the worse as it celebrates an older grad student sexually preying on a 17 year old boy and depicts a Jewish family in the ugliest light possible. Absolutely despicable.

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