Free Full Black Panther no sign up 1080i(hd) tt1825683 BDRIP
creator - Stan Lee
user ratings - 8 / 10
Genres - Sci-Fi
Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong'o
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The movie itself is fine, well-made, but nothing out of the ordinary. Marvel fans will love this one, since Black Panther is a well-developed character. Plus, the villain got more personal screen time, so for me it's one of the best villain of the MCU made thus far.
The overload of jokes was toned down for this movie, which i think its a really good for two reasons: It fits the moral of the story, and previous marvel movies were full-on comedies, with not so great humor.
So Marvel fan will have a blast, and im sure this movie will pick a large audience, not only Marvel Fans. It's a great action flick, with a great soundtrack too ! It's just not different from what you have already seen.
It's good, go see it if you are interested, otherwise I don't think you will enjoy it, and will be rather disapointed with all the good reviews its getting (87/100 on metacritic. I enjoyed it more than previous and recent Marvel movies, but I dont think it's the best marvel movie at all (like the praise its getting.